kymmt90 / rubocop-rspec-file-path-cops

A rough prototype of RuboCop custom cops to split the function of RSpec/FilePath

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A rough prototype of RuboCop custom cops to split the function of RSpec/FilePath into the one that checks the suffix of the spec file names (CustomCops/SpecSuffix) and another one that does almost the same thing as RSpec/FilePath but the SpecSuffixOnly option is omitted (CustomCops/ConsistentFilePath).

$ bundle
$ bundle exec rubocop
Inspecting 7 files


spec/models/invalid_rspec.rb:1:1: C: CustomCops/SpecSuffix: Use '_spec.rb' as a suffix.
class Invalid; end
spec/models/invalid_rspec.rb:3:1: C: CustomCops/ConsistentFilePath: Spec path should end with invalid*_spec.rb.
RSpec.describe Invalid do
spec/requests/models_spec_test.rb:1:1: C: CustomCops/SpecSuffix: Use '_spec.rb' as a suffix.
RSpec.describe 'Models test' do

7 files inspected, 3 offenses detected


A rough prototype of RuboCop custom cops to split the function of RSpec/FilePath


Language:Ruby 100.0%