kwn1125 / node-express-typescript-rest-api

Sample REST API developed using Node.js, Express, and TypeScript.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

REST API using Node.js, Express, and TypeScript

Sample REST API developed using Node.js, Express, and TypeScript.


Node.js is required to run this application. Please install Volta to automatically use the suitable Node.js version.


The recommended extensions for Visual Studio Code are listed in .vscode/extensions.json.

Getting Started

  • Clone this repository.
git clone <project_directory>
  • Install dependencies.
cd <project_directory>
npm install
  • Rename .env.sample to .env and update the values.
  • Apply the migration to your database.
npm run prisma:deploy
  • Generate Prisma Client.
npm run prisma:generate
  • Launch the application.
npm start


Sample REST API developed using Node.js, Express, and TypeScript.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%