ksy5662 / pi-timolo

Raspberry PI-TIme lapse, MOtion and LOw light using picamera python module

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Raspberry (Pi) - (Ti)me Lapse, (Mo)tion Detect, (Lo)w Light

pi-timolo Version 2.9 release notes

  • Fixed bug when .dat files have non integer data
  • Added image text font size variable
  • Updated gdrive to version 2.8
  • Updated makedailymovie.sh to use avconv instead of mencoder
  • Updated setup-timolo.sh to remove mencoder, gpac and add libav-tools
  • Updated setup-timolo.sh to allow upgrading if pi-timolo.py does not exist
  • Deleted some files h2mp4.sh makemovie.py is now makemovie.sh
  • Updated Readme.md

If you wish to upgrade existing installation login via SSH or GUI terminal session otherwise use Quick Setup Instructions.

cd ~
cd pi-timolo
mv pi-timolo.py pi-timolo.py.prev
mv setup-timolo.sh setup-timolo.sh.prev
wget https://raw.github.com/pageauc/pi-timolo/master/setup-timolo.sh
chmod +x setup-timolo.sh

IMPORTANT The older versions of config.py may NOT be compatible with this release since new variables have been added for quick time lapse feature and debug

Quick Setup

Assumes raspberry pi with RPI camera module installed and tested running updated raspbian operating system installed on min 8gb SD card with expanded file system. Note: If you are using an older raspbian build or previous Picamera python module, and images are black or have problems then update Raspberry PI firmware per optional firmware update command below.

From a (putty) SSH login or rpi console desktop terminal execute the following commands to upgrade to latest firmware. This should resolve any picamera issues. Also it is advised you use at least an 8 GB SD card with file system expanded using.

sudo raspi-config

Update Raspbian

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Optional Update RPI firmware

Run if you are using older RPI firmware and having problems with python picamera module errors or image quality issues

sudo rpi-update

Hard boot to update firmware

sudo shutdown -h now

Unplug and restart your Raspberry Pi.

Login and install pi-timolo

cd ~
mkdir pi-timolo
cd ./pi-timolo
wget https://raw.github.com/pageauc/pi-timolo/master/pi-timolo.tar
tar -pxvf pi-timolo.tar

Verify motion (per screen log entries) then ctrl-c to exit pi-timolo.py Edit config.py file using nano editor to change any desired settings per comments. ctrl-x y to Save

nano config.py

Test edit changes.


Program Description

This is a python picamara module application for a Raspberry PI with a RPI camera module. It is designed for Long Duration Time Lapse and/or Motion Detection projects. I use mine for headless security cameras using the makedailymovie.sh to a remote NAS. and also syncing to my google drive using gdrive. File names can be by Number Sequence or by Date/Time Naming. Time Lapse and Motion image files can be named and saved to different folders or the same folder.
Optionally motion files can be uploaded to your web based google drive using github program called gdrive (compiled binary included). NOTE: pi-timolo uses low light long exposure for night motion and/or time lapse images. The program can detect motion during low light, although the long exposure times can cause blurring of moving objects.

This application uses the picamera python module and requires recent Raspberry PI Raspbian firmware and updates to work properly. Here are some motion and time lapse sample YouTube videos


Alternative Security Camera solutions

If you are looking for a good web based RPI camera interactive interface, I would highly recommend application links below. They are relatively easy to install and works well. But I still prefer pi-timolo for remote headless camera situations since I can upload to my google drive and run timelapse and motion simultaneously.

The web interface below can sometimes be a little finicky and do not allow concurrent motion and time lapse as far as I can tell.


motionPie is run from an SD image wiki https://github.com/ccrisan/motionPie/wiki https://github.com/ccrisan/motionpie

pi-timolo Program Features

  • Time lapse and motion detection can be run together or separately
  • Configuration variables are saved in a config.py file. This allows pi-timolo.py to be updated without having to redo variable values. This also allows swapping in different saved configurations.
  • Auto detects day, night and twilight changes without using a clock. This is useful if the RPI reboots without an internet connection.
  • Image date/time and name can be put directly on images. Position and color can be specified.
  • Night motion and images use low light long exposure
  • Includes a makemovie.py script to help create time lapse avi files from images.
  • Includes mvleavelast.sh script to move all but last file (since may still be active) This allows files to be moved to a folder mount point on a remote share if required.
  • Includes a setup-timolo.sh script to install/update pi-timolo dependencies.
  • Includes a skeleton init.d script pi-timolo.sh if you want to start the program on boot
  • Allows logging of summary data to a file or detailed verbose data when enabled
  • Includes gdrive binary to sync files with your google drive using sync.sh script

Background History

I have been working on a headless internet capable security camera using two types of security camera cases. One is a small fake plastic security cam case from Amazon. Model A or B fits inside with wifi only.


Here is a larger aluminum camera case that I have a model B installed in.
This one has room for a usb power supply etc.


After some work I now have the Raspberry Pi security camera's working efficiently from a software point of view. The current configuration uses the pi-timolo.py script to save files to a number sequence or a date-time sequence. I also added some code to optionally put date/time information directly on the photo images. This is convenient to see the exact time stamp that the photo was taken. Using number sequencing allows limiting the number of files that need to get synchronized to my google drive. It was too much to manage all the dated files and clean up google drive.
This method restricts the number of motion files that need to get updated via the sync.sh. It is suggested you set up a crontab for sync.sh script.

The pi-timolo.tar file is a complete setup including instructions. To automate the camera operation, I have setup pi-timolo.py to run from a /etc/init.d/pi-timolo.sh bash script by copying /etc/init.d/skeleton file to pi-timolo.sh script (sample included).


You must have a raspberry pi model A, A+, B, B+ or B-2 with the latest raspbian build and a pi camera module installed and working. There are several tutorials showing how to do this so it is not covered here. This assumes you know how to cut and paste into nano or similar text editor on the pi using ssh (putty). You also need an operational internet connection via wifi or wired connection. Wifi needs to be setup to work on boot with no desktop in order for the camera to sync unattended with your google drive.
I have written the pi-timolo python script and bash sync scripts to make it somewhat independent of the folder names etc. This minimizes hard coding folder names in the scripts. If you run the script manually from the command line then settings and activity information can be enabled to display.

Detailed Setup Instructions

Use putty to ssh into an internet connected raspberry pi and execute the following commands. Note you can change pi-timolo folder to a name of your choice if you wish.

sudo apt-get update
cd ~
mkdir pi-timolo
cd ./pi-timolo

Download pi-timolo.tar file from my github account from a logged in ssh using putty or desktop terminal session on your raspberry pi.

wget https://raw.github.com/pageauc/pi-timolo/master/pi-timolo.tar

Extract tar files to current folder

tar -pxvf pi-timolo.tar

A gdrive binary will be installed to /usr/local/bin as part of the setup. This allows secure syncing of pi-timolo images with your google drive using the sync.sh script. The setup-timolo.sh script includes instructions for configuring gdrive security also

Change pi-timolo.py settings

The script allows the use of a number sequence to restrict the total number of files that need to get sync'd to my google drive using gdrive. Currently set to 500 images Please note this includes PIL imageFont and imageDraw python modules to optionally put a date-time stamp on each images. Make sure you are in the correct folder containing pi-timolo.py

pi-timolo.py reads configuration variables from a config.py file. If you have different configurations you can keep a template library and swap new settings in as needed. You can copy cp the required files to overwrite the existing config.py if required. Make sure you save a copy of the config.py if you need to save those settings.

nano config.py

Use nano editor to modify any pi-timolo.py script settings as required eg Threshold, Sensitivity, image prefix, numbering range, etc. See config.py code comments for details. I have one of my pi-timolo.py camera image settings set to flipped due to the camera module mounting position in the fake security camera case. Review the various config.py settings and edit as desired. use ctrl-x to save file and exit nano editor.

Note: I also setup a crontab to reboot the rpi once a day but this may not be necessary for you. I did it since I intend to leave the rpi security camera run remotely and this gives a chance for system to recover should there be a glitch. Also if you have problems check permissions. The init.d will runs as root so the files in the motion folder will be owned by root.
Just check to make sure you run with sudo per examples below.




Once you know sync.sh is working OK you can automate the sync using a crontab per instructions below.

Setup init.d to run pi-timolo on boot

To auto launch pi-timolo.py on boot-up of raspberry pi Note there is a copy of the init.d pi-timolo.sh in the tar file so you should be able to copy if instead of the skeleton file method below if you wish eg in the pi-timolo folder execute the following then skip to edit /etc/init.d/pi-timolo.sh using nano.

cd ~
cd pi-timolo
sudo cp pi-timolo.sh /etc/init.d

Check permissions for the /etc/init.d/pi-timolo.sh to make sure it is executable
if required change permissions for pi-timolo.sh using chmod command

ls -al /etc/init.d/pi-timolo.sh
cd /etc/init.d
chmod +x pi-timolo.sh
sudo nano pi-timolo.sh

Change appropriate entries to point to your pi-timolo.py script and save the file using ctrl-x. If you copied downloaded sample script and have not changed the pi-timolo folder name then no editing step above should be required. Initialize the /etc/init.d/pi-timolo.sh script so it executes on boot.

sudo update-rc.d pi-timolo.sh defaults
cd ~

Reboot RPI and test operation by triggering motion and checking images are successfully saved to your motion folder.
Trouble shoot problems as required.

Setup gdrive sync

gdrive 2.8 is included with the pi-timolo.tar file but you can optionally install gdrive binary from github source see release notes here. https://github.com/odeke-em/drive/releases/tag/v0.2.8-arm-binary or alternatively compile from source. I believe it is easier just to use my binary and you can shasum my gdrive file if you wish.

Setup gdrive security for secure access to your google drive. Note: This assumes you have a google drive with a google account eg gmail and you are using a SSH terminal session logged into your Raspberry Pi computer. for additional details see https://github.com/odeke-em/drive From a windows PC that has the Chrome browser installed and logged into your google account eg gmail.

cd ~
cd pi-timolo
gdrive init
  • command above will display a long url in the RPI SSH session.
  • in SSH window use mouse left button to highlight the url (do NOT press enter)
  • On the PC Chrome Browser window open a new tab and right click in the top url box
  • Make sure you are logged into your google account eg gmail
  • Right mouse click in the new tab url box and select paste and go
  • This will display a google message to confirm access
  • After you Accept a security code box will be displayed
  • Use left mouse to highlight security code then right click and copy
  • Return to RPI SSH session and right click gdrive init prompt to paste security code
  • Press enter to accept code. If OK no errors will be displayed. A hidden .gd subfolder will be created in the pi-timolo folder. .gd contains gdrive security files. For syncing purposes the pi-timolo folder will be considered as root.

To see the hidden files and folders

cd ~
cd pi-timolo
ls -al

To list gdrive help type gdrive command with no parameters


To confirm access to your google drive perform the following. This should display the contents of your google drive root folder. either command will work

gdrive list
gdrive ls

If you have multiple cameras syncing to google drive it is advised to change the motion folder name to something unique. You will also need to change the config.py motionDir= setting and sync.sh accordingly.

Verify the config.py has the motion setting

createLockFile = True

The pi-timolo.sync file will then be created when motion images are created. Check if a pi-timolo.sync file exists in the pi-timolo folder otherwise run


and activate motion to create images and a new pi-timolo.sync file.

Run sync.sh script to test google drive syncing with specified local folder default is /home/pi/pi-timolo/motion. To run sync.sh executed the following

sudo ./sync.sh

The sync.sh script will perform the following

  • Checks if gdrive sync is already running.
  • Runs gdrive only if it is not already running and Kills gdrive processes if it has been running too long. default is > 600 seconds or 10 minutes. change the sync.sh script if you need a different time to kill time period.
  • Looks for pi-timolo.sync file created by pi-timolo.py indicating there are new files to sync otherwise it exits without attempting to resolve google drive files with specified local folder.
  • If a pi-timolo.sync file exists it runs a gdrive push to sync local folder with the specified google drive subfolder
  • Reports if sync was successful or errors were encountered

Suggest you run this script from a crontab every 5 minutes or so.

Add appropriate line to crontab using command

sudo crontab -e

Add example crontab entry per below then save and exit nano using ctrl-x y

*/5 * * * * /home/pi/pi-timolo/sync.sh >/dev/nul


There are several utilities included with pi-timolo

  • makemovie.sh uses avconv to create mp4 or avi movies from all jpg files in specified folder default (timelapse) see code for details
  • makedailymovie.sh uses avconv to create mp4 or avi movies with a unique date/time file name.
    This is designed to be run from a crontab and is written to work with external share or remote mount. default is local daily_movies movie is created in /home/pi/pi-timolo folder and then copied to specified folder_destination that can be local or network. see script comments for details and settings.
  • sync.sh uses gdrive to push sync local files to a users google drive. see description above for details.

Good Luck Claude Pageau


Raspberry PI-TIme lapse, MOtion and LOw light using picamera python module

License:MIT License


Language:Python 64.8%Language:Shell 35.2%