kstv364 / novu-java

Java SDK for Novu - The open-source notification infrastructure for engineers. πŸš€

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Novu Java SDK


Novu's API exposes the entire Novu features via a standardized programmatic interface. Please refer to the full documentation to learn more.



Maven users:

<!--add dependency-->

Gradle users:

// add dependency
dependencies {
    implementation 'co.novu:novu-java:1.4.0'

Sync your project, and you should have the artifacts downloaded.


First, create an instance of the Novu SDK like so:

import co.novu.sdk.Novu;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String apiKey = "INSERT_API_KEY_HERE";
        // Using the API Key only
        Novu novu = new Novu(apiKey);

        // Using the Config Param
        NovuConfig novuConfig = new NovuConfig(apiKey);
        Novu novu = new Novu(novuConfig);

        // Sample usage

// Sign up on https://web.novu.co and grab your API key from https://web.novu.co/settings


Trigger an event - send notification to subscribers:

        Map<String, Object> payload = new HashMap<>();
        payload.put("customVariables", "Hello");

        Map<String, Object> to = new HashMap<>();
        to.put("subscriberId", "<SUBSCRIBER_IDENTIFIER_FROM_ADMIN_PANEL>");
        to.put("phone", "07983882186");

        Map<String, Object> event = new HashMap<>();
        event.put("name", "<REPLACE_WITH_TEMPLATE_NAME_FROM_ADMIN_PANEL>");
        event.put("payload", payload);
        event.put("to", to);

        // Call a method to perform trigger event with 'event' map
        // Example method:

Bulk Trigger events:

        List<Map<String, Object>> events = new ArrayList<>();
        // First event
        Map<String, Object> event1 = new HashMap<>();
        event1.put("name", "<REPLACE_WITH_TEMPLATE_NAME_FROM_ADMIN_PANEL>");
        event1.put("to", "<SUBSCRIBER_IDENTIFIER_FROM_ADMIN_PANEL>");
        Map<String, Object> payload1 = new HashMap<>();
        payload1.put("customVariables", "Hello");
        event1.put("payload", payload1);

        // Second event
        Map<String, Object> event2 = new HashMap<>();
        event2.put("name", "<REPLACE_WITH_TEMPLATE_NAME_FROM_ADMIN_PANEL>");
        event2.put("to", "<SUBSCRIBER_IDENTIFIER_FROM_ADMIN_PANEL>");
        Map<String, Object> payload2 = new HashMap<>();
        payload2.put("customVariables", "World");
        event2.put("payload", payload2);

        // Third event
        Map<String, Object> event3 = new HashMap<>();
        event3.put("name", "<REPLACE_WITH_TEMPLATE_NAME_FROM_ADMIN_PANEL>");
        event3.put("to", "<SUBSCRIBER_IDENTIFIER_FROM_ADMIN_PANEL>");
        Map<String, Object> payload3 = new HashMap<>();
        payload3.put("customVariables", "Again");
        event3.put("payload", payload3);

        // Call a method to perform bulk trigger with 'events' list

        // Example method:

Broadcast event to all existing subscribers:

        Map<String, Object> payload = new HashMap<>();
        payload.put("customVariables", "Hello");

        Map<String, Object> event = new HashMap<>();
        event.put("name", "<REPLACE_WITH_EVENT_NAME_FROM_ADMIN_PANEL>");
        event.put("payload", payload);
        event.put("transactionId", "<REPLACE_WITH_TRANSACTION_ID>");
        // Call a method to perform broadcast event with 'event' map

        // Example method:

Cancel triggered event. Using a previously generated transactionId during the event trigger, this action will cancel any active or pending workflows:

        String transactionId = "<REPLACE_WITH_TRANSACTION_ID>";

        // Call a method to cancel event using the 'transactionId'

        // Example method:


        // Create subscriber & get the details of the recently created subscriber returned.
        Map<String, Object> subscriber = new HashMap<>();
        subscriber.put("subscriberId", "YOUR_SYSTEM_USER_ID");
        subscriber.put("email", "<insert-email>");
        subscriber.put("firstName", "<insert-firstname>");
        subscriber.put("lastName", "<insert-lastname>");
        subscriber.put("phone", "<insert-phone>");
        subscriber.put("avatar", "<insert-avatar>");

        // Call a method to create a subscriber with the 'subscriber' map

        // Example method:

        // Get subscriber
        String subscriberId = "<YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID>"; // Replace with the actual subscriber ID
        // Call a method to get the subscriber using 'subscriberId'

        // Example method:

        // Update subscriber
        Map<String, Object> updatedFields = new HashMap<>();
        updatedFields.put("email", "<insert-email>");
        updatedFields.put("firstName", "<insert-firstname>");
        updatedFields.put("lastName", "<insert-lastname>");
        updatedFields.put("phone", "<insert-phone>");
        updatedFields.put("avatar", "<insert-avatar>");

        // Call a method to update the subscriber with 'subscriberId' and 'updatedFields' map

        // Example method:
        updateSubscriber(subscriberId, updatedFields);

        // Delete subscriber
        String subscriberId = "<YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID>"; // Replace with the actual subscriber ID

        // Call a method to delete the subscriber using 'subscriberId'

        // Example method:

        // Update subscriber credentials
        String subscriberId = "<YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID>"; // Replace with the actual subscriber ID

        Map<String, Object> credentialsUpdate = new HashMap<>();
        credentialsUpdate.put("providerId", "<insert-providerId>");
        credentialsUpdate.put("credentials", "<insert-credentials>");

        // Call a method to update subscriber credentials with 'subscriberId' and 'credentialsUpdate' map

        // Example method:
        updateSubscriberCredentials(subscriberId, credentialsUpdate);

        // Update subscriber online status
        String subscriberId = "<YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID>"; // Replace with the actual subscriber ID
        boolean isOnlineStatus = true; // Set to true or false
        // Call a method to update subscriber online status with 'subscriberId' and 'isOnlineStatus'

        // Example method:
        updateSubscriberOnlineStatus(subscriberId, isOnlineStatus);

        // Get subscriber preferences
        String subscriberId = "<YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID>"; // Replace with the actual subscriber ID
        // Call a method to get subscriber preferences using 'subscriberId'

        // Example method:

        // Update subscriber preference
        String subscriberId = "<YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID>"; // Replace with the actual subscriber ID
        String templateId = "<INSERT_TEMPLATE_ID>"; // Replace with the actual template ID

        Map<String, Object> preferenceUpdate = new HashMap<>();
        preferenceUpdate.put("channel", "<insert-channel>");
        preferenceUpdate.put("enabled", "<insert-boolean-value>"); // Set to true or false, optional

        // Call a method to update subscriber preference using 'subscriberId', 'templateId', and 'preferenceUpdate' map

        // Example method:
        updateSubscriberPreference(subscriberId, templateId, preferenceUpdate);

        // Get a notification feed for a particular subscriber
        String subscriberId = "<YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID>"; // Replace with the actual subscriber ID
        // Call a method to get the notification feed for subscriber using 'subscriberId'

        // Example method:

        // Get the unseen notification count for subscribers feed
        String subscriberId = "<YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID>"; // Replace with the actual subscriber ID
        // Call a method to get the unseen notification count for subscriber using 'subscriberId'

        // Example method:

        // Mark a subscriber feed message as seen
        String subscriberId = "<YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID>"; // Replace with the actual subscriber ID
        String messageId = "<YOUR_MESSAGE_ID>"; // Replace with the actual message ID

        Map<String, Object> request = new HashMap<>();

        // Call a method to mark a subscriber's feed message as seen using 'subscriberId', 'messageId', and 'options' map

        // Example method:
        markSubscriberMessageFeedAs(subscriberId, messageId, request);

        // Mark message action as seen
        String subscriberId = "<YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID>"; // Replace with the actual subscriber ID
        String messageId = "<YOUR_MESSAGE_ID>"; // Replace with the actual message ID
        String type = "<YOUR_ACTION_TYPE>"; // Replace with the actual action type

        Map<String, Object> request = new HashMap<>();

        // Call a method to mark a subscriber's message action as seen using 'subscriberId', 'messageId', 'type', and 'options' map

        // Example method:
        markMessageActionAsSeen(subscriberId, messageId, type, request);


        // Create a Topic
        Map<String, Object> topic = new HashMap<>();
        topic.put("key", key);
        topic.put("name", name);

        // Call a method to create a topic with 'key' and 'name'

        // Example method:

        // Fetch all topics
        // Call a method to get the topics list

        // Example method:

        // Get a topic
        String topickey = "topicKey"; // Replace with the actual subscriber ID

        // Call a method to get the topic using 'topickey'

        // Example method:

        // Add subscribers to a topic
        String topicKey = "<YOUR_TOPIC_KEY>"; 

        List<String> subscribers = new ArrayList<>();
        // subscribers request

        // Call a method to add subscribers to a topic using 'topicKey' and 'subscribers' list

        // Example method:
        addSubscribersToTopic(topicKey, subscribers);

        // Remove subscribers from a topic
        String topicKey = "<YOUR_TOPIC_KEY>"; // Replace with the actual topic key

        List<String> subscribers = new ArrayList<>();
        // subscribers request

        // Call a method to remove subscribers from a topic using 'topicKey' and 'subscribers' list

        // Example method:
        removeSubscribersFromTopic(topicKey, subscribers);

        // Rename a topic
        String topicKey = "<YOUR_TOPIC_KEY>"; // Replace with the actual topic key

        Map<String, Object> topic = new HashMap<>();
        topic.put("name", name);

        // Call a method to rename a topic using 'topicKey' and 'topic'

        // Example method:
        renameTopic(topicKey, topic);


  • changes(query = {})
  • countChanges()
  • applyBulkChanges()
  • applyChange(changeId)


  • currentEnvironment()
  • createEnvironment(body)
  • environments()
  • updateEnvironment(environmentId, body)
  • apiKeys()
  • regenerateApiKeys()
  • updateWidgetSettings(body)

Execution Details

  • executionDetails(query = {})


  • createFeed(body)
  • feeds()
  • deleteFeed(feedId)

Inbound Parse

  • validateMxRecordSetupForInboundParse()


  • integrations()
  • createIntegration(body)
  • activeIntegrations()
  • webhookProviderStatus(providerId)
  • updateIntegration(integrationId, body)
  • deleteIntegration(integrationId)
  • channelLimit(channelType)
  • inAppStatus()
  • setIntegrationAsPrimary(integrationId)


  • createLayout(body)
  • layouts(query = {})
  • layout(layoutId)
  • deleteLayout(layoutId)
  • updateLayout(layoutId, body)
  • makeDefaultLayout(layoutId)


  • messages(query = {})
  • deleteMessage(messageId)

Workflow Groups

  • createWorkflowGroup(body)
  • notificationGroups()
  • updateWorkflowGroup(workflowId, body)


  • notificationTemplates(query = {})
  • createWorkflow(body)
  • updateWorkflow(WorkflowId, body)
  • deleteWorkflow(WorkflowId)
  • Workflow(WorkflowId)
  • updateWorkflowStatus(WorkflowId, body)


  • notifications(query = {})
  • notificationsStats()
  • notificationsGraphStats(query = {})
  • notification(notificationId)


  • getBlueprintsByCategory()
  • getBlueprint(templateId)


  • getTenants(body)
  • createTenant(body)
  • getTenant(identifier)
  • updateTenant(body, identifier)
  • deleteTenant(identifier)

For more information about these methods and their parameters, see the API documentation.


Feature requests, bug reports and pull requests are welcome. Please create an issue.

Support and Feedback

Be sure to visit the Novu official documentation website for additional information about our API. If you need additional assistance, join our Discord server here.


Novu Java SDK is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.




Java SDK for Novu - The open-source notification infrastructure for engineers. πŸš€

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%