laithnurie / architecture

Sample architecture

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sample application architecture

  • This project is MVVM/MVI based with a unidirectional flow. A single data class stored in the ViewModel is used to represent a view state. The ViewModel accepts actions to be performed which are then 'transformed' to execute use-cases. The result from the use-cases are then 'reduced' by updating the current state with the new state which is observed by the view.

  • Groupie is used heavily to create re-useable, consistent, performant UI components that make creating both static and dynamic screens quick and easy.

  • The app primarily uses Kotlin, Dagger, Architecture Components, Coroutines and Groupie.

  • The architecture leans on modularization where it makes sense to keep code tightly scoped.

Module architecture

lib-* - These are discrete pieces of functionality or 'horizontals' bundled as an Android library.

feature-* - These are complete features or 'verticals' that may rely on several libraries.

base - This contains base classes that may be used across libraries or features.

app - Contains the application class and defines the apps entry point and dependency graph.

Package architecture

datasource - This is where data sources live, i.e. network, database, shared preferences, etc.

repository - Abstracts away data sources, allowing data sources to change easily without consumers of the repository being affected. Caching strategies can also be defined here.

usecase - Contains use-cases which perform domain specific business logic.

injection - Contains dependency injection classes.

model - Contains model data classes.

viewmodel - Executes use-cases from actions as well as retains and exposes the view state.

view - Contains view logic, typically fragments/activities/services, etc.

viewslice - Contains discrete pieces of view logic which can be consumed by views (mainly useful when you need to re-use view logic with lifecycle).

extension - Contains extension classes.

Naming convention standards

Git Branches

  • Features: feature/EXAMPLE-{ticket_number}_{short_description_of_feature} i.e. feature/EXAMPLE-1_hello_world
  • Bug-fix: fix/EXAMPLE-{ticket_number}_{short_description_of_bug} i.e. fix/EXAMPLE-2_settings_crash
  • Spike: spike/EXAMPLE-{ticket_number}_{short_description_of_spike} i.e. spike/EXAMPLE-3_dark_theme

XML resource ID's - {feature}_{component_type}_{description} i.e. settings_image_error


Sample architecture


Language:Kotlin 100.0%