kuicpet / moviesListApp

The MovieList App is a web application that allows users to search for movies using the Movie Database API. It provides a responsive and user-friendly interface for searching movies, adding them to a movielist, rating movies, and marking them as watched.

Home Page:https://movies-list-app-lilac.vercel.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

React + Vite

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

MovieList Search App Documentation


The MovieList App is a web application that allows users to search for movies using the Movie Database API. It provides a responsive and user-friendly interface for searching movies, adding them to a movielist, rating movies, and marking them as watched.

Technologies Used

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • React Router: A library for managing routes in a React application.
  • Zustand: A small, fast state management library for React applications.
  • Axios: A popular library for making HTTP requests.
  • The Movie Database (TMDb) API: A public API for retrieving movie data.
  • TaltwindCss : A utility-first CSS framework
  • React-icons : An icon library for popular icons.

Folder Structure

The project's folder structure is as follows:

  |- components/
  |    |- Button.jsx
  |    |- MovieCard.jsx
  |    |- Rating.jsx
  |    |- SearchBar.jsx
  |    |- ToggleSwitch.jsx
  |    |- Header.jsx
  |    |- MovieCard.jsx
  |    |- Pagination.jsx
  |    |- Rating.jsx
  |    |- SearchBar.jsx
  |    |- BreadCrumb.jsx
  |    |- Loader.jsx
  |- pages/
  |    |- Home.jsx
  |    |- MovieList.jsx
  |    |- SingleMovie.jsx
  |    |- NotFound;sx
  |- store/
  |    |- movieStore.js
  |- utils/
  |    |- formatTime.js
  |- App.jsx
  |- App.css
  |- config.js
  |- index.jsx
  |- index.css
  • components/: Contains reusable UI components used throughout the app.
  • pages/: Contains individual page components for the app.
  • store/: Contains the Zustand store and its related actions and state.
  • App.js: The main component that handles routing and rendering of different pages.
  • index.jsx: The entry point of the application.


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/kuicpet/moviesListApp
  1. Install the dependencies:
cd movie-search-app
yarn install
  1. Obtain an API key from The Movie Database (TMDb) API and add it to the .env.local file:
  1. Start the development server:
yarn dev

The app will be accessible at http://localhost:5173.


  1. Home Page (/)
  • The home page allows users to search for movies using the search bar component (SearchBar.js).
  • As the user types in the search input, the app fetches movie suggestions from the TMDb API and displays them in real-time.
  • Users can click on a movie title from the search results to add it to their watchlist. The watchlist is saved in local storage using the Zustand store (movieStore.js).
  1. Movie List Page (/movie-list)
  • The movie list page displays the user's watchlist, which includes movie titles, release years, ratings (1 to 5 stars), and checkboxes to mark them as watched.
  • Users can rate movies using the star inputs in the watchlist.
  • Clicking on the "Watched Movies" toggle switch filters the watchlist to show only watched movies.
  • Users can remove movies from their watchlist by clicking the delete button.
  1. Single Movie Page (/movies/:slug)
  • The single movie page displays detailed information about a specific movie.
  • It includes movie title, release date, rating, description, and other relevant data fetched from the TMDb API.

State Management with Zustand

  • The Zustand store (movieStore.js) manages the state for the app, including the user's watchlist, search query, search results, and movie ratings.
  • The store provides actions to add/remove movies to/from the watchlist, toggle movie watched status, and rate movies.
  • The watchlist and search results are saved in local storage to persist data across page reloads.

Error Handling

  • The app includes an error handler that reloads the page in case of API request errors to prevent issues with data fetching.


The Movie Search App with Zustand provides a seamless and efficient way for users to search, rate, and manage movies. Zustand's simple API and performance benefits make it a great choice for managing state in small to medium-sized React applications.


The MovieList App is a web application that allows users to search for movies using the Movie Database API. It provides a responsive and user-friendly interface for searching movies, adding them to a movielist, rating movies, and marking them as watched.



Language:JavaScript 95.2%Language:CSS 3.5%Language:HTML 1.2%