kzk2000 / deephaven-auth

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Deephaven + Auth with Keycloak

Experiment to get the authentication layer working, inspired by these instructions:

Run this repo

cd ~
git clone
cd deephaven-auth
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up -d

The keycloak container takes 10+ sec to come up, usually all 3 containers should come up within < 20 seconds.

  • To test that ODIC is working, go to http://localhost:10000/jsapi/authentication/oidc.html
    Click the Go button and it will redirect you to the Keycloak login screen.
  • Keycloak is running at hardcoded IP address, a requirement so it is accessible under the same URL
    • within the docker network, and
    • outside the docker network from your local web browser
  • Deephaven UI runs under http://localhost:10000
    • To log in, enter user/user or admin/admin as user/password (see deephaven_realm.json)

    • To log out, hit the little wheel in the upper right of the DH UI, and you will see the logout option:

Prerequisite details

Required external .jar lib

We need deephaven-oidc-authentication-provider-0.24.2-all.jar which we directly download into the Deephaven container during the build.

Build from scratch (more for the interested folks who want to learn how to do it)

cd ~
git clone
cd deephaven-core
./gradlew server-jetty-app:assemble -Poidc

This actually builds the entire app but we are only after deephaven-oidc-authentication-provider-0.24.2-all.jar
After the gradlew built completes you would find the final .jar here:

user@user-linux:~/deephaven-core/authentication/example-providers/oidc/build/libs$ ls -la
total 7176
drwxrwxr-x 2 user user    4096 May  1 21:41 .
drwxrwxr-x 6 user user    4096 May  1 21:41 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 7339798 May  1 21:41 deephaven-oidc-authentication-provider-0.24.2-all.jar



Language:Dockerfile 100.0%