ladnik / brainASM

An interpreter for the esoteric programming language brainfuck, written in assembly. Included is a translation to the most excellent programming language MemeAssembly.

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[WIP] brainASM


This repository is currently being worked on. Stuff may break and not work as advertised.

This project is an interpreter for the esoteric programming language brainfuck, written in assembly. Included is a translation to the most excellent programming language MemeAssembly.

If you have any questions regarding this project or ideas on improving it, feel free to contact me.


Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language created in 1993 by Urban Müller. Notable for its extreme minimalism, the language consists of only eight simple commands, a data pointer and an instruction pointer. While it is fully Turing complete, it is not intended for practical use, but to challenge and amuse programmers. [Wikipedia]


In this project, two memory ranges are reserved: input and cells. The input brainfuck string is provided via stdin with a maximum buffer size of 10k characters. For each cell one byte of memory is reserved, in total there is space for 10k cells. These constants are defined as INPUT_SIZE and CELL_COUNT, respectively. As Brainfuck has a very limited number of commands (8 in total: < > + - , . [ ]), a switch-like comparision is used to perform the desired actions. Characters not defined as commands will be ignored. The instruction pointer is stored in EAX, the cell pointer in EBX.

Further details are explained in the code's comments.


Provide the brainfuck program to stdin, output will be sent do stdout.

I just wanna run this without much of a hassle

Compile it online via [myCompiler]

Compiling locally

Build your own executable locally with NASM and GNU Linker:

  • brainasm.asm:
nasm -f elf64 -o asm/object_a.o asm/brainasm.asm && ld -o asm/out_a asm/object_a.o
  • brainasm_stack.asm
nasm -f elf64 -o asm/object_b.o asm/brainasm_stack.asm && ld -o asm/out_b asm/object_b.o
  • brainasm_stack.memeasm:
memeasm -o memeasm/out_c memeasm/brainasm_stack.memeasm


Examples can be found in /examples/. These can be passed to the interpreter like so:

cat examples/helloworld.b | ./asm/out_a
  • Hello World

Output: Hello World!

  • The mathematical constant e

Note: Has to be manually terminated. []

Output: 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775...

  • Sierpiński triangle


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An interpreter for the esoteric programming language brainfuck, written in assembly. Included is a translation to the most excellent programming language MemeAssembly.


Language:Assembly 100.0%