ksboy / FewShotTagging

Code for ACL2020 paper: Few-shot Slot Tagging with Collapsed Dependency Transfer and Label-enhanced Task-adaptive Projection Network

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Few-shot Slot Tagging

This is the code of the ACL 2020 paper: Few-shot Slot Tagging with Collapsed Dependency Transfer and Label-enhanced Task-adaptive Projection Network.

Notice: Better implementation availiable now!

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Get Started


python >= 3.6
pytorch >= 0.4.1
pytorch_pretrained_bert >= 0.6.1
allennlp >= 0.8.2

Step1: Prepare BERT embedding:

  • Download the pytorch bert model, or convert tensorflow param by yourself as follow:
export BERT_BASE_DIR=/users4/ythou/Projects/Resources/bert-base-uncased/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/

pytorch_pretrained_bert convert_tf_checkpoint_to_pytorch
  • Set BERT path in the file ./scripts/run_L-Tapnet+CDT.sh to your setting:

Step2: Prepare data

Tips: The numbers in file name denote cross-evaluation id, you can run a complete experiment by only using data of id=1.

  • Set test, train, dev data file path in ./scripts/run_L-Tapnet+CDT.sh to your setting.

For simplicity, your only need to set the root path for data as follow:


Step3: Train and test the main model

  • Build a folder to collect running log
mkdir result
  • Execute cross-evaluation script with two params: -[gpu id] -[dataset name]
Example for 1-shot Snips:
source ./scripts/run_L-Tapnet+CDT.sh 0 snips
Example for 1-shot NER:
source ./scripts/run_L-Tapnet+CDT.sh 0 ner

To run 5-shots experiments, use ./scripts/run_L-Tapnet+CDT_5.sh

Model for Other Setting

We also provide scripts of four model settings as follows:

  • Tap-Net
  • Tap-Net + CDT
  • L-WPZ + CDT
  • L-Tap-Net + CDT

You can find their corresponding scripts in ./scripts/ with the same usage as above.

Project Architecture


  • the project contains three main parts:
    • models: the neural network architectures
    • scripts: running scripts for cross evaluation
    • utils: auxiliary or tool function files
    • main.py: the entry file of the whole project


  • Main Model
    • Sequence Labeler (few_shot_seq_labeler.py): a framework that integrates modules below to perform sequence labeling.
  • Modules
    • Embedder Module (context_embedder_base.py): modules that provide embeddings.
    • Emission Module (emission_scorer_base.py): modules that compute emission scores.
    • Transition Module (transition_scorer.py): modules that compute transition scores.
    • Similarity Module (transition_scorer.py): modules that compute similarities for metric learning based emission scorer.
    • Output Module (seq_labeler.py, conditional_random_field.py): output layer with normal mlp or crf.
    • Scale Module (scale_controller.py): a toolkit for re-scale and normalize logits.


  • utils contains assistance modules for:
    • data processing (data_helper.py, preprocessor.py),
    • constructing model architecture (model_helper.py),
    • controlling training process (trainer.py),
    • controlling testing process (tester.py),
    • controllable parameters definition (opt.py),
    • device definition (device_helper)
    • config (config.py).


Code for ACL2020 paper: Few-shot Slot Tagging with Collapsed Dependency Transfer and Label-enhanced Task-adaptive Projection Network


Language:Python 71.2%Language:Shell 25.3%Language:Perl 3.6%