ksashikumar / fd-spaces-node

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The status of the meeting rooms are updated, considering the pre-booking details and whether the room is occupied at that particular instance or not.

Procedure to execute the project:

=> Enter these commands in order:

rvm install 2.3.1

=> Run from directory where solo.rb exists(chef-folder and solo.rb must be in same location):

gem install chef

chef-solo -c ~solo.rb -j ~/chef_folder/node.json

=> Go to the folder where package.json exists:

npm install	

db-migrate create meeting

db-migrate up

node fixture.js

=> To start node server:


=> Open another terminal for Rails server:

rails s	

=> For testing purposes:

npm test



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