kurovskyiii / rn-yookassa

React Native YooKassa SDK Integration

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rn-yookassa – React Native YooKassa SDK Integration

Inspired by: react-native-yookassa-payments

Android NATIVE SDK - 6.4.0

iOS NATIVE SDK - 6.2.0

Quick Navigation

Running Example App

git clone https://github.com/kurovskyi/rn-yookassa.git

Open project folder and install dependencies:


Run Example App on device:

# Android:
yarn example android
# iOS:
yarn example ios

STEP 1: Package Installation

yarn add rn-yookassa

– OR –

npm install rn-yookassa --save

STEP 2: Native Installation

Android Installation:

  1. Create libs folder in android/app directory and put there ThreatMetrix Android SDK X.X-XX.aar file (this file will given you by YooKassa manager by support request).

    ❗️ Required TMX Android SDK version 5.4-XX because of issues with app icon on Android ❗️

  2. Make sure your android/build.gradle looks like that. Pay attention for minSdkVersion and version of com.android.tools.build:gradle. This is the minimal requirements, so if you have higher versions it's ok.
buildscript {
    ext {
        minSdkVersion = 21 // <- CHECK YOU HAVE THIS MINIMAL VERSION


    dependencies {
        classpath("com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.5.4") // <- CHECK YOU HAVE THIS MINIMAL VERSION




allprojects {
    repositories {
        mavenCentral() // <- CHECK YOU HAVE THIS

  1. Add following lines in android/app/build.gradle dependencies:

dependencies {

    implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.aar"]) // <- ADD THIS LINE
  1. Add following lines in android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml to set scheme your_unique_app_shceme for processing deep links. It's required for payments via SberPay.

    <string name="ym_app_scheme" translatable="false">your_unique_app_shceme</string> <!-- ADD THIS LINE -->
  1. Add this in AndroidManifest.xml for card scanning work:
<manifest ...>
    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus" android:required="false" /> <!-- ADD THIS LINE -->
    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.flash" android:required="false" /> <!-- ADD THIS LINE -->


iOS Installation:

  1. Change ios/Podfile like this:
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git' # <- ADD THIS LINE
source 'https://git.yoomoney.ru/scm/sdk/cocoa-pod-specs.git' # <- ADD THIS LINE

plugin 'cocoapods-user-defined-build-types' # <- ADD THIS LINE
enable_user_defined_build_types! # <- ADD THIS LINE

target 'ExampleApp' do

  pod 'YooKassaPayments',
    :build_type => :dynamic_framework,
    :git => 'https://git.yoomoney.ru/scm/sdk/yookassa-payments-swift.git',
    :tag => '6.6.0'

  1. Create Frameworks folder in ios directory and put there TMXProfiling.xcframework and TMXProfilingConnections.xcframework (this frameworks will also given you by YooKassa manager by support request).

  2. Add TMXProfiling.xcframework and TMXProfilingConnections.xcframework in Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content in Xcode for the main target of the project under the General section.

  3. Run pod install.

    * If you get [!] Invalid Podfile file: undefined method 'enable_user_defined_build_types!' error
    run command:

    sudo gem install cocoapods-user-defined-build-types


1) Import functions and types from package

import {
} from 'rn-yookassa';

2) Create payment trigger

const onPayPress = async () => {
  try {
    // Our next code will be here.
  } catch (err) {
    // Process errors from YooKassa module:
    if (err instanceof YooKassaError) {
      switch (err.code) {
        case ErrorCodesEnum.E_PAYMENT_CANCELLED:
          console.log('User cancelled YooKassa module.');

You can check error is instance of YooKassaError and process error codes. To process errors use ErrorCodesEnum.

3) Run tokenization

You will get paymentToken for payment validation via your back-end and paymentMethodType for the next payment confirmation process.

❗️ Do not specify returnUrl if you want to confirm payment in-app.

const { paymentToken, paymentMethodType } = await tokenize({
  clientApplicationKey: 'test_ABCDEF',
  shopId: '123456',
  title: 'iPhone 7',
  subtitle: 'Best device!',
  price: 1000,
  paymentTypes: [PaymentTypesEnum.BANK_CARD, PaymentTypesEnum.APPLE_PAY],
  authCenterClientId: '123abc',
  userPhoneNumber: '+79301234567',
  gatewayId: '123abc',
  returnUrl: 'http://google.com',
  googlePaymentTypes: [
  applePayMerchantId: 'merchant.com.example',
  isDebug: false,

4) Validate paymentToken with your API and return confirmationUrl

You also can check payments error on that stage (for example, card_expired). All error list available here.

const { confirmationUrl, paymentError } = await YOUR_API_REQUEST({

// Error validation here...
// Call dismiss() if you get an error and notify user.

5) Confirm payment in-app (3-D Secure or another method)

If you get confirmation_url from the Payment object returned by API's response so you should confirm that payment. Use here paymentMethodType from tokenize() result.

await confirmPayment({ confirmationUrl, paymentMethodType });

6) Close YooKassa window and show Success notification



Open YooKassa window and create payment token.

PROPS Object

Name Type Default Description
clientApplicationKey string ❗️ REQUIRED Key for client apps from the YooMoney Merchant Profile (Settings section — API keys).
shopId string ❗️ REQUIRED Store's ID in YooMoney.
title string ❗️ REQUIRED Product name.
subtitle string ❗️ REQUIRED Product description.
price number ❗️ REQUIRED Product price. Available payment methods can change depending on this parameter.
paymentMethodTypes PaymentMethodTypesEnum[]? All of PaymentMethodTypesEnum Array of needed payment methods. If you leave the field empty, the library will use all available payment methods.
authCenterClientId string? undefined App's ID for SDK authorization ru.yoomoney.sdk.auth, see Registering an app for payments via the wallet.
userPhoneNumber string? undefined User's phone number. It's used for autofilling fields for payments via SberPay. Supported format: "+7XXXXXXXXXX".
gatewayId string? undefined Gateway ID for the store.
returnUrl string? undefined Url of the page (only https supported) where you need to return after completing 3DS. If confirmPayment() is used, don't specify this parameter!
googlePaymentMethodTypes GooglePaymentMethodTypesEnum[]? All of GooglePaymentMethodTypesEnum Array of needed payment methods for Google Pay (❗️ required for payments via Google Pay).
applePayMerchantId string? undefined Apple Pay merchant ID (❗️ required for payments via Apple Pay).
isDebug boolean? false Enter to the Debug mode to test payments. In this mode you will receive fake tokens. If you want to test real tokens try to set up Test Shop in the YooKassa Panel.

Result Object

Name Type Description
paymentToken string Payment token that you need to pass to your API.
paymentMethodType PaymentMethodTypesEnum Payment method that was used. This will be used in the confirmation process.

Error Object (can be undefined)

Name Type Description
code ErrorCodesEnum Error code that describes what happened.
message string Something about the error.


Call this after you get confirmation_url from your API. Make sure you aren't specify returnUrl in the tokenize() function and didn't dismiss YooKassa window yet.

PROPS Object

Name Type Default Description
confirmationUrl string ❗️ REQUIRED Confirmation url that you have got from your API.
paymentMethodType PaymentMethodTypesEnum ❗️ REQUIRED Payment method that was used in the tokenization process.

Result Object

Name Type Description
paymentMethodType PaymentMethodTypesEnum Payment method that was used.

Error Object (can be undefined)

Name Type Description
code ErrorCodesEnum Error code that describes what happened.
message string Something about the error.


Close YooKassa window. Call it after successful payment confirmation.


1) If you see errors during pod install:

[!] Invalid Podfile file: undefined method `enable_user_defined_build_types!'

You need to install CocoaPods additional package:

sudo gem install cocoapods-user-defined-build-types

Then run pod install again.

2) If you see errors in Xcode Project like this:

Failed to build module 'MoneyAuth' from its module interface...
Compipiling for iOS 10.0, but module 'FunctiionalSwift' has a minimum deployment target iOS 11.0...
Typedef redefinition with different types ('uint8_t' (aka 'unsigned char'))...

You can resolve it by adding post_install in your Podfile:

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
  target.build_configurations.each do |config|
  if target.name == 'FunctionalSwift' || target.name == 'YooMoneyCoreApi'
    config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '10.0'
  if target.name == 'RCT-Folly'
    config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '9.0'
    config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '12.0'


For using your custom realization of 3DSecure confirmation, specify returnUrl: string for redirect to your link. Not use confirmPayment() method with returnUrl.


  • iOS Russian localization
  • UI customization
  • Refactoring native bridges
  • Implementing bridges for YooMoney and SberPay
  • Writing instructions for all payment methods
  • Writing CHANGELOG.MD
  • Writing MIGRATION.MD




React Native YooKassa SDK Integration

License:MIT License


Language:Java 50.1%Language:TypeScript 17.1%Language:Swift 16.8%Language:Objective-C 8.1%Language:Ruby 4.2%Language:JavaScript 3.2%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:C 0.2%