laghoule / cilium-labs

Local Cilium testing playground

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cilium labs

You want to play / test with Cilium functionality, but don't known where to start, look no further, here's a easy path!


Install local Kubernetes cluster with Kind

Retrieve your local IP address (assuming only 1 NIC with IP configured):

$ hostname -I | awk {'print $1'}

Configure Kind to use your IP address (edit kind-cilium.yaml). This is needed for our kube-proxy less Cilium installation. Cilium can replace kube-proxy, so we fully use all the functionality.

⚠️ This will bind the API server to your local IP, and is a security risk.

$ kind create cluster --config=kind-cilium.yaml
$ docker pull
$ kind load docker-image

This will create a cluster of 4 nodes:

  • 1 control-plane
  • 3 workers

Install Cilium

We use helm to install Cilium:

$ helm repo add cilium
$ helm upgrade --install cilium cilium/cilium --version 1.12.6  --namespace kube-system -f helm-values.yaml

Testing Cilium installation

$ cilium connectivity test
ℹ️  Monitor aggregation detected, will skip some flow validation steps
✨ [kind-kind] Creating namespace cilium-test for connectivity check...
✨ [kind-kind] Deploying echo-same-node service...
✨ [kind-kind] Deploying DNS test server configmap...
✨ [kind-kind] Deploying same-node deployment...
✨ [kind-kind] Deploying client deployment...
✨ [kind-kind] Deploying client2 deployment...
✨ [kind-kind] Deploying echo-other-node service...
✨ [kind-kind] Deploying other-node deployment...

Testing Hubble installation

Hubble is enabled in the helm values, you can test with:

$ cilium hubble port-forward &
$ hubble status
Healthcheck (via localhost:4245): Ok
Current/Max Flows: 14,896/16,380 (90.94%)
Flows/s: 40.94
Connected Nodes: 4/4


You are now ready to play with Cilium. A good introduction to Cilium / Hubble is via the demo here:

Have a good day!


Local Cilium testing playground

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal