l7mp / mc-wan

Multi-cluster SD-WAN east-west gateway

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A Multi-cluster SD-WAN east-west gateway

The goal of this project is to build an east-west (EW) gateway to seamlessly interconnect two or more service-mesh clusters over an SD-WAN fabric, integrating the L4/L7 traffic management policies on the service-mesh side with the L3/L4 policies on the SD-WAN interconnect, as well as the observability and the security functions, for a consistent end-to-end user experience.

Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. User stories
  3. Service-level traffic management
  4. L7 traffic management
  5. Resiliency
  6. Observability
  7. Getting started
  8. License


The idea is to provide consistent end-to-end traffic management, security and observability features across a multi-cluster service mesh deployment interconnected by an SD-WAN fabric.

Multi-cluster service-mesh/SD-WAN integration architecture

The plan is to realize this goal as follows:

  • Services between clusters are exported/imported using the Multi-cluster Services API (KEP-1645) CRDs, extended with a set of annotations to control SD-WAN routing policies.
  • The import/export policies are rendered into regular Kubernetes Gateway API CRDs and implemented on top of a standard Kubernetes gateway implementation.
  • The EW gateways exchange inter-cluster traffic in a way so that the SD-WAN fabric interconnecting the clusters can classify the traffic to/from different services into distinct traffic classes and deliver the required service level to each traffic class as specified by the operator.
  • L7 policies, with SD-WAN-related semantics, can be added by the user to control the way traffic egresses from, and ingresses into, a cluster.

We default to pure unencrypted HTTP throughout for simplicity. It is trivial to enforce encryption by rewriting all rules to HTTPS.

User stories

We envision the following use cases.

  • Service-level SD-WAN policies. The payment.secure HTTP service (port 8080), deployed into cluster-1, serves sensitive data, so the service owner in cluster-1 wants to secure access to this service, by forcing all queries/responses to this service to be sent over the SD-WAN interconnect in the fastest and most secure way. At the same time, the logging.insecure service serves less-sensitive bulk traffic, so the corresponding traffic exchange defaults to the Internet.

  • SD-WAN aware L7 traffic management. Same scenario as above, but now only GET queries to the http://payment.secure:8080/payment API endpoint are considered sensitive, access to http://payment.secure:8080/stats is irrelevant (defaults to the Internet), and any other access to the service is denied.

  • Resiliency: One of the clusters goes down. The EW gateways automatically initiate a circuit-breaking for the failed EW-gateway endpoint and retry all failed connections to another cluster where healthy backends are still running.

  • Monitoring: Operators want end-to-end monitoring across the clusters. EW-gateways add a spanid header to all HTTP(S) traffic exchanged over the SD-WAN interconnect to trace requests across the service-mesh clusters and the SD-WAN.

Service-level traffic management

In the simplest model, the service owner can associate SD-WAN policies at the level of each distinct Kubernetes service, but there is no way to impose additional L7-level SD-WAN policies on top. This basic model will then be extended to a fully-fledged L7 model later.

WAN policies

Each global service can have a WAN policy associated with it (see below). The SD-WAN policies are defined by a CRD named WANPolicy.mcw.l7mp.io. The format of this CRD is completely unspecified for now; below is a sample that is enough for the purposes of this note. At this point the best option seems to be if we make these CRDs cluster-global, to avoid that WAN policies installed into different namespaces somehow end up conflicting.

apiVersion: mcw.l7mp.io/v1alpha1
kind: WANPolicy
name: sd-wan-priority-high
  tunnel: business
  port: 31111
    jitter-ms: 50
    latency-ms: 100
    loss-percent: 1
apiVersion: mcw.l7mp.io/v1alpha1
kind: WANPolicy
  name: sd-wan-priority-low
  tunnel: default
  port: 31112
    jitter-ms: 1000
    latency-ms: 1000
    loss-percent: 100

Note that the same WANPolicy CRs must exist on all clusters attached to the clusterset and they must specify the same SLAs/ports.

Service export

In order to allow access from other clusters, a service has to be explicitly exported from the hosting cluster.

Suppose that in the exporting cluster the payment service is defined as follows. Note that the resultant FQDN for the service will be payment.secure.svc.cluster.local.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: payment
  namespace: secure
    app: payment
  - port: 8080
    protocol: TCP

One can use the ServiceExport.multicluster.k8s.io CRD from the similarly named CRD from the Multi-cluster Services API for controlling exported services. The only difference is that our ServiceExports can contain additional annotations to encode the SD-WAN policy assigned by the service owner to the exported service.

One possible way to do that is to explicitly specify the SD-WAN tunnel we want the service to be assigned to. Below is sample ServiceExport for exporting the payment.secure service from cluster-1 over the SD-WAN tunnel sd-wan-priority-high.

apiVersion: multicluster.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: ServiceExport
  name: payment
  namespace: secure
    mcw.l7mp.io/mc-wan-policy: sd-wan-priority-high

The name/namespace of the ServiceExport must the same as that of the service to be exported. The SD-WAN policy is specified using the mcw.l7mp.io/mc-wan-policy: sd-wan-priority-high annotation; this selects the tunnel associated with the sd-wan-priority-high SD-WAN policy for exchanging all traffic of the payment.secure service across the SD-WAN. The SD-WAN policies will be specified by a separate CRD below. Note that we cannot enforce these priorities on the receiver side (by the time we receive the request on the ingress EW gateway it has already passed via the SD-WAN), so the SD-WAN priorities will be enforced on the sender side.

Service import

An exported service will be imported only by clusters in which the service's namespace exists. Service imports are represented with a CRD ServiceImport.multicluster.k8s.io, which is identical to the similarly named CRD from the Multi-cluster Services API. The CRD is automatically created in the importing cluster and the control plane is supposed to be fully responsible for the lifecycle of a ServiceImport.

A sample ServiceImport corresponding to the above ServiceExport is shown below.

apiVersion: multicluster.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: ServiceImport
  name: payment
  namespace: secure
  type: ClusterSetIP
  - name: http
    protocol: TCP
    port: 8080

At this point, the exported payment.secure service can be reached from the importing cluster by issuing a HTTP request to the host payment.secure.svc.clusterset.local.

L7 traffic management

Up to this point, SD-WAN policies could be applied to individual Kubernetes services only, but there is no way to distinguish SD-WAN policies based on the API endpoint or certain HTTP header values. The below shows how to add L7 traffic management policies to the basic specification by reusing the above ServiceImport/ServiceExport CRs.

Server-side L7 policies

Suppose the service owner wants to filter incoming requests on the HTTP header: to the path /payment only GET requests are allowed, everything else is denied. Assuming the server-side cluster runs Istio, the below VirtualService should do the trick (the below assumes the default spec.gateways: mesh so the L7 policy will be enforced at all pods running the payment.secure service).

apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1
kind: VirtualService
  name: payment
  namespace: secure
  - payment.secure.svc.clusterset.local
  - match:
    - uri:
        prefix: "/payment"
        exact: GET
    - destination:
        host: payment.secure.svc.cluster.local

Client-side L7 policies

Suppose the client consuming the payment.secure in the importing cluster wishes to apply additional L7 policies: e.g., for supporting canary deployment for the payment.secure service. Suppose the prod cluster exports the service payment-v1.secure that runs the stable version of the backend software (this will create a ServiceImport with the FQDN payment-v1.secure.svc.clusterset.local on the client side), while the dev cluster exports the experimental service payment-v2.secure (with the ServiceImport FQDN payment-v2.secure.svc.clusterset.local on the client side). In this case the following will VirtualService on the importing side will send all requests containing the cookie user=test to the v2 service, and everything else to the v1 service (again assuming Istio).

apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1
kind: VirtualService
  name: payment
  namespace: secure
  - payment.secure.svc.clusterset.local
  - match:
          regex: "^(.*?;)?(user=test)(;.*)?"
    - destination:
        host: payment-v2.secure.svc.clusterset.local
  - route:
    - destination:
        host: payment-v1.secure.svc.clusterset.local

Note that the VirtualService uses the ServiceImport FQDNs as destination services, so once we have the SD-WAN compatible ServiceImport/ServiceExport logics we do not have to add additional L7 support, just rely on Istio to provide us the required L7 capabilities.

Another possibility is to route requests from the clients over different SD-WAN tunnels depending on the HTTP headers. For instance, only GET requests to the /payment path would be routed to the high-priority tunnel, everything else should go the low-prio tunnel.

First, the server-side cluster must export two services, one over each SD-WAN tunnel, as follows:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: payment-high-prio
  namespace: secure
    app: payment
  - port: 8080
    protocol: TCP
apiVersion: multicluster.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: ServiceExport
  name: payment-high-prio
  namespace: secure
    mcw.l7mp.io/mc-wan-policy: sd-wan-priority-high
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: payment-low-prio
  namespace: secure
    app: payment
  - port: 8080
    protocol: TCP
apiVersion: multicluster.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: ServiceExport
  name: payment-low-prio
  namespace: secure
    mcw.l7mp.io/mc-wan-policy: sd-wan-priority-low

Then, these will create two ServiceImports on the client-side, one with the FQDN payment-high-prio.secure.svc.clusterset.local that will be routed via the high-priority tunnel and another one with the FQDN payment-low-prio.secure.svc.clusterset.local that will be routed to the low-prio tunnel. These ServiceImports can again be used as destinations for the VirtualServices.

apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1
kind: VirtualService
  name: payment
  namespace: secure
  - payment.secure.svc.clusterset.local
  - match:
    - uri:
        prefix: "/payment"
        exact: GET
    - destination:
        host: payment-high-prio.secure.svc.clusterset.local
  - route:
    - destination:
        host: payment-low-prio.secure.svc.clusterset.local


Implementing health-check/retry/timeout/circuit-breaking policies can supported via the L7 capabilities provided by Istio's L7 traffic management policies.


Adding a spanid HTTP header to each connection crossing the SD-WAN is already within the capabilities of the framework, but maybe at a certain point we could provide some automation around this.

Getting started

(Work in progress)

A proof-of-concept tool is available that automates the ServiceImport and ServiceExport workflows. For now, the tool provides a simple imperative interface, whereby the user explicitly performs service imports/exports, providing all the necessary parameters on the command line. Later, this tool will be developed into a Kubernetes operator to automatically reconcile the ServiceImport/ServiceExport CRDs.


It is assumed two Kubernetes clusters are available, Istio with the built-in Gateway API implementation is installed into both clusters, and kubectl is configured with the necessary credentials to reach both clusters, with the context for each of the clusters available in the environment variables $CTX1 and $CTX2.


Clone the repository and build the mcwanctl command line tool.

cd mc-wan
go build -o mcwanctl main.go

Service export

Export the payment.secure service from cluster-1 over the high-priority SD-WAN tunnel.

mcwanctl --context $CTX1 export payment/secure --wan-policy=high

This call will set up the server-side pipeline to ingest requests to the payment.secure service into the cluster and route them to the proper backend pods.

The below command will query the status of a service-export, providing the SD-WAN policy associated with the service exposition and a GW_IP_ADDRESS that can be used to reach the service from other clusters.

mcwanctl --context $CTX1 status payment/secure

The below command deletes a service export.

mcwanctl --context $CTX1 unexport payment/secure

Service import

In and of itself a service export will not do much; to actually reach an exported service a cluster needs to explicitly import it. The below will import the payment.secure service into cluster-2.

mcwanctl --context $CTX2 import payment/secure --ingress-gw=<GW_IP_ADDRESS>

At this point, requests from cluster-2 to http://payment.secure.svc.clusterset.local:8000 should be routed through the high-priority SD-WAN tunnel and land at one of the backend pods in cluster-1.

Finally, remove a service import by unimporting it.

mcwanctl --context $CTX2 unimport payment/secure


Copyright 2021-2022 by its authors. Some rights reserved. See AUTHORS.

MIT License - see LICENSE for full text.


Multi-cluster SD-WAN east-west gateway

License:MIT License