ksycz / Software-Testing-Cypress

My projects related to software testing. Tests created with Cypress. In progress.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My projects and exercises related to software testing. I created tests using Cypress + Mocha + chai.

Before running tests configure node.js and npm

Ensure that you have node.js and npm installed by checking their versions.

    $ npm -v
    $ node -v

If they are not installed, download and install node.js (including npm) from the Node.js website

If the node.js and npm were installed long time ago, they may need an update to the latest version.

    $ npm install -g update-node
    $ npm install npm@latest -g

Cypress Setup

Install Cypress using the package.json

  1. Go to the uitests-cypress folder.
  2. Install dependencies from the package.json file.
    $ npm install

The info how to install Cypress from the beginning can be found here

Run tests

  1. Run Cypress by using one of the following commands:

Run tests headlessly:

    $ npx cypress run

For the default Cypress browser - Electron, tests are being recorded when running headlessly.

Run tests via the Test Runner GUI:

    $ npm run cypress:open
    $ npx cypress open

When the Cypress GUI opens, click the test file name to run it (example_spec.js is a default Cypress test file containing 90 tests to show how it works).

To run a specific test suite only, use the following command:

    $ npx cypress run --spec cypress/integration/app_spec.js

More commands can be found here


My projects related to software testing. Tests created with Cypress. In progress.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%