kyle-naumann / node-testing2-project

Challenge for Node Server Testing Module

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Server Testing Module Project


Minimum Viable Product

For this project you will use Test Driven Development to create a RESTful API using Node.js and Express that publishes a set of endpoints to manage a resource of your choosing. Data can be stored in memory, adding a test database is optional.


  • use jest and supertest to write the tests.
  • Your API must be able to create and delete a resource of your choosing.
  • Write a minimum of two tests per route handler.

Task 3: Stretch Goals

The following goals are designed to stretch your knowledge and may require additional research beyond what was learned in class today.

  • Add endpoints for viewing the details of the resource. Write tests for it.
  • Add a testing database to the project and configure the testing script inside package.json to use the testing database. Hint: use cross-env npm package.
  • Complete the rest of the CRUD operations and write tests for them.
  • Add tests for your data access files (models).


Challenge for Node Server Testing Module