kylerw / appdaemon

:page_facing_up: Python Apps for Home Assistant

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AppDaemon is a loosely coupled, multithreaded, sandboxed python execution environment for writing automation apps for Home Assistant home automation software.


Installation is either by pip3 or Docker.

Clone the Repository

For either method you will need to clone the AppDaemon repository to the current local directory on your machine.

$ git clone

Change your working directory to the repository root. Moving forward, we will be working from this directory.

$ cd appdaemon

Install using Docker

To build the Docker image run the following:

$ docker build -t appdaemon .

(Note the period at the end of the above command)

Install Using PIP3

Before running AppDaemon you will need to install the package:

$ sudo pip3 install .


When you have appdaemon installed by either method, copy the conf/appdaemon.cfg.example file to conf/appdaemon.cfg, then edit the [AppDaemon] section to reflect your environment:

ha_url = <some_url>
ha_key = <some key>
logfile = STDOUT
errorfile = STDERR
app_dir = <Path to appdaemon dir>/conf/apps
threads = 10
cert_path = <path/to/root/CA/cert>
# Apps
module = hello
class = HelloWorld
  • ha_url is a reference to your home assistant installation and must include the correct port number and scheme (http:// or https:// as appropriate)
  • ha_key should be set to your key if you have one, otherwise it can be removed.
  • logfile (optional) is the path to where you want AppDaemon to keep its main log. When run from the command line this is not used - log messages come out on the terminal. When running as a daemon this is where the log information will go. In the example above I created a directory specifically for AppDaemon to run from, although there is no reason you can't keep it in the appdaemon directory of the cloned repository. If logfile = STDOUT, output will be sent to stdout instead of stderr when running in the foreground, if not specified, output will be sent to STDOUT.
  • errorfile (optional) is the name of the logfile for errors - this will usually be errors during compilation and execution of the apps. If errorfile = STDERR errors will be sent to stderr instead of a file, if not specified, output will be sent to STDERR.
  • app_dir (optional) is the directory the apps are placed in. If not specified, AppDaemon will look first in ~/.homeassistant then /etc/appdaemon for a subdirectory named apps
  • threads - the number of dedicated worker threads to create for running the apps. Note, this will bear no resembelance to the number of apps you have, the threads are re-used and only active for as long as required to tun a particular callback or initialization, leave this set to 10 unless you experience thread starvation
  • cert_path (optional) - path to root CA cert directory - use only if you are using self signed certs.

The #Apps section is the configuration for the Hello World program and should be left in place for initial testing but can be removed later if desired, as other Apps are added, App configuration is described in the API doc.


For Docker Configuration you need to take a couple of extra things into consideration.

Our Docker image is designed to load your configuration and apps from a volume at /conf so that you can manage them in your own git repository, or place them anywhere else on the system and map them using the Docker command line.

For example, if you have a local repository in /Users/foo/ha-config containing the following files:

$ git ls-files

You will need to modify the appdaemon.cfg file to point to these apps in /conf/apps:

ha_url = <some_url>
ha_key = <some key>
logfile = STDOUT
errorfile = STDERR
app_dir = /conf/apps
threads = 10

You can run Docker and point the conf volume to that directory.

Example Apps

There are a number of example apps under conf/examples, and the conf/examples.cfg file gives sample parameters for them.


As configured, AppDaemon comes with a single HelloWorld App that will send a greeting to the logfile to show that everything is working correctly.


Assuming you have set the config up as described above for Docker, you can run it with the command:

$ docker run -d -v <Path to Config>/conf:/conf --name appdaemon appdaemon:latest

In the example above you would use:

$ docker run -d -v /Users/foo/ha-config:/conf --name appdaemon appdaemon:latest

Where you place the conf and conf/apps directory is up to you - it can be in downloaded repostory, or anywhere else on the host, as long as you use the correct mapping in the docker run command.

You can inspect the logs as follows:

$ docker logs appdaemon
2016-08-22 10:08:16,575 INFO Got initial state
2016-08-22 10:08:16,576 INFO Loading Module: /export/hass/appdaemon_test/conf/apps/
2016-08-22 10:08:16,578 INFO Loading Object hello_world using class HelloWorld from module hello
2016-08-22 10:08:16,580 INFO Hello from AppDaemon
2016-08-22 10:08:16,584 INFO You are now ready to run Apps!

Note that for Docker, the error and regular logs are combined.


You can then run AppDaemon from the command line as follows:

$ appdaemon -c conf/appdaemon.cfg

If all is well, you should see something like the following:

$ appdaemon -c conf/appdaemon.cfg
2016-08-22 10:08:16,575 INFO Got initial state
2016-08-22 10:08:16,576 INFO Loading Module: /export/hass/appdaemon_test/conf/apps/
2016-08-22 10:08:16,578 INFO Loading Object hello_world using class HelloWorld from module hello
2016-08-22 10:08:16,580 INFO Hello from AppDaemon
2016-08-22 10:08:16,584 INFO You are now ready to run Apps!

AppDaemon arguments

usage: appdaemon [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-p PIDFILE] [-t TICK] [-s STARTTIME] [-e ENDTIME] [-i INTERVAL] [-D {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [-v] [-d]

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG full path to config file -p PIDFILE, --pidfile PIDFILE full path to PID File -t TICK, --tick TICK time in seconds that a tick in the schedular lasts -s STARTTIME, --starttime STARTTIME start time for scheduler -e ENDTIME, --endtime ENDTIME end time for scheduler -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL multiplier for scheduler tick -D {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}, --debug {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL} debug level -v, --version show program's version number and exit -d, --daemon run as a background process

-c is the path to the configuration file. If not specified, AppDaemon will look for a file named appdaemon.cfg first in ~/.homeassistant then in /etc/appdaemon. If the file is not specified and it is not found in either location, AppDaemon will raise an exception.

-d and -p are used by the init file to start the process as a daemon and are not required if running from the command line.

-D can be used to increase the debug level for internal AppDaemon operations as well as apps using the logging function.

The -s, -i, -t and -s options are for the Time Travel feature and should only be used for testing. They are described in more detail in the API documentation.

Starting At Reboot

To run AppDaemon at reboot, I have provided a sample init script in the ./scripts directory. These have been tested on a Raspberry PI - your mileage may vary on other systems. There is also a sample Systemd script.


Since AppDaemon under the covers uses the exact same APIs as the frontend UI, you typically see it react at about the same time to a given event. Calling back to Home Assistant is also pretty fast especially if they are running on the same machine. In action, observed latency above the built in automation component is usually sub-second.

Updating AppDaemon

To update AppDaemon after I have released new code, just run the following command to update your copy:

$ git pull origin

If you are using pip3 for the install do this:

$ sudo pip3 uninstall appdaemon
$ sudo pip3 install .

If you are using docker, rerun the steps to create a new docker image.

Windows Support

AppDaemon runs under windows and has been tested with the official 3.5.2 release. There are a couple of caveats however:

  • The -d or --daemonize option is not supported owing to limitations in the Windows implementation of Python.
  • Some internal diagnostics are disabled. This is not user visible but may hamper troubleshooting of internal issues if any crop up

AppDaemon can be installed exactlky as per the instructions for every other version using pip3.

Windows Under the Linux Subsystem

Windows 10 now supports a full Linux bash environment that is capable of running Python. This is essentially an Ubuntu distribution and works extremely well. It is possible to run AppDaemon in exactly the same way as for Linux distributions, and none of the above Windows Caveats apply to this version. This is the reccomended way to run AppDaemon in a Windows 10 and later environment.


:page_facing_up: Python Apps for Home Assistant



Language:Python 98.7%Language:Shell 1.3%