krtkvrm / habitat-challenge-two-docker

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This repository contains starter code for the challenge and details of task, training and evaluation. For an overview of habitat-challenge visit or see our paper [1].


The objective of the agent is to navigate successfully to a target location specified by agent-relative Euclidean coordinates (e.g. "Go 5m north, 3m west relative to current location"). Importantly, updated goal-specification (relative coordinates) is provided at all times (as the episode progresses) and not just at the outset of an episode. The action space for the agent consists of turn-left, turn-right, move forward and STOP actions. The turn actions produce a turn of 10 degrees and move forward action produces a linear displacement of 0.25m. The STOP action is used by the agent to indicate completion of an episode. We use an idealized embodied agent with a cylindrical body with diameter 0.2m and height 1.5m. The challenge consists of two tracks, RGB (only RGB input) and RGBD (RGB and Depth inputs).

Challenge Dataset

We create a set of PointGoal navigation episodes for the Gibson [2] 3D scenes as the main dataset for the challenge. Gibson was chosen over Matterport3D because unlike Matterport3D Gibson's raw meshes are not publicly available allowing us to sequester a test set. We use the splits provided by the Gibson dataset, retaining the train, and val sets, and separating the test set into test-standard and test-challenge. The train and val scenes are provided to participants. The test scenes are used for the official challenge evaluation and are not provided to participants.


After calling the STOP action, the agent is evaluated using the "Success weighted by Path Length" (SPL) metric [3].

An episode is deemed successful if on calling the STOP action, the agent is within 0.2m of the goal position. The evaluation will be carried out in completely new houses which are not present in training and validation splits.

Participation Guidelines

Participate in the contest by registering on the EvalAI challenge page and creating a team. Participants will upload docker containers with their agents that evaluated on a AWS GPU-enabled instance. Before pushing the submissions for remote evaluation, participants should test the submission docker locally to make sure it is working. Instructions for training, local evaluation, and online submission are provided below.

Local Evaluation

  1. Clone the challenge repository:

    git clone
    cd habitat-challenge

    Implement your own agent or try one of ours. We provide hand-coded agents in baselines/agents/, below is an example forward-only code for agent:

    import habitat
    class ForwardOnlyAgent(habitat.Agent):
        def reset(self):
        def act(self, observations):
            action = SIM_NAME_TO_ACTION[SimulatorActions.FORWARD.value]
            return action
    def main():
        agent = ForwardOnlyAgent()
        challenge = habitat.Challenge()
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    [Optional] Modify file if your agent needs any custom modifications (e.g. command-line arguments). Otherwise, nothing to do. Default is simply a call to GoalFollower agent in myagent/

  2. Install nvidia-docker Note: only supports Linux; no Windows or MacOS.

  3. Modify the provided Dockerfile if you need custom modifications. Let's say your code needs pytorch, these dependencies should be pip installed inside a conda environment called habitat that is shipped with our habitat-challenge docker, as shown below:

    FROM fairembodied/habitat-challenge:latest
    # install dependencies in the habitat conda environment
    RUN /bin/bash -c ". activate habitat; pip install torch"
    ADD baselines /baselines
    ADD /
    ADD /

    Build your docker container: docker build -t my_submission . (Note: you will need sudo priviliges to run this command)

  4. Download Gibson scenes used for Habitat Challenge. Accept terms here and select the download corresponding to “Habitat Challenge Data for Gibson (1.4 GB)“. Place this data in: habitat-challenge/habitat-challenge-data/gibson

  5. Evaluate your docker container locally on RGB modality:

    ./ --docker-name my_submission

    If the above command runs successfully you will get an output similar to:

    2019-04-04 21:23:51,798 initializing sim Sim-v0
    2019-04-04 21:23:52,820 initializing task Nav-v0
    2019-04-04 21:24:14,508 spl: 0.16539757116003695

    Note: this same command will be run to evaluate your agent for the leaderboard. Please submit your docker for remote evaluation (below) only if it runs successfully on your local setup.
    To evaluate on RGB-D modality run:

    ./ --docker-name my_submission

Online submission

Follow instructions in the submit tab of the EvalAI challenge page to submit your docker image. Note that you will need a version of EvalAI >= 1.2.3. Pasting those instructions here for convenience:

# Installing EvalAI Command Line Interface
pip install "evalai>=1.2.3"

# Set EvalAI account token
evalai set_token <your EvalAI participant token>

# Push docker image to EvalAI docker registry
evalai push my_submission:latest --phase <phase-name>

Valid challenge phases are habitat19-{rgb, rgbd}-{minival, test-std, test-ch}.

The challenge consists of the following phases:

  1. Minival RGB phase: consists of 30 episodes with RGB modality. This split is same as the one used in ./ The purpose of this phase is sanity checking -- to confirm that our remote evaluation reports the same result as the one you're seeing locally. Each team is allowed maximum of 30 submission per day for this phase, but please use them judiciously. We will block and disqualify teams that spam our servers.
  2. Minival RGBD phase: consists of same episodes as Minival RGB phase with RGB-Depth modality. This split is same as the one used in ./
  3. Test Standard RGB phase: consists of 1000 episodes with RGB modality. Each team is allowed maximum of 10 submission per day for this phase, but again, please use them judiciously. Don't overfit to the test set. The purpose of this phase is to serve as a public leaderboard establishing the state of the art.
  4. Test Standard RGBD phase: consists of same episodes as Test Standard RGB phase with RGB-Depth modality. Each team is allowed maximum of 10 submission per day for this phase.
  5. Test Challenge RGB phase: consists of 1000 episodes with RGB modality. This split will be used to decide challenge winners on the RGB track. Each team is allowed total of 5 submissions until the end of challenge submission phase. Results on this split will not be made public until the announcement of final results at the Habitat workshop at CVPR.
  6. Test Challenge RGBD phase: consists of same episodes as Test Challenge RGB phase with RGB-Depth modality. This split will be used to decide challenge winners on the RGBD track. Each team is allowed total of 5 submissions until the end of challenge submission phase. Results on this split will not be made public until the announcement of final results at the Habitat workshop at CVPR.

Note: Your agent will be evaluated on 1000 episodes and will have a total available time of 30mins to finish. Your submissions will be evaluated on AWS EC2 p2.xlarge instance which has a Tesla K80 GPU (12 GB Memory), 4 CPU cores, and 61 GB RAM. If you need more time/resources for evaluation of your submission please get in touch. If you face any issues or have questions you can ask them on the habitat-challenge forum.

Starter code and Training

  1. Install the Habitat-Sim and Habitat-API packages.

  2. Download the Gibson dataset following the instructions here. After downloading extract the dataset to folder habitat-api/data/scene_datasets/gibson/ folder (this folder should contain the .glb files from gibson). Note that the habitat-api folder is the habitat-api repository folder.

  3. Download the dataset for Gibson pointnav from link and place it in the folder habitat-api/data/datasets/pointnav/gibson. If placed correctly, you should have the train and val splits at habitat-api/data/datasets/pointnav/gibson/v1/train/ and habitat-api/data/datasets/pointnav/gibson/v1/val/ respectively. Place Gibson scenes downloaded in step-4 of local-evaluation under the habitat-api/data/scene_datasets folder.

  4. An example PPO baseline for the Pointnav task is present at habitat-api/baselines. To start training on the Gibson dataset using this implementation follow instructions in the baselines README. Set --task-config to tasks/pointnav_gibson.yaml to train on Gibson data. This is a good starting point for participants to start building their own models. The PPO implementation contains initialization and interaction with the environment as well as tracking of training statistics. Participants can borrow the basic blocks from this implementation to start building their own models.

  5. To evaluate a trained PPO model on Gibson val split run using instructions in the README at habitat-api/baselines with --task-config set to tasks/pointnav_gibson.yaml. The evaluation script will report SPL metric.

  6. You can also use the general benchmarking script present at Set --task-config to tasks/pointnav_gibson.yaml and inside the file tasks/pointnav_gibson.yaml set the SPLIT to val.

  7. Once you have trained your agents you can follow the submission instructions above to test them locally as well as submit them for online evaluation.

  8. We also provide trained RGB, RGBD, Blind PPO models. Code for the models is present inside the habitat-challenge/baselines folder. To use them:

    1. Download pre-trained pytorch models from link and unzip into habitat-challenge/models.
    2. Add loading of the baselines folder and models folder to Dockerfile:
    ADD baselines /baselines
    ADD models /models
    1. Modify appropriately:
    python baselines/agents/ --input_type {blind, depth, rgb, rgbd} --model_path baselines/{blind, depth, rgb, rgbd}.pth`
    1. Build docker and run local evaluation:
    docker build -t my_submission .; ./test_locally_{rgb, rgbd}.sh --docker-name my_submission

Citing Habitat

Please cite the following paper for details about the 2019 challenge:

  title     =     {Habitat: {A} {P}latform for {E}mbodied {AI} {R}esearch},
  author    =     {{Manolis Savva*} and {Abhishek Kadian*} and {Oleksandr Maksymets*} and Yili Zhao and Erik Wijmans and Bhavana Jain and Julian Straub and Jia Liu and Vladlen Koltun and Jitendra Malik and Devi Parikh and Dhruv Batra},
  booktitle =     {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  year      =     {2019}


The Habitat challenge would not have been possible without the infrastructure and support of EvalAI team and the data of Gibson team. We are especially grateful to Rishabh Jain, Deshraj Yadav, Fei Xia and Amir Zamir.


[1] Habitat: A Platform for Embodied AI Research. Manolis Savva, Abhishek Kadian, Oleksandr Maksymets, Yili Zhao, Erik Wijmans, Bhavana Jain, Julian Straub, Jia Liu, Vladlen Koltun, Jitendra Malik, Devi Parikh, Dhruv Batra. IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019.

[2] Gibson env: Real-world perception for embodied agents. F. Xia, A. R. Zamir, Z. He, A. Sax, J. Malik, and S. Savarese. In CVPR, 2018

[3] On evaluation of embodied navigation agents. Peter Anderson, Angel Chang, Devendra Singh Chaplot, Alexey Dosovitskiy, Saurabh Gupta, Vladlen Koltun, Jana Kosecka, Jitendra Malik, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Manolis Savva, Amir R. Zamir. arXiv:1807.06757, 2018.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 97.4%Language:Shell 1.8%Language:Dockerfile 0.8%