kursadHD / TgMusicBot

TgMusicBot is a telegram userbot for playing songs in telegram voice calls based on Pyrogram and PyTgCalls.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TgMusicBot [Stable]

TgMusicBot is a telegram userbot for playing songs in telegram voice calls based on Pyrogram and PyTgCalls.


!start / !help

Desc: Show the commands
e.g. !help

!play [song name | youtube link]

Desc: Play a song in voice call, if already playing add to queue
Note: Or you can reply to a message with !play, it's same
e.g. !play falling, !play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIc4mqyN1Q8

!remote [stream url]

Desc: Play a remote stream in voice call, if already playing add to queue
e.g. !remote http://a.files.bbci.co.uk/media/live/manifesto/audio/simulcast/hls/nonuk/sbr_low/ak/bbc_world_service.m3u8

!skip / !next

Desc: Skip to next song
e.g. !skip


Desc: Leave from voice call and clear the queue
e.g. !leave


Desc: Show songs in the queue
e.g. !queue


Desc: Shuflle the queue
e.g. !shuffle


Desc: Show currently playing song
e.g. !now

!mode / !switch

Desc: Change the stream mode (audio/video) e.g. !mode


Desc: Mute stream e.g. !mute


Desc: Unmute stream e.g. !unmute


Desc: Pause stream e.g. !pause


Desc: Resume stream e.g. !resume


Desc: Switch the loop mode
e.g. !loop


Desc: Switch the quiet mode
e.g. !quiet

!language [lang code]

Desc: Set bot language in a group
e.g. !language en

!addbl [user id]

Desc: Add user to blacklist in group
Note: Or reply the user's message with !addbl you want to blacklist
e.g. !addbl 111111111, !addbl (with reply)

!rmbl [user id]

Desc: Remove user from blacklist in group
Note: Or reply the user's message with !rmbl you want to unblacklist
e.g. !rmbl 111111111, !rmbl (with reply)


Desc: Get blacklisted user's ids in group
e.g. !getbl


Desc: Export the queue for import in future (like playlist)
Note: Save the exported file
e.g. !export


Desc: Import queue from exported file
Note: Reply the exported file with !import
e.g. !import (with reply)

!playlist [playlist url]

Desc: Import playlist from youtube/spotify
Note: This command has some bugs
e.g. !playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ZgmfR6lsnCwdffZUan8EA


  • You can stream youtube videos, radios, youtube/spotify playlists or telegram audio files!
  • No duration limit!
  • Unlimited queue!
  • Play different songs in multiple groups. Each group has it's own queue!


On Local


git clone github.com/kursadHD/TgMusicBot.git
cd TgMusicBot
mv config.env.example config.env
nano config.env # edit your config file
pip(3) install -r requirements.txt -U
python(3) main.py

On Heroku

Deploy To Heroku

Config Vars

SESSION Pyrogram string session. (run python(3) session.py or Generate Session String ) Required
API_ID Telegram api id (get from https://my.telegram.org) Required
API_HASH Telegram api hash (get from https://my.telegram.org) Required
SUDO Sudo user ids (separate with space if more than one sudo) Optional (default: Userbot's id)
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID Spotify client id (get from https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard) Optional
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET Spotify client secret (get from https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard) Optional
LOG_LEVEL Log level Optional (default: error)
PREFIXES Bot prefixes (separate with space) Optional (default: !)
DEFAULT_LANG Default language for groups Optional (default: tr)
DEFAULT_STREAM_MODE Default stream mode for groups (audio or video) Optional (default: audio)


If you find a bug, contact me via Telegram or create an issue


TgMusicBot is a telegram userbot for playing songs in telegram voice calls based on Pyrogram and PyTgCalls.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 99.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%Language:Procfile 0.1%