l3nkz / tetris

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Use the following commands to build TETRiS

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..


To be able to manage an application with TETRiS two steps are necessary. First of all you need to start the TETRiS-server and give it the path to the mappings for each program. The server executable is located in the 'bin'-directory.

After the server started up, it is now possible to run other applications and let the TETRiS server manage them. To achieve this, one has to add the TETRiS-client library to the program. This can be achieved by preloading the library with the LD_PRELOAD primitive. The library is located in the 'lib'-directory.



See the help message of the server for information about how the server can be tweaked.

In addition the server also parses the following environment variables:


With this environment variable you can control how much information the TETRiS server outputs. Possible values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING and ERROR.


The client reacts to multiple environment variables:


With this environment variable you can control how much information the TETRiS client library outputs. Possible values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING and ERROR.


This environment variable will tell TETRiS in which way the clients should be pinned to the associated CPUs. If this variable is set to 'DYNAMIC', no pinning should be used for the client threads but instead the threads should be left movable. Only the list of available CPUs will be limited to the ones that the selected mapping contains. If this variable is not set or the value 'STATIC' is used, TETRiS will pin the client threads to the exact CPUs as defined in the selected mapping.


With this environment variable one can choose which characteristic of a mapping should be compared when searching for the best possible mapping on the server. This option can be changed per application that is executed. If omitted, execution time will be used as comparison characteristic.


If not set, the TETRiS server will assume that smaller values for the mapping characteristic are better than larger ones. Hence the server will always prefer the mapping for the application with the smallest value in the compare characteristic. With this environment variable one can change this behavior to more is better.


With this environment variable you can influence which mappings available for the TETRiS server are actually considered for the application. Hence, one can filter out mappings that don't match the given criteria. The syntax to define the filter is as follows:

{mapping characteristic}{compare operator}{value}

Valid examples can look like the following:

energyConsumption<2000          or

Spaces at the beginning, end and around the compare operator are striped away. Currently supported compare operators are: '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '==', '=', '!='

The given filter criteria is a positive criteria. This means, that only mappings that fulfill this criteria are considered for the application.


This environmental variable can be used to force the server to use one particular mapping. The value of this variable should be the name of the preferred mapping.

Control Interface


In addition to only managing the various clients that connect to the TETRiS server, the server also reacts to various signals that are sent to it. At the moment, the following reactions exist:


Upon a SIGUSR1 signal, the TETRiS server will reload its mapping database. Accordingly, if mappings change in the meantime (new applications are installed, …), the TETRiS server will now know about them. However, be aware that already running and managed applications are not remapped according to the new mapping database.


Upon a SIGUSR2 signal, the TETRiS server will output information about the applications that it currently manages. This information contains which mapping is currently used for the client and where its threads are currently mapped.


tetrisctl is an additional binary that can be used to send various commands to the TETRiS server. See the tetrisctl binary help for more information about which commands are supported.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 96.2%Language:Python 1.6%Language:C 1.6%Language:CMake 0.5%