kupilot / Reusable-Custom-Picker-for-SwiftUI

Completed project for the YouTube Video of the same name

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reusable CustomPicker for SwiftUI

This is the completed playground for the YouTube video of the same name

The starter project and video is available in the notes for the video.

Reusable Custom Picker for SwiftUI

Checklist for implementing CustomPicker

  • Conform to CustomPicker (this will require the addition of the saveUpdates function. If you are not allowing updates to the array in any of your pickers you can just leave the function block empty).

    struct ContentView: View, CustomPicker
    func saveUpdates(_ newItem: String) {
       // Leave body empty if you are not allowing updates to the list
  • Add a string state variable for your each of you customPickerTextFields. this will be bound to the corresponding TextField

    @State private var fieldName = ""
  • Add a property that will access provide access to the corresponding string array.

    // example
    @State private var foodArray = ["Milk", "Apples", "Sugar", "Eggs", "Oranges", "Potatoes", "Corn", "Bread"]

    or, it could be a viewModel that has a property that you will be able to generate the array from.

    @StateObject private var countriesVM = CountryViewModel()
  • Create a tag state variable that is initialized as an integer of 1

    @State private var tag: Int = 1
  • Create a boolean state variable called presentPicker

    @State private var presentPicker = false
  • In your content view, create your custom picker text views making sure that you assign a tag, even if there is only one picker.

    CustomPickerTextView(presentPicker: $presentPicker,
                         fieldString: $food,
                         placeholder: "Select a food item.",
                         tag: $tag,
                         selectedTag: 1)
    CustomPickerTextView(presentPicker: $presentPicker,
                         fieldString: $country,
                         placeholder: "Select a country.",
                         tag: $tag,
                       selectedTag: 2)
  • Embed your View in a ZStack.

    ZStack {
      NavigationView{ // You may not have a NavigationView
        // your content
  • In the font most (bottom ) view of the ZStack, use the if pesentPicker block to check which view you want to present based on the tag and present your CustomPickerView and make sure you include .zIndex(1)

    if presentPicker {
        if tag == 1 {
            CustomPickerView(items: foodArray.sorted(),
                             pickerField: $food,
                             presentPicker: $presentPicker,
                             saveUpdates: saveUpdates)
        } else {
            CustomPickerView(items: countriesVM.countryNamesArray,
                             pickerField: $country,
                             presentPicker: $presentPicker)
  • And Finally, if any of your custom picker views allow updates. Check the tag if necessary and provide the functiosn that will add the selected string to the array.

    func saveUpdates(_ newItem: String) {
      if tag == 1 {
        // code for updating the array for tag 1
      } else if tag == 2 {
        // code for updating the array for tag 2
      // more checks if needed


Completed project for the YouTube Video of the same name

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 100.0%