kuroyu / fbind


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Copyright (C) 2017-2019, VR25 @ xda-developers

License: GPL V3+



This software is provided as is, in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty. Always read/reread this reference prior to installing/upgrading. While no cats have been harmed, I assume no responsibility under anything which might go wrong due to the use/misuse of it.

A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3 or newer ships with every build. Please, study it prior to using, modifying and/or sharing any part of this work.

To prevent fraud, DO NOT mirror any link associated with this project; DO NOT share ready-to-flash-builds (zips) on-line!


This is an advanced mounting utility for folders, EXT4 images (loop devices), LUKS/LUKS2 encrypted volumes, regular partitions and more.


  • Any root solution, preferably Magisk 17.0+
  • App to run /system/etc/fbind/autorun.sh on boot if system doesn't support Magisk nor init.d
  • Basic mount and terminal usage knowledge
  • Terminal Emulator (i.e., Termux)


  • bind_mount Generic bind-mount

    • e.g., bind_mount $extsd/loop_device/app_data/spotify /data/data/com.spotify.music
  • extsd_path Use as extsd.

    • e.g., extsd_path /mnt/mmcblk1p2
  • from_to Wrapper for bind_mount <$extsd/[path]> <$intsd/[path]>

    • e.g., from_to WhatsApp .WhatsApp
  • Check/fix external partition before system gets a chance to mount it. This is great for EXT[2-4] filesystems (e2fsck -fy is stable and fast) and NOT recommend for F2FS (fsck.f2fs can be extremely slow and cause/worsen corruption).

    • e.g., e2fsck -fy /dev/block/mmcblk1p1
  • int_extf Bind-mount the entire user 0 (internal) storage to $extsd/<path> (implies obb). If <path> is not supplied, .fbind is used.

    • e.g., int_extf .external_storage
  • intsd_path Use as intsd.

    • e.g., intsd_path /storage/emulated/0
  • loop <.img file> Mount an EXT4 .img file (loop device). e2fsck -fy <.img file> is executed first.

    • e.g., loop $extsd/loop.img $intsd/loop
  • noAutoMount Disable on boot auto-mount.

  • noWriteRemount Read the SDcardFS note below.

  • obb Wrapper for bind_mount $extobb $obb

  • obbf Wrapper for bind_mount $extobb/<package name> $obb/<package name>

    • e.g., obbf com.mygame.greatgame
  • part <[block device] or [block device--L]> <"fsck -OPTION(s)" (filesystem specific, optional)> Auto-mount a partition. The --L flag is for LUKS volume, opened manually by running any fbind command. Filesystem is automatically detected. The first two arguments can be -o <mount options>, respectively. In that case, positional parameters are shifted. The defaut mount options are rw and noatime.

    • e.g., part /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/_sdcard
    • e.g., part -o nodev,noexec,nosuid /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/_sdcard
  • permissive Set SELinux mode to permissive.

  • remove Auto-remove stubborn/unwanted file/folder from $intsd & $extsd.

    • e.g, remove Android/data/com.facebook.orca, remove DCIM/.8be0da06c44688f6.cfg
  • target Wrapper for bind_mount <$extsd/[path]> <$intsd/[same path]>

    • e.g., target Android/data/com.google.android.youtube


`Usage: fbind or fbind <options(s)> <argument(s)>

Launch the folder mounting wizard.

-a|--auto-mount Toggle on boot auto-mount (default: enabled).

-b|--bind-mount Bind-mount folders not listed in config.txt. Extra SDcarsFS paths are handled automatically. Missing directories are created accordingly. e.g., fbind -b /data/someFolder /data/mountHere

-c|--config <editor [opts]> Open config.txt w/ <editor [opts]> (default: vim/vi). e.g., fbind -c nano -l

-C|--cryptsetup <opt(s)> <arg(s)> Run $modPath/bin/cryptsetup <opt(s)> <arg(s)>.

-f|--fuse Toggle force FUSE yes/no (default: no). This is automatically enabled during installation if /data/forcefuse exists or the zip name contains the word "fuse" (case insensitive) or PROPFILE=true in config.sh. The setting persists across upgrades.

-h|--help List all commands.

-i|--info Show debugging info.

-l|--log <editor [opts]> Open fbind-boot-$deviceName.log w/ <editor [opts]> (default: vim/vi). e.g., fbind -l

-m|--mount <pattern|pattern2|...> Bind-mount matched or all (no arg). e.g., fbind -m Whats|Downl|part

-M|--move <pattern|pattern2|...> Move matched or all (no args) to external storage. Only unmounted folders are affected. e.g., fbind -M Download|obb

-Mm <pattern|pattern2|...> Same as "fbind -M && fbind -m " e.g., fbind -Mm

-r|--readme Open README.md w/ <editor [opts]> (default: vim/vi).

-R|--remove Remove stubborn/unwanted file/folder from $intsd and $extsd. is optional. By default, all lines from config are included. e.g., fbind -R Android/data/com.facebook.orca

-u|--unmount <pattern|pattern2|... or [mount point] > Unmount matched or all (no arg). This works for regular bind-mounts, SDcardFS bind-mounts, regular partitions, loop devices and LUKS/LUKS2 encrypted volumes. Unmounting all doesn't affect partitions nor loop devices. These must be unmounted with a pattern argument. For unmounting folders bound with the -b|--bind_mount option, must be supplied, since these pairs aren't in config.txt. e.g., fbind -u loop|part|Downl

-um|--remount <pattern|pattern2|...> Remount matched or all (no arg). e.g., fbind -um Download|obb`


  • Always enforce Unix line endings (LF) when editing config.txt with other tools. NEVER use Windows Notepad!

  • Available free space in internal storage may be misreported.

  • Busybox installation is unnecessary, unless fbind is installed into /system (legacy/Magisk-unsupported devices only).

  • Config survives factory resets if internal storage (data/media/) is not wiped.

  • Duplicate SDcard may show up in file managers.

  • [FUSE] Some users may need to set intsd_path /storage/emulated/0 (default is /data/media/0).

  • If you stumble upon inaccessible folders or read-only access, try forcing FUSE mode (fbind -f). If your system doesn't support FUSE, it will bootloop, but fbind will notice and automatically revert the change.

  • Logs are stored at /data/adb/fbind/logs/.

  • [SDcardFS] Remounting /mnt/runtime/write/... may cause a system reboot. If this happens, fbind remembers to skip that next times. There's a catch, though! If your system reboots for a reason other than this, fbind will mistakenly add noWriteRemount to config. If you stumble across broken bind mounts, remove that line and remount all folders (fbind --remount).

  • There is a sample config in $zipFile/common/ and /data/adb/fbind/info/.


First time

  1. Install from Magisk Manager or custom recovery.
  2. Reboot.
  3. Configure (/data/adb/fbind/config.txt) -- recall that fbind -c <editor [opts]> opens config.txt w/ <editor [opts]> (default: vim/vi).
  4. Move data to the SDcard with a file manager or fbind --move then run fbind --mount.


  1. Install from Magisk Manager or custom recovery.
  2. Reboot.

After ROM updates

  • Unless addon.d feature is supported by the ROM, follow the upgrade steps above.

Bootloop (Magisk only)

  • Flash the same version again to disable the module.


  1. Magisk: use Magisk Manager or other tool; legacy: flashing the same version again removes all traces of fbind from /system.
  2. Reboot.



2019.1.23 (201901230)

  • General optimizations
  • More accurate SDcardFS and encrypted data detection
  • New command: fbind --remount
  • Note on SDcardFS: remounting /mnt/runtime/write/... may cause a system reboot. If this happens, fbind remembers to skip that next times. There's a catch, though! If your system reboots for a reason other than this, fbind will mistakenly add noWriteRemount to config. If you stumble across broken bind mounts, remove that line and remount all folders (fbind -um).

2019.1.5 (201901050)

  • Fixed auto-mount toggle (fbind -a) inverted output.
  • Forcing FUSE mode (fbind -f) causes bootloop if the system doesn't support that. When this happens, changes are automatically reverted.
  • General optimizations
  • Under SDcardFS, remounting /mnt/runtime/write/... may cause a system reboot. If this happens, fbind remembers to skip that next times (noWriteRemount).
  • Updated building tools
  • Wizard has a "troubleshooting" option.

2019.1.2 (201901020)

  • fbind -R|--remove : remove stubborn/unwanted file/folder from $intsd and $extsd. is optional. By default, all lines from config are included.
  • fbind : launch the folder mounting wizard.
  • fsck SDcard, refer to README.md (fbind -r) for details.
  • Major fixes & optimizations



License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 99.9%Language:Batchfile 0.1%