kskewes-sf / buildtool

Utilities and tools for setting up and execution Spinnaker integration tests

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Utilities and tools for setting up and execution Spinnaker integration tests


# install python and tools
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-venv

# create virtualenv to contain dependencies
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

# install dependencies
pip3 install pip --upgrade
pip3 install -r ./dev/requirements.txt
pip3 install -r ./dev/buildtool/requirements.txt
pip3 install -r ./testing/citest/requirements.txt

# setup PYTHONPATH for IDE's and testing
export PYTHONPATH="${PWD}/dev/"

# install debugger if required
pip3 install ipdb

# leave virtualenv

Running tests

CI - Integration tests

See testing/citest/README.md

Unit tests

run all unittests:

# Avoid personal git config interfering with tests
GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL=/dev/null ./unittest/run_tests.sh

run a specific test:

# Avoid personal git config interfering with tests
GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL=/dev/null python ./unittest/buildtool/git_support_test.py -v
Ran 25 tests in 2.509s

FAILED (errors=4)


WARNING: Before performing a release:

  • release-* branches must be created
  • branches tagged
  • bumpdeps propagated

This is because buildtool tagging & branch creation is disabled in the publish_spinnaker command. TODO: add validation/bumpdep wait support.

When releasing a new minor version x.y.0 make sure to update the Release Notes per: Add next release preview

Using GitHub Actions

  1. Open the release workflow action
  2. Click Run workflow at the top right
  3. Fill out all fields. Do a dry run first and check the job output.

To bump the default Minimum Halyard Version edit the release.yml workflow file.

Using buildtool

Publish a new Spinnaker release in a single command. GitHub Actions use this under the covers.

By default buildtool publish_spinnaker:

  1. targets github.com/spinnaker repositories.
  2. does a dry run, doing all the steps but without pushing back up to git or to any artifact repositories like GCS.

When troubleshooting try using your (in sync) forks and disabling git push and artifactory repository uploads:


./dev/buildtool.sh \
  publish_spinnaker \
  --spinnaker_version "${version}" \
  --minimum_halyard_version "${min_hal_version}" \
  --dry_run true \
  --github_owner "${fork_owner}"

Release - Step by Step

Tag branches

Tag repositories with their respective next tag.

  • branches without any new commits since the last tag will not be re-tagged.
  • master branches are tagged with the next {minor} and {patch} of 0. For example, a repo with master tagged v1.2.0 will be tagged v1.3.0.
  • all other branches (e.g: release-*) are tagged with the next {patch}. For example, a repo with release-1.27.x tagged v1.2.3 will be tagged v1.2.4.

At time of writing, tagging designated (master and release-*) branches will:

  1. (on master) provide a marker (the tag) to create a new release-* branch
  2. (on both) trigger GitHub Actions to build new artifacts with the tag
  3. (on both) trigger auto-bump Pull Request's across services bumping dependency versions. NOTE: This will in-turn increment {minor} tag on the downstream service and build a new set of artifacts.

Set target branch:


# or target a release branch
# git_branch=release-1.27.x

Tag kork and wait for autobumps to propagate and be merged:

./dev/buildtool.sh tag_branch \
  --git_branch "${git_branch}" \
  --only_repositories kork

Tag fiat and wait for autobumps to propagate and be merged:

./dev/buildtool.sh tag_branch \
  --git_branch "${git_branch}" \
  --only_repositories fiat

Tag orca and wait for autobumps to propagate and be merged:

./dev/buildtool.sh tag_branch \
  --git_branch "${git_branch}" \
  --only_repositories orca

Tag the rest:

./dev/buildtool.sh tag_branch \
  --git_branch "${git_branch}" \
  --only_repositories clouddriver,deck,echo,front50,gate,igor,keel,rosco

When troubleshooting try using your fork, targeting a single repository and disabling git push:


./dev/buildtool.sh tag_branch \
  --git_branch "${git_branch}" \
  --github_owner "${fork_owner}" \
  --git_never_push true \
  --only_repositories clouddriver

Validate dependency versions match

Before moving on with cutting branches or generating a BOM we need to confirm that each service is building with the correct version of its dependencies, such as kork, fiat and orca.

Check each service's gradle.properties file has versions that match the latest tag in the associated repository.

TODO: Write a command to do this.

Create Release Branches

Create new release-{major}-{minor}-x branches off master at the most recent tag.

Before starting this step all branches should be tagged with the latest semVer {minor} version and a {patch} value of 0. For example: v1.2.0


./dev/buildtool.sh new_release_branch \
  --git_branch master \
  --new_branch "${new_branch}"

When troubleshooting try using your forks, targeting a single service and disabling git push:


./dev/buildtool.sh \
  --log_level debug \
  new_release_branch \
  --git_branch master \
  --new_branch "${new_branch}" \
  --github_owner "${fork_owner}" \
  --only_repositories clouddriver \
  --git_never_push true

# check branch creation locally
cd source_code/new_release_branch/clouddriver/

git branch
* release-0.1.x

# consider enabling git push and running again (remove: `--git_never_push true`)

Build BOM

Build BOM at the latest tag for each service, supplying a base BOM with archived project spinnaker-monitoring already defined.


./dev/buildtool.sh build_bom \
  --github_owner spinnaker \
  --git_branch "${git_branch}" \
  --build_number "${version}" \
  --refresh_from_bom_path dev/buildtool/bom_base.yml \
  --exclude_repositories spinnaker-monitoring

# output below
W 14:08:19.436 [MainThread.12300] Monitoring is disabled
I 14:08:19.445 [MainThread.12300] Mapping 11/['clouddriver', 'deck', 'echo', 'fiat', 'front50', 'gate', 'igor', 'kayenta', 'orca', 'rosco', 'spinnaker-monitoring']
I 14:08:19.445 [Thread-1.12300] build_bom processing clouddriver

When troubleshooting try targeting a single service:

./dev/buildtool.sh \
  --log_level debug \
  build_bom \
  --github_owner spinnaker \
  --git_branch "${git_branch}" \
  --build_number "${version}" \
  --refresh_from_bom_path dev/buildtool/bom_base.yml \
  --exclude_repositories spinnaker-monitoring \
  --only_repositories rosco

Check BOM:

cat output/build_bom/release-1.27.x-1.27.0.yml

  debianRepository: https://us-apt.pkg.dev/projects/spinnaker-community
  dockerRegistry: us-docker.pkg.dev/spinnaker-community/docker
  gitPrefix: https://github.com/spinnaker
  googleImageProject: marketplace-spinnaker-release
    version: 0.7.5
    version: 2:2.8.4-2
    version: 0.7.0
    commit: 854d708bc8e46f6c3eb5f80582ead9ed4d3f30eb
    version: 5.74.3
    commit: f96435e0a6b0567d749f15e951ee286c6eb16ea9
    version: 3.8.1
    commit: c73d9b8164b67c14df74bbec56504cb889587358
    version: 2.32.2
    commit: 9f4120cf43d4d5ebd47f48f8c845d1b97a073b40
    version: 1.28.3
    commit: 7fbae17b319979b06221789e34f9c354ad782695
    version: 2.23.3
    commit: b621ff317dc0d4049b1a1bc2267e61a8e0b1ce7d
    version: 6.54.1
    commit: d17a4467233b85255db8929387f155f1615b74b7
    version: 4.6.3
    commit: e946058ae6b36036e5bada984c58cd3624245071
    version: 2.31.1
    commit: 91e7116c9abdf9d47acc8f25dbc349b6b9aa99f8
    version: 1.3.0
    commit: 91e7116c9abdf9d47acc8f25dbc349b6b9aa99f8
    version: 1.3.0
    commit: cbd9f141ffbd4c9cb1dc5b57c908376a7cbac8da
    version: 8.18.3
    commit: b539e13644b390df5b63dff30be32d2cdd1dc5f5
    version: 1.7.3
timestamp: '2022-04-19 04:18:35'
version: 1.27.0

Build Changelog

Build changelog of commits in release since previous BOM versions.

A previous BOM file must be provided otherwise buildtool will compare the new BOM tag to the previous tag in the same branch. Due to auto-bump PR's there may be multiple tags on a release-{major}-{minor}-x branch between Spinnaker Releases.

For example:

  1. If releasing a new minor version 1.27.0 then supply previous minor 1.26.0.
  2. If releasing a new patch version 1.27.1 then supply previous patch 1.27.0.

# download previous BOM
mkdir -p input
wget "https://storage.googleapis.com/halconfig/bom/${previous_release}.yml" \

./dev/buildtool.sh build_changelog \
  --bom_path "${bom}" \
  --relative_to_bom_path "input/${previous_release}.yml"

Publish Changelog

buildtool will clone your fork, branch off master, commit new changelog file and push up to GitHub. Once complete raise a PR to github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.io


./dev/buildtool.sh publish_changelog \
  --changelog_path "${changelog_path}" \
  --git_branch "${git_branch}" \
  --spinnaker_version "${version}" \
  --git_allow_publish_master_branch false \
  --github_owner "${fork_owner}"

To troubleshoot, try creating the changelog and verifying locally in file system.


./dev/buildtool.sh \
  --log_level debug \
  publish_changelog \
  --changelog_path "${changelog_path}" \
  --git_branch "${git_branch}" \
  --spinnaker_version "${version}" \
  --git_allow_publish_master_branch false \
  --github_owner "${fork_owner}" \
  --git_never_push true

# check branch creation locally
cd source_code/publish_changelog/spinnaker.io

git show

# consider enabling git push and running again (remove: `--git_never_push true`)

For New Minor (x.y.0) Releases - Add Next Release Preview

For new minor versions (eg: 1.28.0) we may need to add any notable changes to the generated changelog.

The previous step created a branch in a local copy of your fork here: ./source_code/publish_changelog/spinnaker.io/

  1. Edit new changelog file 1.nn.0.md (e.g., 1.27.0.md) in fork

  2. After the frontmatter section ends with --- update the template with:

    **_Note: This release requires Halyard version ${nn.nn.nn} or later._**
    This release includes fixes, features, and performance improvements across a wide feature set in Spinnaker. This section provides a summary of notable improvements followed by the comprehensive changelog.
    # Changelog
    1. Replace ${CURATED_RELEASE_NOTES} with the notes from the [next release preview]({{< ref "next-release-preview" >}}) to the top of the file (sample 1.nn.0 release notes).

    2. Leave ${GENERATED_CHANGELOG} as is.

    3. Reset the [next release preview]({{< ref "next-release-preview" >}}) for the next release by removing all added notes and incrementing the version number in the heading.

    4. Commit the changes.

    5. Push up to your GitHub fork.

    6. Raise a PR to: github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.io

Fetch versions.yml

Halyard uses versions.yml as the source of truth for available Spinnaker versions to deploy. Fetch the file from GCS for editing.

./dev/buildtool.sh fetch_versions

To troubleshoot, check the fetched file.

$ cat output/fetch_versions/versions.yml
- reason: Broken apache config makes the UI unreachable
  version: 1.2.0
- reason: UI does not load
  version: 1.4.0
latestHalyard: 1.49.0
latestSpinnaker: 1.28.1
- alias: v1.28.1
  changelog: https://spinnaker.io/changelogs/1.28.1-changelog/
  lastUpdate: 1661279166000
  minimumHalyardVersion: '1.45'
  version: 1.28.1

Update versions.yml

Add a new Spinnaker version to versions.yml.

latest_halyard_version=1.51.0 # optional

./dev/buildtool.sh update_versions \
  --versions_yml_path "${versions_path}" \
  --spinnaker_version "${version}" \
  --minimum_halyard_version "${halyard_version}" \
  --latest_halyard_version "${latest_halyard_version}"

To troubleshoot, check input and output versions.yml files.

diff \
  source_code/fetch_versions/versions.yml \
  source_code/update_versions/versions.yml \

Publish versions.yml

When ready to release a new Spinnaker version to users, publish the versions.yml file to GCS.


./dev/buildtool.sh publish_versions \
  --versions_yml_path "${versions_path}" \
  --dry_run false

To troubleshoot, try a dry run (the default) to confirm paths are correct:


./dev/buildtool.sh publish_versions \
  --versions_yml_path "${versions_path}" \
  --dry_run true


Utilities and tools for setting up and execution Spinnaker integration tests

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 94.4%Language:Shell 5.5%Language:Mustache 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%