kuma-guy / Ray.AuraSqlModule

Aura.Sql module for Ray.Di

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Aura.Sql Module for Ray.Di


Composer install

$ composer require ray/aura-sql-module

Module install

use Ray\Di\AbstractModule;
use Ray\AuraSqlModule\AuraSqlModule;
use Ray\AuraSqlModule\AuraSqlQueryModule;

class AppModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure()
            new AuraSqlModule(
                'slave1,slave2,slave3' // optional slave server list
                $options,              // optional key=>value array of driver-specific connection options
                $attributes            // optional key=>value attriburtes

DI trait


Installing AuraSqlReplicationModule using a connection locator for master/slave connections.

use Ray\Di\AbstractModule;
use Ray\AuraSqlModule\AuraSqlModule;
use Ray\AuraSqlModule\Annotation\AuraSqlConfig;
use Aura\Sql\ConnectionLocator;

class AppModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure()
        $locator = new ConnectionLocator;
        $locator->setWrite('master', new Connection('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=master', 'id', 'pass'));
        $locator->setRead('slave1',  new Connection('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=slave1', 'id', 'pass'));
        $locator->setRead('slave2',  new Connection('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=slave2', 'id', 'pass'));
        $this->install(new AuraSqlReplicationModule($locator));

You will now have a slave db connection when using HTTP GET, or a master db connection in other HTTP methods.

Multiple DB

You may want to inject different connection destinations on the same DB interface with @Named($qaulifier) annotation. Two modules are provided. NamedPdoModule is for non replication use. and AuraSqlReplicationModule is for replication use.

 * @Inject
 * @Named("log_db")
public function setLoggerDb(ExtendedPdoInterface $pdo)
    // ...

with no replication

Use NamedPdoModule to inject different named Pdo instance for non Replication use. For instance, This module install log_db named Pdo instance.

class AppModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure()
        $this->install(new NamedPdoModule('log_db', 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=log', 'username', 

with replication

You can set $qaulifer in 2nd parameter of AuraSqlReplicationModule.

class AppModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure()
        $this->install(new AuraSqlReplicationModule($locator, 'log_db'));


Any method marked with @Transactional will have a transaction started before, and ended after it is called.

use Ray\AuraSqlModule\Annotation\WriteConnection; // important
use Ray\AuraSqlModule\Annotation\Transactional;   // important

class User
    public $pdo;

     * @WriteConnection
     * @Transactional
    public function write()
         // $this->pdo->rollback(); when exception thrown.

Query Builder

Aura.SqlQuery provides query builders for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server. Following four interfaces are bound and setter trait for them are available.

QueryBuilder interface

  • Aura\SqlQuery\Common\SelectInterface
  • Aura\SqlQuery\Common\InsertInterface
  • Aura\SqlQuery\Common\UpdateInterface
  • Aura\SqlQuery\Common\DeleteInterface

QueryBuilder setter trait

  • Ray\AuraSqlModule\AuraSqlSelectInject
  • Ray\AuraSqlModule\AuraSqlInsertInject
  • Ray\AuraSqlModule\AuraSqlUpdateInject
  • Ray\AuraSqlModule\AuraSqlDeleteInject
use Ray\AuraSqlModule\AuraSqlSelectInject;
clas Foo
    use AuraSqlSelectInject;
    public function bar()
        /* @var $select \Aura\SqlQuery\Common\SelectInterface */
        $this->select // 
            ->distinct()                    // SELECT DISTINCT
            ->cols(array(                   // select these columns
                'id',                       // column name
                'name AS namecol',          // one way of aliasing
                'col_name' => 'col_alias',  // another way of aliasing
                'COUNT(foo) AS foo_count'   // embed calculations directly
            ->from('foo AS f');              // FROM these tables
        $sth = $this->pdo->prepare($this->select->getStatement());
        // bind the values and execute
        // get the results back as an associative array
        $result = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


Pagination service is provided for both ExtendedPdo raw sql and Select query builder.


use Ray\AuraSqlModule\AuraSqlPagerInject;

class Foo
    use AuraSqlPagerInject;

    publuc function bar()
        // ...     
        $pager = $this->pagerFactory->newInstance($pdo, $sql, $params, 10, '/?page={page}&category=sports'); // 10 items per page
        $page = $pager[2]; // page 2

Select query builder

use Ray\AuraSqlModule\Pagerfanta\AuraSqlQueryPagerInject;

class Foo
    use AuraSqlQueryPagerInject;

    publuc function bar()
        // ...     
        $pager = $this->queryPagerFactory->newInstance($pdo, $select, 10, '/?page={page}&category=sports');
        $page = $pager[2]; // page 2

An array access with page number returns Page value object.

/* @var Pager \Ray\AuraSqlModule\Pagerfanta\Page */

// $page->data // sliced data
// $page->current;
// $page->total
// $page->hasNext
// $page->hasPrevious
// $page->maxPerPage;
// (string) $page // pager html

It is iteratable.

foreach ($page as $item) {
 // ...


The view template can be changed with binding. See more at Pagerfanta.

use Pagerfanta\View\Template\TemplateInterface;
use Pagerfanta\View\Template\TwitterBootstrap3Template;
use Ray\AuraSqlModule\Annotation\PagerViewOption;



$ php docs/demo/run.php
// It works!


Aura.Sql module for Ray.Di

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%