kswedberg / eslint-config-kswedberg

My configuration for eslint

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eslint config


Run the following from the project's root:

npm install eslint-config-kswedberg --save-dev


yarn add eslint-config-kswedberg --dev

Then, add the config to the project's .eslintrc.js file.

* Note: eslint supports a few different formats for the ...rc file, including JavaScript, JSON, and YAML. You may use any format that eslint supports.

Plain JavaScript

For linting with modern ECMAScript (JS) features enabled:

module.exports = {
  extends: ['kswedberg']

Vue & Nuxt

For Vue features, you have a few options for the extends value:

  • Nuxt 3.x: kswedberg/nuxt3
  • Vue 3.x (without Nuxt): kswedberg/vue3
  • Vue 2.x: kswedberg/vue


  • For all Vue or Nuxt versions, you'll need to install the eslint-plugin-vue plugin.
  • For Nuxt 3 config, you'll probably want to include the @nuxt/eslint-config as well: ['@nuxt/eslint-config', 'kswedberg/nuxt3']
  • Nuxt 3 provides helper functions, composables, and Vue APIs as "auto-imports." While convenient, using them as such will trigger ESLint undefined-variable warnings. The kswedberg/nuxt3 config adds a number of them to the list of globals, but it doesn't cover everything, and doesn't attempt to include those created in your project's composables, components, or server/utils directories. For a robust solution to this problem, install the nuxt-eslint-globals module.


If you want React (as well as es6) features enabled, change the extends value to kswedberg/react.

You'll need to have eslint-plugin-react installed.

Legacy JS

If your project requires ancient browser compatability, use the es5 config:

module.exports = {
  'extends': ['kswedberg/es5']

Disabling rules per file or line

I always forget how to do this, so I'm writing it down as a reminder to me. See more at Configuring ESLint

  • Start disabling all rules for a file: /* eslint-disable */
  • Enable rules later in same file: /* eslint-enable */
  • Disable specific rules: /* eslint-disable no-alert, no-console */
  • Disable all rules for current line (comment to the right): // eslint-disable-line
  • Disable specific rules for current line: // eslint-disable-line no-alert, quotes, semi
  • Disable all rules for next line: // eslint-disable-next-line
  • Disable specific rules for next line: // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert, quotes, semi


My configuration for eslint


Language:JavaScript 100.0%