kwz219 / P-EPR-Artefact

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Practical Program Repair via Preference-based Ensemble Strategy

This repository contains artifacts of the ICSE2024 early paper "Practical Program Repair via Preference-based Ensemble Strategy".


├── BugFeaturer
│   └── :   source codes of P-EPR framework 
├── Configs
│   └── :   information for configuring APR tools (i.e., manually summarized repair patterns of different tools and the repair history)
├── Figs
│   └── :   figure of P-EPR framework
├── E-APR-Replication
│   └── :   our implementation of the E-APR strategy 
├── Experiment_Log
│   ├── P-EPR-log:       experiment results of P-EPR
│   └── E-APR-log:       patches generated by TranplantFix for Defects4J v2.0 bugs
├── Measurement_Code
│   └── :  source codes for computing experimental metrics
├── P-EPR-egs
│   └── :  example of tool configuration and data formats
├── ToolRanker.jar
│   └── :  executable tool of P-EPR

The P-EPR Framework


We propose a Preference-based Ensemble Program Repair framework (P-EPR), which aims to efficiently assemble existing diverse APR tools. The term `preference' refers to the features of bugs that can be more readily addressed by a given tool than others, i.e., the tool has a higher probability to generate a correct fix for that kind of bug. For a given bug, P-EPR ranks available tools by quantifying each tool's preference score based on computed mappings of tools' preferences.

Instructions for use P-EPR

Requirements: Java version 11.0.13 (for executing Spoon)

Explanations of parameters

-mode: initialize or inference. Under the initialize mode, P-EPR initialize/update configured/new tools with given repair history; Under the inference mode, P-RPR receives a buggy class file, as well as the fault_location and test error type (if available) and predicts scores of each configured tools.

-tool_config_dir: where does P-EPR should load the configurations of tools (both for initialize or inference)

-save_dir: where to store the tool configurations after initialization

-repair_history_info: For initialization, a json file that contains the meta information of tools' repair history, including tool which requires initialization or update and a list of repair samples. Each repair sample should provide the fault file location, fault line location, and test_error_type.

-input_file: For inference, where the buggy file is

-fault_line_ids: For inference, the faulty line locations of the buggy file. Egs of Line or Lines: (1) for single-line fault: 175 (2) for multi_line faults: 175,176,178 or 175-176,178

-test_error_type: For inference, the test error type of the fault. If this information is not available, set it to junit.framework.AssertionFailedError

-result_file: For inference, the position to store the predicts results. It is a json file that records the preference scores of each configured tools in P-EPR


java -jar ./ToolRanker.jar -mode initialize -save_dir ./P-EPR-egs/Initialize/tool_configs_initialized -tool_config_dir ./P-EPR-egs/Initialize/tool_configs_original -repair_history_info ./P-EPR-egs/Initialize/DatasetInfo.json -log_dir ./P-EPR-egs/Initialize


java -jar ./ToolRanker.jar -mode inference -tool_config_dir ./P-EPR-egs/Inference/D4j_trained_tools -result_file ./result.json -input_file ./P-EPR-egs/ -faulty_line_ids 175 -test_err_type junit.framework.AssertionFailedError

Integrating New Tools

write a json file as the following format:

{ "tool_name":"tool_name", "explicit_preferences":[ "Cast", "Operator", "Super", "Array", "Invocation", "Literal", "DataType", "Return" ], "total_fixed_count":1, "total_failed_count":0, "history_preferences":{ "type_history":{ }, "test_history":{ } } }

"explicit_preferences" refs to the repair patterns of the tool, we have summarized patterns of 21 tools, please ref to ./P-EPR-egs/Inference/D4j_trained_tools. If your new tool has implemented some of our patterns, just provide the pattern keywords. And the mapping of keywords and repair patterns are as following:

Keyword Repair Pattern Implemented Systems
"Cast" P1 Insert Cast Checker Heuristic-based: HDRepair, SimFix, CapGen; Template-based: AVATAR, Genesis, kPAR, SketchFix, TBar, SOFix
"Operator" P11 Mutate Operators Heuristic-based: CapGen, HDRepair, ssFix, SimFix; Template-based: AVATAR, Elixir, FixMiner, kPAR, jMutRepair, SOFix. SketchFix, TBar;Constraint-based: S3
"Super" P5 Mutate Class Instance Creation Template-based: AVATAR, TBar
"Array" P3 Insert Range Checker Template-based: AVATAR, Elixir, kPAR, SketchFix, TBar, SOFix
"Invocation" P10 Mutate Method Invocation Expression Heuristic-based: CapGen, HDRepair, SOFix, ssFix, SimFix; Template-based: Elixir, FixMiner, kPAR, SketchFix, SOFix, TBar
"Literal" P9 Mutate Literal Expression Heuristic-based: CapGen, HDRepair, SimFix, ssFix; Template-based: FixMiner, TBar ; Constraint-based: S3
"DataType" P7 Mutate Data Type Heuristic-based: CapGen, SimFix; Tempate-based: AVATAR,SOFix, Elixir, FixMiner, kPAR, TBar
"Return" P12 Mutate Return Statement Template-based: Elixir, SketchFix, TBar; Heuristic-based: HDRepair
"Division" P8 Mutate Integer Division Operation Template-based: TBar
"Exception" P4 Throw Exception Constraint-based: ACS
"None" no preferred patterns Tools that have no patterns, e.g., most of the learning-based systems

Integrating New Repair Patterns

Modify the file BugFeaturer/src/main/java/Preference/

Easily add a new judgement of your new patterns through defining four objects:

element_check: need to check the type of the buggy statement

check_type: what the elements should contain

child_check: need to check all the child nodes of the buggy statement

child_check_types: what the childs of the buggy statment should contain

For example, the pattern "Array" should check whether the child nodes of the buggy statement involves with ArrayWrite or ArrayRead pattern_add

For the complete meta code model used by spoon (the name of each code elements), please check


an example of a tool initialized in P-EPR




Language:Java 99.8%Language:Python 0.2%