kylios / EC2-Launcher

Simple interface for logging into and copying files to/from EC2 instances

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

EC2 Launcher
EC2 Launcher is a simple program to view ec2 instances and log into them or 
transfer files to/from the various instances.  The program provides a simple
but detailed interface into the EC2 instances, along with intuitive vim-like
key bindings to navigate the UI. 

EC2 Launcher is licensed under the GNU GPLv3

EC2 Launcher requires boto, the urwid library, and python2. It is also assumed 
that ssh and scp exist on the system.

To install, move the file ec2config.sample to /etc/ec2config and fill in the
missing information.  You must then create the keypair directory with two 
subdirectories: test and prod.  Put your private keys in here.

EC2 Launcher is simple to use.  There are two interfaces: the CLI and the GUI.


    To launch the gui, run 
    > prod list
    - or -
    > test list

    You will be faced with a list of instances on your EC2 account.

    up/down arrows, j/k                 navigate the selection up and down
    enter, s                            log in as root to the selected instance
    S                                   log in as a different user
    <                                   copy a file from the server to your 
    >                                   copy a file from your computer to the 
    /                                   search for a string, vim-style
    r                                   refresh
    q                                   quit

CLI: ssh user@i-XXXXXXXX          Log into the specified instance scp localfile user@i-XXXXXXXX:/path/to/remote/file scp user@i-XXXXXXXX:/path/to/remote/file localfile
                                        Transfer files between your computer
                                        and the instance


Simple interface for logging into and copying files to/from EC2 instances


Language:Python 100.0%