lamawithonel / pupmod-simp-compliance_markup

Compliance-mapping hooks for Puppet code

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Table of Contents


This module adds a function compliance_map() to the Puppet language. The compliance_map() function provides the ability for users to compare their in-scope class parameters against a set of compliant parameters, either in Hiera or at the global scope. Users may also provide custom inline policy documentation and mapping documentation.

The goal of this module is to make it easier for users to both detect, and report on, deviations from a given policy inside their Puppet codebase.

Module Description

This module provides the function compliance_map() and a compliance_markup class for including the functionality into your stack at the global level.

A utility for converting your old compliance_map() Hiera data has also been included in the utils directory.


A utility script, compliance_map_migrate has been included in the utils directory of the module to upgrade your old compliance data to newer formats.

At minimum, you must pass to the script a compliance profile to migrate, the version of the API it was compatible with, and the version you wish to migrate it to. For instance, to upgrade a compliance map from API 0.0.1 to 1.0.0:

ruby compliance_map_migrate -i /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/simp/hieradata/compliance_profiles/nist_800_53_rev4.yaml -s 0.0.1 -d 1.0.0

Please validate that the migrated YAML files work as expected prior to deploying them into production.


What compliance_markup affects

By default, the compliance_map() function creates a set of reports, one per node, on your Puppet Server at /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/simp/compliance_reports/<fqdn>.

You may optionally enable the creation of a File resource on each of your clients if you wish to have changes in this data automatically exported into PuppetDB.


The compliance_map() function provides a mechanism for mapping compliance data to settings in Puppet and should be globally activated by including the compliance_markup class.

It is primarily designed for use in classes to validate that parameters are properly set but may also be used to perform a full compliance report against multiple profiles across your code base at compile time.

When the compliance_markup class is included, the parameters in all in-scope classes and defined types will be evaluated against top level parameters, lookup() values, or Hiera data, in that order.

The variable space against which the parameters will be evaluated must be structured as the following hash:

  compliance_map :
    <compliance_profile> :
      <class_name>::<parameter> :
        'identifiers' :
        - 'ID String'
        'value'      : 'Compliant Value'
        'notes'      : 'Optional Notes'

For instance, if you were mapping to NIST 800-53 in the SSH class, you would use something like the following:

  compliance_map :
    nist_800_53 :
      ssh::permit_root_login :
        'identifiers' :
        - 'CCE-1234'
        'value'      : false

Alternatively, you may use the compliance_map() function to add compliance data to your modules outside of a parameter mapping. This is useful if you have more advanced logic that is required to meet a particular internal requirement.

NOTE: The parser does not know what line number and, possibly, what file the function is being called from based on the version of the Puppet parser being used.

The following parameters may be used to add your own compliance data:

:compliance_profile => 'A String, or Array, that denotes the compliance
                        profile(s) to which you are mapping.'
:identifiers        => 'An array of identifiers for the policy to which you
                        are mapping.'
:notes              => 'An *optional* String that allows for arbitrary notes to
                        include in the compliance report'

Report Format

The compliance report is formatted as follows (YAML Representation):

# The API version of the report
version: "1.0.1"
fqdn: "my.system.fqdn"
hostname: "my"
ipaddress: ""
puppetserver_info: "my.puppet.server"
      compliant: 80
      non_compliant: 20
      percent_compliant: 80
      documented_missing_resources: 2
      documented_missing_parameters: 1

              - ID 1
              - ID 2
            compliant_value: 'foo'
            system_value: 'foo'

              - ID 3
              - ID 4
            compliant_value: 'bar'
            system_value: 'baz'

      - missing_class_one
      - missing_class_two

      - "classname::param2"

        location: "file.pp:123"
          - My ID

  completely: random user input


The compliance_markup class may take a number of options which must be passed as a Hash.


Default: [ 'non_compliant', 'unknown_parameters', 'custom_entries' ]

A String, or Array that denotes which types of reports should be generated.

Valid Types:

  • full: The full report, with all other types included.
  • non_compliant: Items that differ from the reference will be reported.
  • compliant: Compliant items will be reported.
  • unknown_resources: Reference resources without a system value will be reported.
  • unknown_parameters: Reference parameters without a system value will be reported.
  • custom_entries: Any one-off custom calls to compliance_map will be reported.


Default: None

A valid Hash that will be converted as passed and emitted into your node compliance report.

This can be used to add site-specific or other information to the report that may be useful for post-processing.


Default: false

A Boolean which, if set, will place a copy of the report on the client itself. This will ensure that PuppetDB will have a copy of the report for later processing.


Default: true

A Boolean which, if set, will store a copy of the report on the Server.


Default: Puppet[:vardir]/simp/compliance_reports

An Absolute Path that specifies the location on


Default: Puppet[:vardir]/simp/compliance_reports

An Absolute Path that specifies the location on the server where the reports should be stored.

A directory will be created for each FQDN that has a report.


Default: false

A Boolean which, if set, will dump a compatible compliance_map of all resources and defines that are in the current catalog.

This will be written to server_report_dir/<client_fqdn> as catalog_compliance_map. Old versions will be overwritten.

NOTE: This is an experimental feature and subject to change without notice.


The full module reference can be found in the module docs and in the local docs/ directory.

Example 1 - Standard Usage


class foo (
  $var_one => 'one',
  $var_two => 'two'
) {
  notify { 'Sample Class': }

$compliance_profile = 'my_policy'

include '::foo'
include '::compliance_markup'


  - 'yaml'
  :datadir: '/path/to/your/hieradata'


# In file /path/to/your/hieradata/global.yaml
compliance_map :
  my_policy :
    foo::var_one :
      'identifiers' :
      'value' : 'one'

Example 2 - Custom Compliance Map

if $::circumstance {
  compliance_map('my_policy','POLICY_SECTION_ID','Note about this section')
  ...code that applies POLICY_SECTION_ID...


This module also contains an experimental Hiera backend that can be used to enforce compliance profile settings on any module when it is included. It uses the compliance_markup::enforcement array to determine the profiles to use, and which profiles take priority.

Both a legacy v3 backend, and a modern Hiera v5 backend have been provided. It is highly recommended to use the Hiera v5 backend if the puppet agent on your puppetservers are 4.9 or higher.

v5 Backend Configuration

version: 5
  - name: Compliance
    lookup_key: compliance_markup::enforcement
  - name: Common
    path: default.yaml
  data_hash: yaml_data
  datadir: "/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/hieradata"

v3 Backend Configurationa

  - yaml
  - simp_compliance_enforcement
  :datadir: "/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/%{environment}/hieradata"
  :datadir: "/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/%{environment}/hieradata"
  - default
:logger: console

Configuring profiles to enforce

To enforce disa stig + nist, with disa stig compliance settings taking priority, add the following to your hiera data files. This will work like any hiera setting, so you can set enforcement based on any factor, including host, hostgroup, kernel or specfic os version.

compliance_markup::enforcement: [ 'disa_stig', 'nist_800_53_rev4' ]


Depending on the version of Puppet being used, the compliance_map() function may not be able to precisely determine where the function has been called and a best guess may be provided.


Patches are welcome to the code on the SIMP Project Github account. If you provide code, you are guaranteeing that you own the rights for the code or you have been given rights to contribute the code.

Acceptance tests

To run the tests for this module perform the following actions after installing bundler:

bundle update
bundle exec rake spec
bundle exec rake beaker:suites


Running rake pkg:rpm[...] will develop an RPM that is designed to be integrated into a SIMP environment. This module is not restricted to, or dependent on, the SIMP environment in any way.


Compliance-mapping hooks for Puppet code



Language:Ruby 94.7%Language:Puppet 5.3%