kurjoz / summer-campaign

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Landing for summer campaign portmone.com

To run locally:

  • nodejs
  • npm
  • bower
  • grunt

to install dependencies, run:


    npm install;
    bower install;

Then run grunt to compile files and local server, run:


To push dist folder to 'gh-pages' branch, add unversioned files, commid changes, push changes, then run command:

grunt ghp

that will compile all the files, and push changest under the 'gh-pages' branch, then the frontend layout can be automatically visible from: https://%github-user%.github.io/%repo%/
f.ex: https://kurjoz.github.io/summer-campaign/

##Folder structure:

src: source files, including less files for components, js files for components, images, fonts.

- src
-- bower_components
-- css
-- im
-- js
-- less
-- index.html

dist: complied from src folder.



Language:CSS 58.2%Language:HTML 30.6%Language:JavaScript 11.2%