krzemienski / awesome-list-site-generator

A shell script to test and view various static site frameworks based on a of an awesome list

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Awesome List Site Generator

This project provides a shell script to generate static websites from Markdown files using popular static site generators. The script supports MkDocs, Hugo, VuePress, and Docsify, allowing you to select themes and plugins interactively.


The purpose of this project is to help users quickly set up and preview static websites using different frameworks. This can be particularly useful for generating documentation sites, blogs, or any other static content websites.



  • Python
  • pip
  • mkdocs
  • hugo
  • yarn
  • docsify-cli


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd awesome-list-site-generator
  2. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x
  3. Run the script with your file and the desired output directory. Optionally use the --interactive flag to enable interactive theme and plugin selection:

    ./ path/to/ output/directory [--interactive]


  • README_FILE: Path to your file.
  • OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: Directory where the generated sites will be stored.
  • --interactive: (Optional) Enable interactive mode for selecting themes and plugins.

Themes and Plugins

The script supports a variety of themes and plugins for each framework. Below are the available options:

MkDocs Themes

  • mkdocs
  • readthedocs
  • material
  • alabaster
  • mkdocs-bootstrap
  • mkdocs-cinder
  • mkdocs-rtd-dropdown
  • mkdocs-windmill
  • mkdocs-yeti
  • slate
  • mkdocs-material
  • mkdocs-alabaster
  • mkdocs-bootstrap4
  • mkdocs-insiders

Hugo Themes

  • theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke
  • bep/hyde
  • spf13/hyde
  • kubeflow/hugo-multilingual
  • henrythemes/hugo-theme-minimo
  • zenorocha/fliptheme
  • calintat/minimal
  • halogenica/beautifulhugo
  • track3/hermit
  • budparr/gohugo-theme-ananke
  • digitalcraftsman/hugo-agency-theme
  • htr3n/hyde-hyde
  • muesli/beautifulhugo
  • mathieudutour/hugo-drawer
  • lucperkins/hugo-fresh

VuePress Themes

  • vuepress/theme-default
  • vuepress/theme-blog
  • vuepress/theme-vue
  • vuepress/theme-craft
  • vuepress/theme-medium
  • vuepress/theme-yuque
  • vuepress/theme-book
  • vuepress/theme-cosmos
  • vuepress/theme-reco
  • vuepress/theme-vdoing
  • vuepress/theme-hope
  • vuepress/theme-antdocs
  • vuepress/theme-modern-blog
  • vuepress/theme-ououe
  • vuepress/theme-succinct

Docsify Themes

  • vue
  • dark
  • buble
  • pure
  • doka
  • vuepress
  • minty
  • flatly
  • readable
  • materia
  • cinder
  • docsify-themeable
  • docsify-themeable-dark
  • docsify-themeable-light
  • docsify-themeable-modern

MkDocs Plugins

  • search
  • macros
  • redirects
  • minify
  • table-reader
  • google-analytics
  • sitemap
  • git-revision-date
  • social
  • tags

Hugo Plugins

  • autoprefixer
  • postcss
  • babel
  • sass
  • imagemin
  • hugo-extended
  • hugo-analytics
  • hugo-seo
  • hugo-deploy
  • hugo-redirects

VuePress Plugins

  • @vuepress/plugin-back-to-top
  • @vuepress/plugin-medium-zoom
  • @vuepress/plugin-nprogress
  • @vuepress/plugin-google-analytics
  • @vuepress/plugin-blog
  • @vuepress/plugin-seo
  • @vuepress/plugin-pwa
  • @vuepress/plugin-sitemap
  • @vuepress/plugin-pagination
  • @vuepress/plugin-reading-time

Docsify Plugins

  • docsify-plugin-search
  • docsify-plugin-tabs
  • docsify-plugin-zoom-image
  • docsify-plugin-pagination
  • docsify-plugin-mathjax
  • docsify-plugin-gtag
  • docsify-plugin-seo
  • docsify-plugin-ga
  • docsify-plugin-sitemap
  • docsify-plugin-pwa

Documentation URLs


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request or open an issue.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


A shell script to test and view various static site frameworks based on a of an awesome list


Language:Shell 100.0%