kyhe2017 / orbitpp

This code was developed to process the output of ORBIT-RF.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Basic introduction to orbitpp

This code is developed to process ORBIT-RF output, which is object oriented based on FORTRAN 2003+. PERSONAL USE ONLY !!!

Design of code

The code has two classes in gerneral: Data classes & Data processing classes.

Data class:

  1. geometry : collection of equilibrium variables and related functions
  2. trajectory : collection of test particle history and related functions
  3. momenta : collection of statistical data and related functions
  4. distribution : collection of particle distribution and related functions
  5. aux_distribution : derived class of distribution to collect particle across spiecies

Data processing class:

  1. statistics : collection of functions to make statistics on distribution object based on linear schedule
  2. aux_statistics : derived class of statistics, linear schedule replaced by exponential weight assignment

Usage of code

Taking geometry class as an example:

  1. first declare a pointer: class(geometry), pointer :: gg
  2. then allocation: allocate(geometry :: gg)
  3. then constructor: call gg % init(nsp, nst)
  4. then load data: call gg % ld_data(fid)
  5. then wrt output optionally, write out what you need: call gg % wrt('psip')
  6. finally deallocation, very important and never forget it: deallocate(gg) Note: classes have different ways to initialize and subroutines to write output, you need to know these by consulting the type definition in source code.

graphical ouput

The default tool is Gnuplot.

basic plotting commands:

  • 1d : plot 'filename' u 1:2 w l plot 'filename' u 1:2 w p plot 'filename' u 1:2 w lp plot 'filename' u 1:2 w boxes
  • 2d map : splot 'filename' u 1:2:3 w pm3d plot 'filename' u 1:2:3 w image

For detailed usage:


This code was developed to process the output of ORBIT-RF.


Language:Fortran 98.4%Language:Makefile 1.6%