kuchaale / functions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This repository contains a collection of python modules designed for the analysis of climate data. All of the functions have been written as needed, so updates will include the addition of new functions or the extension of their applicability.

climfunc_mk: Functions commonly needed for climate data analyses, including calculating and/or removing seasonal cycles, climatologies, and trends

conversions_mk: Functions to covert between meteorological variables, including SLP/PRES and moisture variables

detatt_mk: Functions to perform formal detection and attribution analyses

save_times: Functions to create and manage day-month-year (dmy) arrays

statfunc_mk: Functions for simple statistical analyses, including regression, autocorrelation, and weighted standard deviations

Disclaimer: Although the functions here have been tested, there are no guarantees regarding their accuracy. Please let me know if you find any errors.

(c) 2017 Megan Kirchmeier-Young



Language:Python 100.0%