Swaccha Adblock Filter
Swaccha is a collection of static AdBlock filters for various popular Nepali sites. It helps you keep annoying ads away from various popular Nepali sites.
This is not a universal solution to get rid of ads for all popular Nepali sites.
For usage instructions, please visit swaccha adblock filter docs.
Supported Adblockers
- Adblock
- Adblock Plus
- uBlock Origin
- Adguard AdBlocker
Didn't work? Site missing from the list?
The site might have recently updated its layout or has changed its ad URL pattern or the filter list hasn't been updated. The filter rule for the site could be missing from the list. If so, please feel free to create an issue or open a pull request.
cheat sheet
If you need help with creating a custom filter. Please refer to theLicense
Inspired from anti-adblock-killer.