ksevta / Break-DES-6-round-using-chosen-plain-text-attack

these are the all codes used to break DES 6 round for a given sbox,initial permutation and final permutation.here we used characteristic equation to recover all the 6 keys used for encryption.it is also known as differential method to break the DES for further queries please go through readme.txt. this was done as assignment for a course so please ignore the part 1 in readme.txt.

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                                                                    CS641A                                                  Team Name: noname
                                                                                                                            Khemkaran Sevta(13349)
                                                                                                                            M Anirudh(13377)
                                                                                                                            Sivasankar C Nair(13702)


The first part of the assignment involved solving riddles by entering certain commands using clues from the given text. go -> dive -> dive -> back -> pull -> back -> back -> go -> wave ->back -> thrnxxtzy -> read -> zun_rksm_ul_mlgi -> c -> read -> password .After this we get the encrypted password which was encrypted using DES .We could enter any plaintext and get cipher text .


The second part involved decrypting a password which was encrypted using either 4, 6 or 10 round DES. 4 round DES is very easy to break so we started with 6 round. It was given that two letters were for one byte and DES has a block size of 64 bits or 8 bytes so 16 letters represented 1 block size. Because there were only 16 letters in the output which we found after doing frequency analysis which were from ‘f’ to ‘u’ so we thought that input also consists of these letters only as only 16 letters could be represented by four bits and each alphabet was mapped with a number from 0 to 15. The differential iterative characteristic of 6-round DES ‘405c0000 04000000’ was used to break the code which gives the differential ‘00540000 04000000’ after 4 rounds with probability 0.000381 for which we need approximately one lakh pairs of plaintext-cipher text pairs. We used two cpp programs rand.cpp and random_input.cpp where rand.cpp is for generating 1 lakh random strings and stored in random.txt and random_input.cpp is used to get input pairs whose xor is equal to ‘0000902010005000’ which we get from inverse initial permutation of ‘405c0000 04000000’ and stored in input_random.txt.

Now, we ran a python script (script.py) using input_random.txt to get corresponding outputs for these 1 lakh pairs of input. The output was stored in output.txt and the waste outputs were removed by clean.cpp and then stored in output_clean.txt.

Now we run the file alphabettobinary.cpp which takes output_clean.txt as input and gives outputs in output1.txt after converting alphabets into 4 bit binary code. Then differential.cpp is run in which output1.txt is taken and three different outputs are printed in alphaxor.txt, betaxor.txt and reversefinalperm.txt. In this program, the block is first reverse final permuted and stored in reversefinalperm.txt. Then the whole odd and even blocks(they both are pairs) are xor with each other. Alpha is value just after the xor with key 6,beta is value just after the sbox in 6th round and gamma is just before the taking xor with key 6 and after expanding R5 which is also equal to L6.The left hand side bit is expanded and that is equal to gamma1 xor gamma2 which is also equal to alpha1 xor alpha2 which is stored in alphaxor.txt. The right hand is xor with xored L5(equal to R4 which is probabilistically equal to ‘04000000’ and then inverse permuted to give beta1 xor beta2 stored in betaxor.txt.

The gamma.cpp computes the gamma1 values after expanding the left hand side of the reverse final permuted block from reversefinalperm.txt and stores it in gamma.txt.

Then we used sbox.cpp program to get the values of alpha1 and alpha2 corresponding to alpha1 xor alpha2 and whose S(alpha1) and S(alpha2) is also equal to beta1 xor beta2 .For each permuted 6 bits of alpha1 we calculated value of alpha2 by taking xor of alpha1 and (alpha1 xor alpha2). After this we compare the value of S[alpha1] xor S[alpha2] with beta xor if these alpha1 and alpha2 satisfy these condition than these are the possible values of alpha1 and alpha2.

After this, We calculate key 6 by taking the xor of the candidate alpha1 with corresponding gamma1 and kept a counter for it. The key will repeat itself more frequently as compare to others. These frequencies are stored in key.txt file.

Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Key Block Value 45  51  - - 20  60  2 46
  (101101)  (110011)      (010100)  (111100)  (000010)  (101110)

Max. Frequency  5463  5711  - - 6034  5671  5671  5595

Ave. Frequency  4214  4174  - - 4354  4251  4224  4209

Now, we get 6 blocks values out of 8 blocks but we could not get the key values from S-boxes S3 and S4. So now we have knowledge of 36 bits out of 56 bits.

The keyscheduling.cpp gives us the knowledge how the bits were permuted giving output in scheduledkey.cpp.

The key was manually mapped and found to be


After this we apply brute force on the rest 20 bits of the key using key_perm.cpp and stored these possible keys in key_out.txt. Then we run it through desbruteforce.cpp and check whether a given input is encrypted in the same way or not. If it is, then that is the key.

Given input : ffffffffffffffff {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
Given output : tjtlgnslrqutjjpr {228,230,24,214,203,254,68,172}
Key : 01101110010111100111101100000001110100110001111101000011

Then we run 2 times decryptDES.cpp and decrypt the password using the key.

Encrypted Password : tjmituupspuqmiphrfuhjtgnksfoonpn {228,115,239,250,218,251,115,162,

Decrypted Password : {110, 120 ,117 ,109 ,106 ,99, 104 ,104 ,


As the numbers lied between 97 and 122 we thought that these could be ASCII codes and the answer could be the conversion into characters. The 48 represented 0 and thus was just to pad.

Answer was found to be ‘nxumjchhkw’.


these are the all codes used to break DES 6 round for a given sbox,initial permutation and final permutation.here we used characteristic equation to recover all the 6 keys used for encryption.it is also known as differential method to break the DES for further queries please go through readme.txt. this was done as assignment for a course so please ignore the part 1 in readme.txt.


Language:C++ 99.3%Language:Python 0.7%