kvasnica / wsclient

Websocket client for Matlab

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WSClient - websocket client for Matlab

The WSClient class adds a convenient UI to the matwebsocks package. Its primary purpose is to create a websocket connection to the server, send messages over the websockets, and listen for incoming messages.


The wsclient package can be installed by tbxmanager:

tbxmanager install wsclient matwebsocks eventcollector

where matwebsocks is a required dependency and eventcollector is an optional extension.

Make sure to run matws_install after installing the matwebsocks package to put all necessary Java libraries to the static Matlab Java class path.


To update the wsclient package (and other installed packages as well) to the latest version, use

tbxmanager update


client = WSClient(URL) creates the object client which represents a websocket pointing to URL. When the client is created, the connection is not yet open. To establish the connection, call client.connect(). To close the connection, use client.close().

Actual status of the connection can be retrieved by [S, N] = client.getStatus() where S is the status string and N is the status number (0=connecting, also provided when the client was never connected, 1=open, 2=closing, 3=closed).

client.send(DATA) sends data to the websocket. Unless specified otherwise, DATA must be a string. The send() method can be configured to automatically convert any Matlab objects to strings by specifying a message encoder:

client = WSClient(URL, 'Encoder', ENCODERCB)

where ENCODERCB is a function handle. The encoding function must take the data to be encoded as the input and return a string. As an example, to configure the client to send numeric data, use

client = WSClient(URL, 'Encoder', @(data) num2str(data))

The client can also send raw string messages by client.sendRaw(msg), bypassing the encoder function.

When a new message arrives from the websocket, the client stores the raw string message in client.Raw and the decoded message in client.Message:

decoded_message = client.Message
raw_message = client.Raw

The decoder is specified by

client = WSClient(URL, 'Decoder', DECODERCB)

where DECODERCB is a function handle of the decoding function that takes the raw message as an input and returns the decoded object. As an example, to configure the client to automatically convert string messages to numbers, use

client = WSClient(URL, 'Decoder', @(string) str2double(string))

If the encoder or the decoder are not specified, the decoded/encoded message is equal to the raw message.

The local timestamp of the last received message is available in client.LastReceiveTS.

The WSClient class defines several events which you can subscribe to by client.addlistener(EVENTID, EVENTCB) where EVENTID is a string identificator of the message and EVENTCB is a callback function. The callback must take two inputs:

  1. the source of the event SOURCEOBJ;
  2. an instance of the WSEvent class EVENTDATA which contains event-specific data in EVENTDATA.Message.

Available events:

  • 'MessageReceived' is triggered when a new decoded message is available. EVENTDATA.Message contains the decoded message.
  • 'MessageSent' is triggered when a new encoded message is sent by the client. EVENTDATA.Message contains the encoded message.
  • 'SocketConnecting' is triggered before the connection to the websocket is opened. EVENTDATA.Message contains the socket URL.
  • 'SocketOpened' is triggered when the connection to the websocket is opened. EVENTDATA.Message contains the socket URL.
  • 'SocketClosing' is triggered before the connection to the websocket is closed. EVENTDATA.Message contains the socket URL.
  • 'SocketClosed' is triggered when the connection to the websocket is closed. EVENTDATA.Message contains the socket URL.

As an example, to print the socket URL when the connection is established and closed, use

client.addlistener('SocketOpened', @(s,e) disp(['Opened: ',e.Message]));
client.addlistener('SocketClosed', @(s,e) disp(['Closed: ',e.Message]));

To print the received decoded message, subscribe to the MessageReceived event:

client.addlistener('MessageReceived', @(s,e) disp(e.Message))

Basic demo

% create the websocket client
client = WSClient('ws://echo.websocket.org/')

% connect the client

% send a string message
client.send('message to the echo server')

% read the server's reply (same as the sent event since we are using an "echo" server)
reply = client.Message 

% close the client

Advanced demos


Websocket client for Matlab

License:MIT License


Language:MATLAB 100.0%