kulpree / EKSonly

EKS only

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Repeated EKS automated deployment

This module is for deploying 1 or more EKS clusters automtically using count

Note: There are two optional modules -

1 - One is to install Consul on the EKS cluster

2 - And another to deploy Hashicups and register it with Consul SM.


1 - AWS account with admin access (doormat accounts do work)

2 - Check Provider.tf for AWS provider requirements.

3 - TF version used - 1.5.3

4 - EKS version used - Latest by default, although version could be hardcoded in the aws_eks_cluster module.


The security related resources inside this module may not be production grade, please review and update as needed if using in Production.

To use the module

1 - Check tfvars files for all the variables, the count variable is the most important as this dictates how many EKS clusters and its associated components will be deployed.

2 - Locals.tf files has some common tags, update as necessary.

3 - Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/ramramhariram/EKSonly.git
  1. Nagivate to the correct folder.
cd EKSonly

5 - Use your method of TF to plan and apply.

6 - Once deployed, use the command in 'notes-impcommands' to pull the eks creds into your local kube config.


To verify if your EKS deployment is good, you may optionally use the module below to install Consul and confirm. Deploy Consul on Kubernetes cluster (NOTE - These optional modules may have additional pre-reqs, warnings, please refer to that module's readme for further info)

Deploy Consul on Kubernetes cluster

  1. Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/ramramhariram/Consul-Envoyextensions-Propertyoverride.git
  1. Nagivate to the correct folder.
cd Consul-Envoyextensions-Propertyoverride
  1. If you have multiple clusters, ensure you are in the current kubernetes cluster context

  2. Add Consul Ent license as a K8s secret, after creating the consul namesapce as well -

kubectl create namespace consul 
kubectl create secret generic consul-enterprise-license --from-literal=key=$CONSUL_LICENSE -n consul

5 - Ensure you have the correct consul-k8s cli version. Or the correct helm repo if using helm.

https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/k8s/installation/install-cli#install-a-previous-version (while it says previous version, you can use these instructions to install newer/RC versions too)

To install consul -

consul-k8s install --config-file 1.16-servers.yaml -set chart.version=1.2.0

Note - Whether you use consul-k8s or helm, it is always a good practise to set the chart version, especially when working with RC or dev releases.
Note - documentation on how to install a specific consul-k8s version of cli (brew may not work in some cases) -

6 - If you want to ensure the correct version of consul was installed (app version) or if you run into any issues with the install , run the following command to confirm.

consul-k8s status

7 - Confirm that consul was installed properly. You can do kubectl get pods to ensure all the required pods are running. Like this -

kubectl get pods -n consul
NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
consul-connect-injector-7dff465dd9-srlj6      1/1     Running   0          2d
consul-mesh-gateway-6bfd4c9779-29vjn          1/1     Running   0          2d
consul-mesh-gateway-6bfd4c9779-6vv7h          1/1     Running   0          2d
consul-mesh-gateway-6bfd4c9779-hkfs5          1/1     Running   0          2d
consul-server-0                               1/1     Running   0          2d
consul-server-1                               1/1     Running   0          2d
consul-server-2                               1/1     Running   0          2d
consul-webhook-cert-manager-594bd484d-qg74k   1/1     Running   0          2d
hari@hari-C02FQABCMD6R 1.16 %

Note: I installed consul in the Kubernetes 'consul' namespace - this is usually default and recommended in all Hashicorp tutorials. Ensure you use the correct namespace when confirming your kubernetes resources for consul.

You could also do kubectl get services to find the consul UI service and login to it.

kubectl get services -n consul
NAME                      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                               PORT(S)                                                                            AGE
consul-connect-injector   ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    443/TCP                                                                            2d
consul-dns                ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    53/TCP,53/UDP                                                                      2d
consul-expose-servers     LoadBalancer     a3c2511965bce49dab61714510895ed6-573732255.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com    8501:31315/TCP,8301:30386/TCP,8300:31611/TCP,8502:31056/TCP                        2d
consul-mesh-gateway       LoadBalancer     a15b798ce94984c0dbcac72a42564a92-902760553.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com    443:30773/TCP                                                                      2d
consul-server             ClusterIP      None             <none>                                                                    8501/TCP,8502/TCP,8301/TCP,8301/UDP,8302/TCP,8302/UDP,8300/TCP,8600/TCP,8600/UDP   2d
consul-ui                 LoadBalancer    a7c20168155c74ebf9f518248487ead4-1227175163.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com   443:30515/TCP                                                                      2d
hari@hari-C02FQABCMD6R 1.16 %

Note: use this to get the bootstrap token if you want to see everything in the consul ui -

export CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN=$(kubectl get --namespace consul secrets/consul-bootstrap-acl-token --template={{.data.token}} | base64 -d)

And then to get the actual value of the token for use


Disclaimer: This is for dev/test environments, not an official recommendation for Production.

You should be able to login to your UI with this boostrap token to view everything. Now time to set up a few services for our service mesh deployment.

OPTIONAL MODULE 2: Deploy Hashicups and register it with Consul on Kubernetes

(NOTE - These optional modules may have additional pre-reqs, warnings, please refer to that module's readme for further info)

1 - Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/hashicorp-education/learn-consul-service-mesh-deploy.git

And from that folder, apply just the hashicups configurations as follows -

k apply -f learn-consul-service-mesh-deploy/hashicups

The above command should install the application into the default K8s namespace. You can also deploy into a specific namespace if you so choose.

2 - Confirm the services are live by running kubectl get services like -

kubectl get pods
hari@hari-C02FQABCMD6R 1.16 % 
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
frontend-f74f5f4d4-69zf7        2/2     Running   0          2d3h
nginx-7548559b87-6nls9          2/2     Running   0          2d3h
payments-5d4fdd6c76-xshrr       2/2     Running   0          2d3h
postgres-58c9cff4d9-5n28p       2/2     Running   0          2d3h
products-api-7889bb5479-zwkbz   2/2     Running   0          2d3h
public-api-79f78675f6-2pc4w     3/3     Running   0          2d3h
hari@hari-C02FQABCMD6R 1.16 

Or check all the services like this -

kubectl get services
NAME           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
frontend       ClusterIP   <none>        3000/TCP   2d3h
kubernetes     ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP    2d5h
nginx          ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP     2d3h
payments       ClusterIP   <none>        1800/TCP   2d3h
postgres       ClusterIP   <none>        5432/TCP   2d3h
products-api   ClusterIP    <none>        9090/TCP   2d3h
public-api     ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP   2d3h
hari@hari-C02FQABCMD6R 1.16 %


EKS only


Language:HCL 100.0%