kuisathaverat / actions_poc

Repository to test the capabilities of GitHub action and how to manage them at scale.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GitHub action PoC

Repository to test the capabilities of GitHub action and how to manage them at scale.

Executing GitHub actions

GitHub Actions are manually, scheduled, or even drive triggered. Any event defined at Events that trigger workflows can trigger a workflow.


On linux runners is possible to run Docker containers and run steps inside them.



On linux runners is possible to run Docker containers and use then as services.

Use other actions

Worlflows can use GitHub Actions as steps, these GitHub Actions come form the same repo, other repo, or a Docker image from any Docker registry.



An ephemeral GITHUB_TOKEN is is passed to the workflows if none is defined, it makes easy to access to GitHub repository, however you must define the permissions of that GITHUB_TOKEN explicitly to avoid surprises. By dafault it has only content read permission.

Secret leaks

Like other CIs GitHub action has a feature to mask secrets in logs, when the value of the secret is found in the logs GitHub Action change the text to ****, however like in other CIs it is easy to by pass this protection midifiying the output in some way to leak the password.



  • create a user account with permissions to the services needed (e.g. Compute Engine admin)
  • Create a Workload Identity Pools (IAM & admin/Workload Identity Pools)
    • name: GitHub Actions OIDC token
    • id: github-actions-oidc-token
    • issuer: https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com
    • Audiences: Default audience
    • Attribute Mapping:
      • google.subject: 'repo:kuisathaverat/actions_poc:ref:refs/heads/main'
  • Add the service account to the Workload Identity Pools (IAM & admin/Workload Identity Pools/GitHub Action identity pool pool details)


In order to make some test, I have configured a HashiCorp Vault service on a VM in CGP. First of all we have to launch a VM and install HashiCorp Vault, for our test a e2-micro machine running Debian 10 is enough for our service. To install vault we can follow one of this tutorials Web UI, or DEploy Vault. Try to configure everythin from the host conlose due the service does not have TSL enabled yet. We need a firewall rule to allow inbound TCP traffic to the port 8200 of the VM. The next step is to get a valid TSL certificate to run the server with TLS, the easy way is to use certbot to issue a certificate from let's encrypt. You need a DNS name in order to issue the certificate so you can use <IP>.nip.io as a DNS name, the .nip.io service will resolve the IP of your VM like a regular DNS. When you have the certificate you can edit the configuration of Vault to use TSL.

ui = true
disable_mlock = true

storage "raft" {
  path    = "./vault/data"
  node_id = "node1"

listener "tcp" {
  address     = ""
  tls_disable = "false"
  tls_cert_file = "/home/user/fullchain.pem"
  tls_key_file  = "/home/user/privkey.pem"

api_addr = ""
cluster_addr = ""

From this point, you can use the UI to create a kv v2 secret engine, and some secrets to get from the GitHub Actions. We have everything ready to start.

hashicorp/vault-action require to enable JWT authentication.

export VAULT_ADDR=
vault login
vault auth enable jwt

When you have JWT authentication enabled you will need to configure the JWT with the following command

vault write auth/jwt/config \
    oidc_discovery_url='https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com' \

finally you have to create a JWT role, the important parameter here is the bound_subject that match with the sub attribute in the GitHub action request (see About security hardening with OpenID Connect and JWT with GitHub OIDC Tokens)

vault delete auth/jwt/role/githubactions
vault write auth/jwt/role/githubactions \
    role_type='jwt' \
    bound_subject='repo:kuisathaverat/actions_poc:ref:refs/heads/main' \
    bound_audiences='https://github.com/kuisathaverat' \
    user_claim='repository' \

This is an alternative configuration that uses bound_claims with a wildcard value instead bound_subject to filter the requests. Note that the payload is JSON due a bug with the maps in the commandline attributes

vault delete auth/jwt/role/githubactions
vault write auth/jwt/role/githubactions -<<EOF
    "role_type": "jwt",
    "bound_claims": {
        "sub": "repo:kuisathaverat/*"
    "bound_claims_type": "glob",
    "bound_audiences": "https://github.com/kuisathaverat",
    "user_claim": "repository"


  • cubbyhole engine is not accesible from the action
  • Vault path for the engine kv v2 are like /data/

Matrix execution support

It is possible to execute a set of steps based on a matrix of values, this use case is common to test something in different OS, or test a dependency on different versions.

Reusing workflows

Reusing code is important, GitHub actions allow to define workflows that you can call from other workflows. This feature has some limitation slike you can not call a reusable workflow from a reusable workflow, but it is flexible enough to cover most of the cases.

Building Custom GitHub Actions

Another way to exted GitHub action is to create GitHub Action, A gitHub Action could be something as simple as a Docker container or an script. In this PoC we have converted the logic we use to generate a Runner Token to a GitHub Action, we have made a Docker version and a composite version.

A Composite GitHub Actions and use other GitHub Actions, this make possible to bundle funcionality or wrap other GitHub Actions. In the composite example we have used a bash script, but is possible to use any shell or script language supported (bash, powershell, Python, Node.js, ...). Python is probably a good candidate, it is a good script language, with it has tons of libraries, and support for unit tests.

Self-hosted runners

It is possible to use self-hosted runners, these runners are any kind of VM/machine/pod/... that can run the runner app. It is easy to provision a runner inside the same workflow you are running and deprovision it at the end of the workflow, also there are several implementations to provision runners on diferent cloud providers based on a GitHub app to request the provision/deprovision. In the PoC we have implemented 3 ways to deploy a runner:

The three ways use the workflow pattern provision->build->deprovision, this approacha can apply to any Cloud provider, To provision operation you can use a CLI tool, Terraform, or other way to provision resources. In the k8s example, we use a Docker container with the runner installed along witha a k8s manifest file to define runner pod. To make the deploy kubeclt is the tools used to provision and deprovision the pod.

Jenkins as a service

It is possiblt tu run a Docker container as a service and use it, so I have tried to start a Jenkins container configurated with JCasC, and lauch a job created with jobDSL. The result is nice, you can launch Jenkins configure the job with jobDSL, then launch the job and retrieve the logs.

Terraform GitHub Organizations

The GitHub Provider allows to use Terraform to manage a GitHub organization and all its resources. GitHub Provider](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/integrations/github/latest/docs) can create and configure repositories, teams, Webhooks, Projects, issues, secrets, GPG Keys, SSH Keys,... everything defined in Terraform files with all the advantages it has like repeability and manteniability.


  • Simple
  • Zero learn curve
  • Marketplace with a huge action alredy implemented
  • Strong comunnity
  • Overall well Documented
  • GitHub integration
  • Security managed along with GitHub access
  • Linux/Windows/masOS runners support
  • Easy tooling manage (Go, Node.js, Java, Docker,...)
  • GCP/Azure/AWS/Vault OpenID integration
  • ONPrem runners support
  • Kubernetes runners implemented
  • AWS runners implemented
  • Orka runners implemented
  • Cache support for the most common build systems
  • Reusable blocks of code (library of action/workflows)
  • Library code support unit tests
  • Matrix jobs execution native support
  • Container services support
  • Public/private Artifact repository (GitHub packages)
  • Public/private Docker registry (GitHub packages)
  • Mask secrets support
  • Logs messages group support

Other links



Repository to test the capabilities of GitHub action and how to manage them at scale.

License:Apache License 2.0