l3iggs / meta.sh

A curl-able repository of shell scripts.

Home Page:https://meta.sh

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A curl-able repository of shell scripts


The root meta.sh index serves a script to non-browser UAs that will download any script on meta.sh and prompt for review/editing before execution. For example, if you wanted to install dogecoind on Ubuntu using the script available on meta.sh, you could request the script for editing and review like so:

bash <(curl meta.sh) setup/dogecoin/ubuntu

Since piping the output from an untrusted command directly into bash is a pretty wildly reckless thing to do, it's recommended that you download the meta.sh index script locally first, review it manually, then save it somewhere like your home bin directory so that you don't have to trust the remote every time you request a script from meta.sh. See meta.sh/install for a guide.

On the other side of recklessness, the contents of all scripts on meta.sh are accessible directly, so if you're confident that you don't need to review a script before you pipe it into bash, you can just request it directly. For example, to use aur.sh:

bash <(curl meta.sh/aur) -si packer


A curl-able repository of shell scripts.


License:MIT License


Language:Shell 47.8%Language:JavaScript 22.7%Language:CSS 17.1%Language:HTML 12.4%