kvnsmth / NagKit

Prompt to rate an app based on configurable events.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


I generally don't like when apps ask me to rate them, but if it must, it might as well do it right.


If you're using CocoaPods, you can add NagKit to your Podfile. Otherwise, add a submodule or something and put the NagKit folder in your Xcode project.


Set your app identifier:

[[NAGController sharedController] setAppID:@"123456789"];

NagKit automatically tracks application launch events on your behalf. Just set a threshold for NAGControllerApplicationLaunchEventName and it will do the rest.

Set event thresholds:

[[NAGController sharedController] setThreshold:10 forEvent:NAGControllerApplicationLaunchEventName];
[[NAGController sharedController] setThreshold:10 forEvent:@"UserMashedThisButton"];

Fire events:

[[NAGController sharedController] pushEvent:@"UserMashedThisButton"];

Implement NAGControllerDelegate:

- (void)controller:(NAGController *)controller willShowAlert:(UIAlertView *)alert {
    alert.title = NSLocalizedString(@"NAG_USER_ALERT_TITLE", nil);
    alert.message = NSLocalizedString(@"NAG_USER_ALERT_MESSAGE", nil);
    alert.cancelButtonIndex = [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"NAG_USER_ALERT_NO_THANKS", nil)];
    [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"NAG_USER_ALERT_SURE", nil)];

- (BOOL)controllerShouldShowAlert:(BOOL)controller {
    return ([self isLoggedIn] && [self isReachable]);

- (BOOL)controller:(NAGController *)controller shouldIncrementCountForEvent:(NSString *)name {
    return [self isLoggedIn];

Maybe do reachability stuff:

- (void)reachabilityDidChange {
    [[NAGController sharedController] showAlertIfNeeded];


Released under the MIT license. Don't bug your users too much.


Prompt to rate an app based on configurable events.

License:MIT License