kyegomez / FlashAttention20

Get down and dirty with FlashAttention2.0 in pytorch, plug in and play no complex CUDA kernels

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FlashAttention2.0: A PyTorch Implementation

FlashAttention is a PyTorch implementation of the Flash Attention mechanism, a memory-efficient and highly parallelizable attention mechanism. This repository provides the code for the Flash Attention module and includes options for parallelization and mixed precision training.


To install FlashAttention, you can clone this repository using git:

git clone
cd FlashAttention2.0

Then, you can install the required packages using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Here is a basic example of how to use the FlashAttention module:

import torch
from attention import FlashAttention

# Initialize a FlashAttention module
attention = FlashAttention(dim=512, heads=8, dim_head=64)

# Create some random data
x = torch.randn(1, 1000, 512)

# Apply the attention module
out = attention(x)

print(out.shape)  # Outputs: torch.Size([1, 1000, 512])

You can also enable parallelization and mixed precision training by setting the parallel and mixed_precision parameters to True:

# Initialize a FlashAttention module with parallelization and mixed precision
attention = FlashAttention(dim=512, heads=8, dim_head=64, parallel=True, mixed_precision=True)

# The rest of the code is the same as before


We have an extensive testing suite in run that for more. Here are some tests to verify the correctness of the forward and backward passes, run

import torch
from flashattention import FlashAttention

def test_forward():
    attention = FlashAttention(dim=512, heads=8, dim_head=64)
    x = torch.randn(1, 1000, 512)
    out = attention(x)
    assert out.shape == (1, 1000, 512), f'Unexpected output shape: {out.shape}'

def test_backward():
    attention = FlashAttention(dim=512, heads=8, dim_head=64)
    x = torch.randn(1, 1000, 512, requires_grad=True)
    out = attention(x)
    assert x.grad is not None, 'No gradient computed'


These tests check that the output of the forward pass has the correct shape and that the backward pass correctly computes gradients.


We welcome contributions to the FlashAttention project! Whether you're interested in improving the code, optimizing the implementation, or adding new features, there are many ways to make a valuable contribution.

How to Contribute

  1. Fork the repository: Click the 'Fork' button at the top-right of this page to create your own copy of the repository.

  2. Clone your fork: Clone your forked repository to your local machine. You can do this with the command git clone

  3. Create a new branch: Create a new branch for your changes with the command git checkout -b your-branch-name.

  4. Make your changes: Make your changes to the code. Please try to follow the existing coding style.

  5. Commit your changes: Commit your changes with the command git commit -m "Your commit message".

  6. Push your changes: Push your changes to your forked repository with the command git push origin your-branch-name.

  7. Create a pull request: Go to the original FlashAttention repository and click the 'New pull request' button. Select your forked repository and the branch you created, then click 'Create pull request'.

Potential Optimizations

There are several areas where the FlashAttention implementation could potentially be optimized:

  • Memory usage: The current implementation is already quite memory-efficient, but there may be ways to further reduce memory usage.

  • Speed: The speed of the forward and backward passes could potentially be improved. This could involve optimizing the existing code or implementing new, faster algorithms.

  • Scalability: The current implementation scales well to large input sizes, but there may be ways to improve scalability further.

  • Precision: The implementation currently supports mixed precision training, but there may be ways to improve the precision of the computations.


When optimizing the FlashAttention implementation, we should aim to minimize the following metrics:

  • Memory usage: The amount of memory used by the implementation.

  • Execution time: The time taken to execute the forward and backward passes.

  • Error rate: The rate of errors in the output of the attention module.

We look forward to your contributions!


import math
import torch
from functools import partial
from torch import nn, einsum
from torch.autograd.function import Function

from einops import rearrange

from torch.jit import fork, wait

from torch.cuda.amp import autocast, GradScaler
from torch.nn import DataParallel
# constants

EPSILON = 1e-10

# helper functions

def exists(val):
    return val is not None

def default(val, d):
    return val if exists(val) else d

# flash attention forwards and backwards

# flash attention v1 -
# flash attention v2 -

class FlashAttentionFunction(Function):
    def forward(ctx, q, k, v, mask, causal, q_bucket_size, k_bucket_size):
        """ Algorithm 1 in the v2 paper """

        device = q.device
        max_neg_value = -torch.finfo(q.dtype).max
        qk_len_diff = max(k.shape[-2] - q.shape[-2], 0)

        o = torch.zeros_like(q)
        all_row_sums = torch.zeros((*q.shape[:-1], 1), device = device)
        all_row_maxes = torch.full((*q.shape[:-1], 1), max_neg_value, device = device)

        scale = (q.shape[-1] ** -0.5)

        num_row_tiles = math.ceil(q.shape[-2] / q_bucket_size)
        num_col_tiles = math.ceil(k.shape[-2] / k_bucket_size)

        if exists(mask) and mask.ndim == 2:
            mask = rearrange(mask, 'b n -> b 1 1 n')

        if not exists(mask):
            col_masks = (None,) * num_col_tiles
            mask = (col_masks,) * num_row_tiles 
            mask = ((mask,) * num_row_tiles) if mask.shape[-2] == 1 else mask.split(q_bucket_size, dim = -2)
            mask = tuple(((row_mask,) * num_col_tiles) if row_mask.shape[-1] == 1 else row_mask.split(k_bucket_size, dim = -1) for row_mask in mask)

        row_splits = zip(
            q.split(q_bucket_size, dim = -2),
            o.split(q_bucket_size, dim = -2),
            all_row_sums.split(q_bucket_size, dim = -2),
            all_row_maxes.split(q_bucket_size, dim = -2),

        for ind, (qc, oc, row_mask, row_sums, row_maxes) in enumerate(row_splits):
            q_start_index = ind * q_bucket_size - qk_len_diff

            col_splits = zip(
                k.split(k_bucket_size, dim = -2),
                v.split(k_bucket_size, dim = -2),

            for k_ind, (kc, vc, col_mask) in enumerate(col_splits):
                k_start_index = k_ind * k_bucket_size

                attn_weights = einsum('... i d, ... j d -> ... i j', qc, kc) * scale

                if exists(col_mask):
                    attn_weights.masked_fill_(~col_mask, max_neg_value)

                if causal and q_start_index < (k_start_index + k_bucket_size - 1):
                    causal_mask = torch.ones((qc.shape[-2], kc.shape[-2]), dtype = torch.bool, device = device).triu(q_start_index - k_start_index + 1)
                    attn_weights.masked_fill_(causal_mask, max_neg_value)

                block_row_maxes = attn_weights.amax(dim = -1, keepdims = True)
                new_row_maxes = torch.maximum(block_row_maxes, row_maxes)

                exp_weights = torch.exp(attn_weights - new_row_maxes)

                if exists(col_mask):
                    exp_weights.masked_fill_(~col_mask, 0.)

                block_row_sums = exp_weights.sum(dim = -1, keepdims = True).clamp(min = EPSILON)

                exp_values = einsum('... i j, ... j d -> ... i d', exp_weights, vc)

                exp_row_max_diff = torch.exp(row_maxes - new_row_maxes)

                new_row_sums = exp_row_max_diff * row_sums + block_row_sums




        lse = all_row_sums.log() + all_row_maxes

        ctx.args = (causal, scale, mask, q_bucket_size, k_bucket_size)
        ctx.save_for_backward(q, k, v, o, lse)

        return o

    def backward(ctx, do):
        """ Algorithm 2 in the v2 paper """

        causal, scale, mask, q_bucket_size, k_bucket_size = ctx.args
        q, k, v, o, lse = ctx.saved_tensors

        device = q.device

        max_neg_value = -torch.finfo(q.dtype).max
        qk_len_diff = max(k.shape[-2] - q.shape[-2], 0)

        dq = torch.zeros_like(q)
        dk = torch.zeros_like(k)
        dv = torch.zeros_like(v)

        row_splits = zip(
            q.split(q_bucket_size, dim = -2),
            o.split(q_bucket_size, dim = -2),
            do.split(q_bucket_size, dim = -2),
            lse.split(q_bucket_size, dim = -2),
            dq.split(q_bucket_size, dim = -2)

        for ind, (qc, oc, doc, row_mask, lsec, dqc) in enumerate(row_splits):
            q_start_index = ind * q_bucket_size - qk_len_diff

            col_splits = zip(
                k.split(k_bucket_size, dim = -2),
                v.split(k_bucket_size, dim = -2),
                dk.split(k_bucket_size, dim = -2),
                dv.split(k_bucket_size, dim = -2),

            for k_ind, (kc, vc, dkc, dvc, col_mask) in enumerate(col_splits):
                k_start_index = k_ind * k_bucket_size

                attn_weights = einsum('... i d, ... j d -> ... i j', qc, kc) * scale

                if causal and q_start_index < (k_start_index + k_bucket_size - 1):
                    causal_mask = torch.ones((qc.shape[-2], kc.shape[-2]), dtype = torch.bool, device = device).triu(q_start_index - k_start_index + 1)
                    attn_weights.masked_fill_(causal_mask, max_neg_value)

                p = torch.exp(attn_weights - lsec)

                if exists(col_mask):
                    p.masked_fill_(~col_mask, 0.)

                dv_chunk = einsum('... i j, ... i d -> ... j d', p, doc)
                dp = einsum('... i d, ... j d -> ... i j', doc, vc)

                D = (doc * oc).sum(dim = -1, keepdims = True)
                ds = p * scale * (dp - D)

                dq_chunk = einsum('... i j, ... j d -> ... i d', ds, kc)
                dk_chunk = einsum('... i j, ... i d -> ... j d', ds, qc)


        return dq, dk, dv, None, None, None, None

# main class

# just flash attention in plain pytorch
# it will be way slower than implementing it in CUDA
# for tinkering and educational purposes

class FlashAttention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        heads = 8,
        dim_head = 64,
        causal = False,
        q_bucket_size = 512,
        k_bucket_size = 1024,
        parallel = False,
        mixed_precision = False
        self.heads = heads
        self.causal = causal
        self.parallel = parallel
        self.mixed_precision = mixed_precision

        inner_dim = heads * dim_head

        self.to_q = nn.Linear(dim, inner_dim, bias = False)
        self.to_kv = nn.Linear(dim, inner_dim * 2, bias = False)
        self.to_out = nn.Linear(inner_dim, dim, bias = False)

        # memory efficient attention related parameters
        # can be overriden on forward
        self.q_bucket_size = q_bucket_size
        self.k_bucket_size = k_bucket_size

        if self.parallel:
            self.model = DataParallel(self)
        if self.mixed_precision:
            self.scaler = GradScaler()

    def forward(
        context = None,
        mask = None,
        q_bucket_size = None,
        k_bucket_size = None,
        q_bucket_size = default(q_bucket_size, self.q_bucket_size)
        k_bucket_size = default(k_bucket_size, self.k_bucket_size)

        h = self.heads
        context = default(context, x)

        q = self.to_q(x)
        k, v = self.to_kv(context).chunk(2, dim=-1)

        q, k, v = map(lambda t: rearrange(t, 'b n (h d) -> b h n d', h=h), (q, k, v))

        if self.parallel:
            # Split the input data into chunks and move each chunk to the correct GPU
            num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count()
            x_chunks = x.split(x.size(0) // num_gpus)
            x_chunks = ['cuda:{i}') for i, chunk in enumerate(x_chunks)]
            q = x_chunks

        if self.mixed_precision:
            # Use autocast to allow operations to run in lower precision
            with autocast():
                out = FlashAttentionFunction.apply(q, k, v, mask, self.causal, q_bucket_size, k_bucket_size)
            out = FlashAttentionFunction.apply(q, k, v, mask, self.causal, q_bucket_size, k_bucket_size)

        out = rearrange(out, 'b h n d -> b n (h d)')
        return self.to_out(out)


Get down and dirty with FlashAttention2.0 in pytorch, plug in and play no complex CUDA kernels

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%