kunalvarma05 / terraform-aws-ecs

Terraform Module for deploying an ECS Cluster

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AWS ECS Terraform Module

Terraform module that deploys an ECS autoscaling group. If you include an EFS ID and EFS Security Group, it will also mount the EFS volume to the ECS instances.

Deploying with EFS

By default, the module will deploy without trying to mount an EFS volume. If you attempt to deploy the EFS at the same time as the ECS cluster, a race condition exists where the autoscaling group gets created before the mount targets have finished being created. To avoid this, you can set the depends_on_efs variable to the aws_efs_mount_target output. This way, the autoscaling group won't get created until the EFS mount targets have been created.


module "ecs-0" {
  source                        = "AustinCloudGuru/ecs/aws"
  version                       = "1.1.0"
  name                          = "my-ecs-cluster"
  vpc_id                        = vpc-0e151a59f874eadd8
  cidr_block                    = [""]
  subnet_ids                    = ["subnet-1e151a59f874eadd8", "subnet-0e148a59f874eadd8", "subnet-2e151a57f874eadd8"]
  min_size                      = "1"
  max_size                      = "3"
  desired_capacity              = "2"
  instance_type                 = "t2.large"
  key_name                      = "aws-key"
  image_id                      = "ami-2f56774e"
  tags                          = var.tags
  additional_iam_statements     = var.additional_iam_statements
  attach_efs                    = true
  efs_id                        = "fs-532cdcd3"
  efs_sg_id                     = "sg-076487b693f21bcb8"
  depends_on_efs                = ["fsmt-8387e72b"]
# Variables
tags = {
         Terraform = "true"
         Environment = "development"

additional_iam_statements = [
    effect = "Allow"
    actions = [
    resources = ["*"]


Name Description Type Default Required
vpc_id The VPC ID that the cluster will be deployed to string yes
subnet_ids The Subnet IDs that the cluster will be deployed to list(string) yes
image_id The EC2 image ID to launch string ""t3.medium"" yes
attach_efs Whether to try and attach an EFS volume to the instances bool false no
efs_sg_id The EFS Security Group ID - Required if attach_efs is true string "" no
efs_id The EFS ID - Required if attach_efs is true String "" no
depends_on_efs If attaching EFS, it makes sure that the mount targets are ready list(string) [] no
name Name for the ECS cluster that will be deployed string yes
cidr_block Cider Block for the Security Group list(string) yes
min_size The minimum number of ECS servers to create in the autoscaling group number 1 no
max_size The maximuum number of ECS servers to create in the autoscaling group number 1 no
desired_capacity The desired number of ECS servers to create in the autoscaling group number 1 no
instance_type The instance type to deploy to. string t3.medium no
key_name The key name to use for the instances. string "" no
associate_public_ip_address Whether to associate a public IP in the launch configuration bool false no
additional_iam_statements Additional IAM statements for the ECS instances list(object) [] no
tags A map of tags to add to all resources map(string) {} no


Name Description
cluster_id The ECS cluster ID
cluster_arn The ECS cluster ARN

Getting the AMI Version

You can get the latest version of the AMI by running the following command.

data "aws_ami" "latest_ecs_ami" {
  most_recent = true
  owners      = ["591542846629"] # AWS
  filter {
    name   = "name"
    values = ["*amazon-ecs-optimized"]
  filter {
    name   = "virtualization-type"
    values = ["hvm"]

If you are in both regular AWS and GovCloud, you can find the latest in either by creating a variable called govcloud and setting it to true or false and adding the following code:

locals {
  latest_ami   = var.govcloud ? "580842271618" : "591542846629"

# Get the latest ECS AMI
data "aws_ami" "latest_ecs_ami" {
  most_recent = true
  owners      = [local.latest_ami] # AWS
  filter {
    name   = "name"
    values = ["*amazon-ecs-optimized"]
  filter {
    name   = "virtualization-type"
    values = ["hvm"]


Module is maintained by Mark Honomichl.


MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for full details


Terraform Module for deploying an ECS Cluster

License:MIT License


Language:HCL 100.0%