l3pp4rd / PaginatorBundle

Provide a paginator for Symfony2 + Doctrine.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DEPRECATED - Use ZendPaginatorAdapter instead

ZendPaginatorAdapter is not tied to Symfony2 and is more up to date.

Provides pagination for your Doctrine ODM + Symfony2 Project.

As for now, it only works for ODM; but ORM may be also supported later.

It provides a PaginatorODMAdapter.


Add DoctrinePaginatorBundle to your src/Bundle dir

git submodule add git://github.com/knplabs/DoctrinePaginatorBundle.git src/Bundle/DoctrinePaginatorBundle

Add DoctrinePaginatorBundle to your application kernel

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    return array(
        // ...
        new Bundle\DoctrinePaginatorBundle\DoctrinePaginatorBundle(),
        // ...

Add Zend Framework to the include path

ZF2 fails to load some classes properly. We need to add ZF2 path to PHP include path:

// src/autoload.php
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . __DIR__.'/vendor/zend/library');


Inside controller:

use Zend\Paginator\Paginator;
use Bundle\DoctrinePaginatorBundle\PaginatorODMAdapter;

$query = $documentRepository->createQuery(); // create a Doctrine ODM query
$paginator = new Paginator(new PaginatorODMAdapter($query)); // create a paginator with the query
$paginator->setCurrentPageNumber($this['request']->query->get('page', 1)); // set the current page number based on request parameter
$paginator->setItemCountPerPage(10); // set max items per page
$paginator->setPageRange(5); // set number of page links to show

return $this->render($template, array('paginator' => $paginator));

See more exemples on Zend Framework Paginator documentation.

Inside template:

See pagination exemples on Zend Framework Paginator documentation.


Provide a paginator for Symfony2 + Doctrine.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%