kubilayege / textmate2-python-fmt

Python FMT is a python linter/formatter/checker for TextMate.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Version Plaftorm Python 3.7+ macOS macOS Code style: black

Python FMT bundle for TextMate

Hit + S I’ll handle the rest!

This little TextMate bundle helps you to write better and safer Python code. Using TextMate’s before/after event callbacks to check/format/lint your Python code. Integrated tools are:

Tool Descriptiopn
isort Sorts import statements
black Format source code
pylint Check errors before run it!
flake8 Linting, checking source code with ease!

Before Python FMT for TextMate

Before Python FMT for TextMate bundle

After Python FMT for TextMate

After Python FMT for TextMate

After pylint/flake8 running

After Python FMT for TextMate

Error information

After Python FMT for TextMate


Checker your Python binary. You need Python 3+.

$ which python
/Users/vigo/.pyenv/shims/python                  # or
$ pyenv which python

You need to set TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYTHON_PATH variable (TextMate > Preferences > Variables) and set the value according to the result above.

$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/
$ git clone https://github.com/vigo/textmate2-python-fmt.git Python-FMT.tmbundle

Now install python packages:

$ cd Python-FMT.tmbundle/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Bundled flake8 plugins are:

  • flake8-bandit: For writing secure code!
  • flake8-blind-except: Checks for blind, catch-all except: statements.
  • flake8-bugbear: A plugin for Flake8 finding likely bugs and design problems in your program.
  • flake8-builtins: Check for python builtins being used as variables or parameters
  • flake8-print: Checks for print statements in python files.
  • flake8-quotes: Install this if you are single quote person like me!
  • flake8-string-format: Checks for strings and parameters using str.format

Now you can restart TextMate!

Hot Keys and Snippets

Hot Keys and TAB Completions Description
+ { Bypass selection while formatting with black. This adds # fmt: off and # fmt: on to beginning and ending of selection.
Used James Edward Gray II’s commenting tool which ships with TextMate.
noq + Choose desired bypass method
envi + Inserts helpful environment variables if you are editing on .tm_properties file. Try :)
disable + Inserts # TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE, put this in to first line if you want to disable this bundle

TextMate Variables

Variable Information
TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYTHON_PATH Binary location of your python executable :)
TM_PYTHON_FMT_ISORT Binary location for isort. To set custom binary, enter full path here. Example: /path/to/isort
TM_PYTHON_FMT_VIRTUAL_ENV Good for isort. Use .tm_properties file to set this. If set, passes --virtual-env to isort with given value
TM_PYTHON_FMT_BLACK Binary location for black. To set custom binary, enter full path here. Example: /path/to/black
TM_PYTHON_FMT_FLAKE8 Binary location for flake8. To set custom binary, enter full path here. Example: /path/to/black
TM_PYTHON_FMT_FLAKE8_DEFAULTS Unless .flake8 or setup.cfg doesn’t exists, this parameters will be used as defaults for flake8 configuration
TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYLINT Binary location for pylint. To set custom binary, enter full path here. Example: /path/to/pylint
TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYLINTRC Location of pylintrc or .pylintrc file if you like to set
TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYLINT_EXTRA_OPTIONS You can pass additional options/params to pylint.
TM_PYTHON_FMT_BLACK_DEFAULTS Unless pyproject.toml doesn’t exists, this parameters will be used if provided
TM_PYTHON_FMT_ISORT_DEFAULTS Unless .isort.cfg doesn’t exists, this parameters will be used if provided
TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE You this variable if you need to disable this bundle temporarily

Using pylint to display compile-time errors only. This means, using --errors-only option. Also, for flake8 and pylint using same error output format:


You can pass extra arguments via TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYLINT_EXTRA_OPTIONS. Set this variable in TextMate’s global settings (TextMate > Preferences > Variables.) or set it in .tm_properties. Space delimited arguments required...

Example .tm_properties usage:

TM_PYTHON_FMT_VIRTUAL_ENV=/Users/YOU/.virtualenvs/YOUR_VENV   # or
TM_PYTHON_FMT_VIRTUAL_ENV=$HOME/.virtualenvs/YOUR_VENV        # or
                                                              # It’s ok to use shell variables and TextMate variables but
                                                              # never user like this: `~/.virtualenvs/ENV`
TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYLINTRC=/path/to/.pylintrc                     # or

Also, you can set project based configurations for all of the tools. Check their official documentations:

Example Configurations

For a Django project, pyproject.toml:

line-length = 119
py36 = true
skip-string-normalization = true
quiet = true
  | \.hg
  | \.tox
  | \.venv
  | _build
  | buck-out
  | build
  | dist

and setup.cfg:

max-line-length = 119

line_length = 60
multi_line_output = 3
use_parentheses = true
include_trailing_comma = true
quiet = true
force_grid_wrap = 0
known_django = django

I like Vertical Hanging Ident, If you use this isort configuration, you’ll have something like this:

from django.contrib.postgres.fields import (
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from mptt.models import (

from ..models import (



All PR’s are welcome!

  1. fork (https://github.com/vigo/textmate2-python-fmt/fork)
  2. Create your branch (git checkout -b my-features)
  3. commit yours (git commit -am 'added killer options')
  4. push your branch (git push origin my-features)
  5. Than create a new Pull Request!


This project is licensed under MIT

Change Log


  • Put # TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE as first line in to your code to disable bundle (or hit disable + )
  • When bundle is disabled from code or from env, nothing will pop! All silent now!


  • Fix missing environment variable for python executable: TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYTHON_PATH
  • You can disable this bundle temporarily via TM_PYTHON_FMT_DISABLE variable.


  • Now using TM_PYTHON_FMT_PYTHON_PATH instead of TM_PYTHON. You must fix this, otherwise your bundle will not work!


  • TM_PYTHON_FMT_FLAKE8_DEFAULTS env-var for setting defaults for flake8
  • env + changed to envi + due to other TM bundle collision.
  • Bundle menu grouping for tm_properties helper


  • TM_PYTHON_FMT_BLACK_DEFAULTS env-var for setting black defaults.
  • TM_PYTHON_FMT_ISORT_DEFAULTS env-var for setting isort defaults.
  • TM_PYTHON_FMT_DEBUG env-var for debugging.


  • Monkeypatch: flake8-bandit causes warning: Possible nested set at position 1
  • Version bump to: 3.1.0


  • Update: Added missing information on README.md
  • Update: Virtual Environmet support for pylint
  • Update: pylintrc support for pylint
  • Fix: isort:skip_file bug
  • Addition: env + for environment variables
  • Change: All the bypass declarations are using noq +
  • Version bump to: 3.0.5


  • Upgrade: Rewritten from scratch. autopep8 removed.


  • Update: black integration
  • flake8-commas removed.


  • Update: setup.cfg config file support added.


  • Fix: Added --trailing-comma for isort imports
  • Added: List of flake8 plugins


  • TM_PYTHON_FMT_DEBUG if set, you’ll see running commands
  • Version is now 2.1.4


  • Fix: Added missing git clone information
  • Fix: runners.
  • Version is now 2.1.3


  • Bundle re-written from scratch
  • Now using callback.document.will-save and callback.document.did-save hooks
  • isort support added
  • Version is now 2.1.0


  • Updated: README file. Added useful setup instructions.
  • Added: Badges :)


  • Updated: Success tooltip message now shows maximum characters value
  • Updated: Screenshot of before-and-after-flake8.png
  • Changed: Overriding default save keys ( + S) was a bad idea :)


  • First release :)


  • Initial commit


Python FMT is a python linter/formatter/checker for TextMate.

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%