kyamagu / matlab-serialization

Matlab object serialization functions

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Matlab serialization

Matlab object serialization functions built with undocumented mex functions mxSerialize and mxDeserialize. The function can convert any ordinary matlab variable into a uint8 array. These functions are unsupported and may change at any time without notice in the future Matlab release. As of Matlab R2014a, there was a big change in these hidden APIs, and this package supports only C++ MEX interface.


Use MEX command in Matlab.

>> cd /path/to/matlab-serialization
>> mex
>> mex

Alternatively, use the attached Makefile in UNIX.


Add path to the matlab-serialization and compile before use.

>> addpath('/path/to/matlab-serialization');

Use serialize to encode arbitrary matlab variable. The function returns encoded variable as a uint8 array.

>> x = randn(1,4)

x =

    0.7147   -0.2050   -0.1241    1.4897

>> y = serialize(x)

y =

  Columns 1 through 21

    0    1   73   77    0    0    0    0   14    0    0    0   80 ...

Use deserialize to retrieve the encoded variable.

>> z = deserialize(y)

z =

    0.7147   -0.2050   -0.1241    1.4897


The code may be redistributed under the BSD clause 3 license.


Matlab object serialization functions



Language:C++ 63.0%Language:MATLAB 23.9%Language:Makefile 13.2%