kwstastozhs / type-a-number-ios

iOS version of the Type-a-Number Challenge, demonstrating achievements, leaderboards, and interactive posts

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Type-a-Number Challenge

A sample application that demonstrates some simple achievements (normal, hidden, and incremental), and leaderboards. It also demonstrates some basic G+ Platform functionality, such as sending and receiving Interactive Posts with Deep-Linking, and showing a list of the player's friends.


The Type-a-Number Challenge consists of a number of files that might be of interest to you:

  • AchievementManager is in charge of telling the game service that a user has performed whatever actions are necessary to unlock or make progress towards a particular achievement.

  • AppDelegate contains some of the code required to handle deep links (i.e. challenges).

  • Constants.h contains (nearly) all the constants that you will need to run this game on your own.

  • GameModel is the game's model. It supplies information to the AchievementManager and the LeaderboardManager at the appropriate moments

  • GameViewController is the ViewController for the game itself. This ViewController also displays the GPGLeaderboardController, which displays a leaderboard appropriate to your game mode. It also displays challenge information, when appropriate.

  • InitViewController is the main ViewConroller for the "welcome screen". You can see that calls made to display the GPGAchievementsController and the GPGLeaderboardsController are located here

  • LeaderboardManager is in charge of telling the game service that a user has earned a score towards a particular leaderboard

  • MainStoryboard_iPhone|iPad.storyboard are the main storyboards used by the application. I know I should probably be using a SplitViewController for the tablet.

  • PeopleListTVC displays a list of the first 20 people in the players' circles.

Running the sample application

To run the Type-a-Number Challenge on your own device, you will need to create your own version of the game in the Play Console. Once you have done that, you will create achievements and leaderboards for this game, then copy over all client IDs, achievement IDs and leaderboard IDs to your own Constants.h file. To follow this process, perform the following steps:

  1. Open up your TypeNumber project settings. Select the "TypeNumber" target and, on the "Summary" tab, change the Bundle Identifier from com.example.TypeNumber to something appropriate for your Provisioning Profile. (It will probably look like com.<your_company>.TypeNumber)
    • If you plan on only running this on an emulator, you can leave it as-is.
  2. Click the "Info" tab and go down to the bottom where you see "URL Types". Expand this and change the "Identifier" and "URL Schemes" from com.example.TypeNumber to whatever you used in Step 1.
  3. If you have already created this application in the Play Console (because you have created the Android or web version of the game, for example), you can skip steps 4 through 7 below. All you will need to do is...
    • Link the iOS version of your game, as described in the "Link Your Platform- Specific Apps" section of the console documentation
    • Create a separate client ID for the iOS version of the game, as described in the "Create a client ID" section of the Console Documentation.
      • Use the Bundle ID that you created in Step 1.
  4. Create your own application in the Play Console, as described in our Developer Documentation. Make sure you follow the "iOS" instructions for creating your client ID and linking your application.
    • Again, you will be using the Bundle ID that you created in Step 1.
    • You can leave the App Store ID blank for testing purposes.
  5. Make a note of your client ID and application ID as described in the documentation
  6. Create your own Achievements and Leaderboards as described in the Achievements and Leaderbords documentation. You are free to create your own Achievements and Leaderboards, but if you want to match the ones in this sample application, they are...
    • Achievements:
      • Prime: Receive a score that is a prime number
      • Bored: Play 10 games (Incremental achievement)
      • Humble: Request a score of 0
      • Don't Get Cocky, Kid: Request a score of 9999
      • OMG U R TEH UBER LEET!: Receive a score of 1337 (hidden achievement)
      • Really Bored: Play 100 games (Incremental achievement)
    • Leaderboards:
      • Hard mode
      • Easy mode
  7. Feel free to use any score value for your achievements (we tended to keep them between 10 and 75 points per achievement). If you want placeholder icons, is a great resource.
  8. Once that's done, you'll want to replace some of the constants defined in the application.
    • In the Constants.h file, replace the following constant with your OAuth2.0 client ID:
      • CLIENT_ID
    • In the same constants.js file, replace the following constants with the IDs for the corresponding achievements that you created:
      • ACH_PRIME
      • ACH_BORED
      • ACH_HUMBLE
      • ACH_COCKY
      • ACH_LEET
    • Finally, replace the following constants with the IDs for the corresponding leaderboards that you created:
      • LEAD_EASY
      • LEAD_HARD
  9. Go to your TypeNumber-info.plist file and replace the GPGApplication value with the actual Applicaton ID of your game.

That's it! Your application should be ready to run!

Known issues

  • Performance in the PeopleListTVC seems rather poor. I think it's something I'm doing wrong with loading the players' images.
  • iPad version isn't well designed for tablets.
  • My art skills have much room for improvement. :)


iOS version of the Type-a-Number Challenge, demonstrating achievements, leaderboards, and interactive posts

License:Apache License 2.0