kurtbuilds / jq

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Replacement for stedolan/jq. Why?

  • csv subcommand to succinctly and intuitively convert JSON to CSV
  • Handle multiple JSON documents in a single stream. stedolan/jq only handles one document at a time. This feature enables chaining multiple jq commands together, eliminating the need for quoting commands, as is the case with the stedolan/jq.


Here's an example that shows chaining of jq commands, and the csv subcommand.

cat data/reviews.json | jq feed.entry | jq csv content.label author.name.label > ios-reviews.csv
# Yes, this is an unnecessary use of cat :) It keeps the command order same as stream order.


cargo install --git https://github.com/kurtbuilds/jq

Why did you name it the same as stedolan/jq?

It's meant to be a drop-in replacement. Rather than use an alias, I just call the executable the same. On my machine, with brew install jq, I have both jq commands installed:

$ which -a jq

I use the fully qualified path /opt/homebrew/bin/jq if I need the stedolan/jq version for some reason.

Differences compared to stedolan/jq

  • leading . is optional
  • bash command chaining works, so we don't have to wrap the command in single quotes ''
  • Just pass keypaths into the csv command to generate a csv. No esoteric command syntax.
  • Strings are printed raw by default, not wrapped in quotes.


  • Basic jq functionality
  • Chained documents
  • Csv subcommand
  • Colored output


Need features? Open an issue or a PR.



Language:Rust 91.2%Language:Just 8.8%