kuro337 / distributed-realtime-events

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Redpanda Cluster with Real Time Event Streaming Applications

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  • Repo:

    • Full Redpanda Cluster with 3 Brokers running on Kubernetes

    • Applications to consume and produce events from the Central Cluster

  • Prerequisites

  • k3 Running locally

  • kubectl + helm cli

  • Docker

# Install k3d
wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k3d-io/k3d/main/install.sh | bash


1. Create cluster

# Create cluster

k3d cluster create event-streaming

2. Create Red Panda deployment

# One time setup for red panda repo
helm repo add redpanda https://charts.redpanda.com/
helm repo update

# Install red-panda
helm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda --namespace redpanda --create-namespace --wait --values=./redpanda/k3d-values.yaml

3. OPTIONAL: Install Kubernets Dashboard

helm repo add kubernetes-dashboard https://kubernetes.github.io/dashboard/

helm upgrade --install kubernetes-dashboard kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard --create-namespace --namespace kubernetes-dashboard

This command deploys kubernetes-dashboard on the Kubernetes cluster in the kubernetes-dashboard namespace with default configuration.

3a. Creat sample user

kubectl apply -f ./redpanda/dashboard-adminuser.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./redpanda/cluster-role-binding.yaml

3b. Start Daskboard

export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -n kubernetes-dashboard -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=kubernetes-dashboard,app.kubernetes.io/instance=kubernetes-dashboard" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")

kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard port-forward $POD_NAME 8443:8443

NOTE: You need a user token to log into the dashboard.

3c. Get token

kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token admin-user

NOTE: You need to periodically log into dashboard again with new token.

4 Build custom image and import it to cluster

# BUILD image
docker build -t redpanda-node-app .

# Import image

k3d image import redpanda-node-app -c event-streaming

NOTE: You need to repeate these steps if you change source code.

NOTE: This image also includes the "rpk" redpanda CLI.

NOTE: cluster info is the rpk command. You can use any other rpk commands here as well.

5 Create deployment with the app

kubectl create namespace redpanda

kubectl apply -f ./redpanda/node-kafka-app.yaml

Make sure everything is working...

1 Pods

kubectl get pod -n redpanda

This should show result like this:

NAME                           READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
redpanda-0                     2/2     Running     0          3h43m
redpanda-configuration-7586j   0/1     Completed   0          3h43m
kefka-app-57776b785d-58pkg     1/1     Running     0          33m

2 Replica Set (app)
kubectl get replicaset -n redpanda

This should show result like this:

NAME                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
kefka-app-57776b785d   1         1         1       35m
3 Stateful Set (redpanda)
kubectl get statefulset -n redpanda

This should show result like this:

redpanda   1/1     3h45m

6 Testing

  • Get the name of "kafla app" pod (using kubectl get pod -n redpanda)

  • Log into the "kafka app" pod

kubectl exec -n redpanda -it redpanda-node-app-6d46cb8bb6-5nwl4 -- /bin/sh
  • Check Redpanda Cluster (using rpk)
./rpk cluster info --brokers redpanda-0.redpanda.redpanda.svc.cluster.local.:9093
  • Run the chat room sample app (You need to log into two separate terminals and run the same app)
node ./src/index.mjs
  • Building Java App and importing to Cluster (can use an Image from your Image Repo as well)
./gradlew fatJar

docker build -t redpanda-java-app:latest -f Dockerfile ..

k3d image import redpanda-java-app:latest -c event-streaming
  • Run the JVM App that sends and produces messages
kubectl apply -f java-kafka-app.yaml

# Get correct deployment value by checking kubectl pods -n redpanda

kubectl exec -n redpanda -it redpanda-java-app-c67c4ddd9-62gdq -- /bin/sh

# Run java app
java -jar app.jar

# Now you can send messages - 
# Or type poll to use the Consumer Group and offsets to retrieve latest messages



Language:Java 60.4%Language:JavaScript 31.5%Language:Dockerfile 8.1%