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@fryan you were not switched to lingying at any point? If not, then this wld indicate LI is cleansing entire network of anti-China content (2014年06月03日 17:08)

@prchovanec @fryan @KaiserKuo @LinkedIn switching lang. or location will not trigger censorship - u will get lingying only if u r in China (2014年06月03日 17:01)

@prchovanec @fryan @KaiserKuo @LinkedIn yes but on www.linkedin.com/ not on www.linkedin.com right? (2014年06月03日 16:45)

RT @paulmozur: This is what LinkedIn signed up for w/ servers in China MT @fryan @LinkedIn censoring my posts on Tiananmen Square. http://t… (2014年06月03日 15:19)

华尔街日报被封锁! zh.greatfire.org/wsj.com 中英文全被封锁。 估计是因为《“**”临近 **严厉打压异见人士》 cn.wsj.com/gb/20140603/bch085553.asp 这篇文章 (2014年06月03日 15:16)

.@WSJ now blocked in China. Surprised didn't happen earlier as @ChinaRealTime has pushed envelope a few times. en.greatfire.org/wsj.com (2014年06月03日 14:56)

WeChat, Microsoft trade fire over 'killing' of chatbot www.scmp.com/news/china-insider/article/1523295/wechat-removes-microsofts-chatbots-after-privacy-and-foul (2014年06月03日 12:13)

谷歌官方确认其被干扰。 请使用镜像网站 github.com/greatfire/wiki 访问。 twitter.com/GreatFireChina/status/473644554747654144/photo/1 (2014年06月03日 09:57)

If you're in China, you can use s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/google.cn/index.html to access all Google services. Please bookmark this page. (2014年06月03日 09:39)

谷歌免翻墙镜像,墙内可直接搜索敏感词。 s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/google.cn/index.html 请加入书签。 (2014年06月03日 07:52)

RT @globaldan: China finds more stuff to block; Hacktivists find more ways to rock. myaccount.nytimes.com/auth/login (2014年06月03日 02:42)

RT @VentureBeat: China reportedly blocks Google as Tiananmen anniversary looms venturebeat.com/2014/06/02/china-reportedly-blocks-google-as-tiananmen-anniversary-looms/ twitter.com/VentureBeat/status/473513341168926720/photo/1 (2014年06月03日 02:26)

RT @marcofangyong: 今天,我们一边反全能神,一边纪念国家**事业的死难者,一边祝福精忠报国的习帝与康师傅相逢风波亭的美景! twitter.com/marcofangyong/status/473490873813336064/photo/1 (2014年06月03日 02:24)

RT @jonrussell: .@GreatFireChina's collateral freedom project will be of interest to those focused on censorship issues in Thailand http://… (2014年06月03日 00:20)

@evacide FYI we just unblocked Google search in China - details about our anti-censorship hack here: us7.campaign-archive2.com/ (2014年06月02日 19:16)

RT @McAndrew: Hell of a great hack against censorship. RT @GreatFireChina: We've just unblocked Google search in China t.co/gCKPDZQ… (2014年06月02日 18:57)

RT @pabischoff: 2 days before ‘May 35th’, @GreatFireChina “unblocks” Google search in China www.techinasia.com/2-days-35th-greatfireorg-unblocks-google-search-china/ via @Techinasia (2014年06月02日 18:10)

@pabischoff @Techinasia once the url is shared, it is unblockable and our @FreeWeibo mirror is now indexed on Google - in time, will spread (2014年06月02日 18:08)

We've just unblocked Google search in China s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/google.cn/index.html (2014年06月02日 17:04)
