kylegordon / homie-sonoff-touch

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Multiclick Sonoff Touch

Multiclick support for the Sonoff Touch switches. This will allow you to have up to 6 different actions from a single touch switch.

A simple Homie based Arduino sketch for the Sonoff Touch switch. This uses the ESP8285 platform instead of the ESP8266, so be sure to set the board correctly. platoformio.ini is configured appropriately.

This firmware decouples the relay from the switch, and allows it to be controlled separately, through MQTT messages.

The topic structure is based on what you set through the Homie configuration, with the following subtopics.

  • relaystate/set/ON|OFF
  • button/event

The messages emitted from the button/event node are...


All of the HELD variants will repeat endlessly until the button is released.

Uses the Homie framework, so you don't need to worry about wireless connectivity, wireless configuration persistence, and all that. Simply compile and upload, and configure using the Homie configuration tool. All future flashes will not overwrite the wireless configuration.

Best used with PlatformIO. Simply git clone, pio run -t upload, watch the dependencies download and compile, and then if required do the initial Homie configuration with the tool for Homie #develop branch at

To reset the device back to Homie defaults, press the touchpad for over 10 seconds. This will wipe the configuration and drop it into config AP mode.


This is heavily based on the code at

  • ON/OFF relay
  • Configurable default (on boot) relay state - (MQTT independent)
  • Local button on/off
  • keepalive feature - device will reboot if not receive keepalive message in given time
  • All Homie built in features (OTA, configuration, reporting, etc)

MQTT messages

Property Message format Direction Description
_HOMIE_PREFIX_/_node-id_/relay01/relayState (ON|OFF) Device → Controller Current state of relay
_HOMIE_PREFIX_/_node-id_/relay01/relayState/set (ON|OFF) Controller → Device Change relay state
_HOMIE_PREFIX_/_node-id_/relay01/relayInitMode (0|1) Device → Controller Current boot mode 1 - relay ON, 0 - relay OFF
_HOMIE_PREFIX_/_node-id_/relay01/relayInitMode/set (0|1) Controller → Device Set Boot mode 1 - relay ON, 0 - relay OFF
_HOMIE_PREFIX_/_node-id_/keepalive/keepAliveValue \d+ Device → Controller Report of keepalive value (seconds), 0 - keep alive feature is not active
_HOMIE_PREFIX_/_node-id_/keepalive/keepAliveValue/set \d+ Controller → Device Set keepalive time in seconds. Reboot if no ticks received in this time. 0 - keep alive feature is not active
_HOMIE_PREFIX_/_node-id_/keepalive/tick/set .* Controller → Device Keepalive message from controller to gateway - if device will not receive during keepAliveValue time slot, it will reboot, keepalive is not active when keepAliveValue is equal 0
_HOMIE_PREFIX_/_node-id_/$online (true|false) Device → Controller /true when the device is online, false when the device is offline (through LWT)


To use Homie built in OTA updater... ./ -l -t devices/ -i 60019485376d /home/kyleg/Projects/homie-sonoff-touch/.pioenvs/esp8285/firmware.bin


To change the config, eg, device name, in flight... Use the 'devices/60019485376d/$implementation/config/set topic, such as... mosquitto_pub -h -t 'devices/60019485376d/$implementation/config/set' -m '{"wifi":{"ssid":"Glasgownet"},"mqtt":{"host":"","port":1883,"base_topic":"devices/","auth":false},"name":"bedroom-wall-switch","ota":{"enabled":true}}'

Watchdog feature

Very occasionally, the Homie stack will fail to reconnect after the resumption of wireless connectivity. The watchdog uses most of the same code from and simply needs to be 'set' and 'ticked' periodically.

To set it, publish to the devices/$device/keepalive/timeOut/set topic To provide a tick, publish to the device/keepalive/tick/set topic. To disable the watchdog feature, publish 0 to device/keepalive/timeOut/set and device/keepalive/tick/set

Firstly this sets the timeout period before a reboot, and the second publish causes the watchdog timer to reset. If the tick publish is not received, the device will restart.

The following script will cycle through a list of devices on the broker, and set their timeout to be 5 minutes and 10 seconds. The script can then run every 5 minutes via crontab.

60019485376d 60019485412a 6001949b9222 6001948e0f19 6001948e0f70
    mosquitto_pub -h -t devices/$device/keepalive/timeOut/set -m '610'
    mosquitto_pub -h -t devices/$device/keepalive/tick/set -m 'tick'


License:MIT License


Language:C++ 100.0%