kristofa / work-exposure

Exposes a team's work by exporting metrics from JIRA

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

work exposure

Exposes a team's work by exporting data from JIRA.

It can give insights in the following:

  • How much time was spent per epic for a specific time period. It exports the total time but also the time spent by person.
  • How much time was spent per type of work. The type of work is added to JIRA issues using labels. It exports the total time but also the time spent by person.
  • Visualise on how many epics is worked on in parallel. Visualisation is done by exporting a PlantUML Gantt chart.
  • Flow efficiency for the different epics. The ratio between the active time and total time spent on an epic.

Currently all the exporters are based on JIRA worklogs. If you don't log work using the JIRA worklogs functionality you won't get any useful data out of it.

I realize that I didn't use the Python naming conventions when it comes variable and function names... sorry about that...


As input the exporters takes a 'from' and 'to' date, the range between which data should be exported.

The exports are CSV files and also a PlantUML file that can be used to visualize the work.

Time by epic

This exporter exports 4 files all related to the time spent on epics.

epic overview summary

Exports a CSV file with a single record with structure:


It exports the total amount of logged workdays (1 workday = 8 hours) on epics and the total amount of workdays logged on JIRA issues not linked to any epic.

epic overview

Exports per epic the total workdays logged. Structure of CSV file:


epic overview by person

Exports by epic and person the total number of workdays logged.


issues without epic assigned

Exports the Jira issues on which time is logged but which have no epic assigned. Purpose of this is to spot if there are issues which should have been assigned to an epic but they are not.

Structure of CSV:


Time by work type

This exporter supports exporting time spent per type of work. The different types of work can be defined by adding labels to the JIRA issues that look like this: worktype:<name>.

We for example have defined following work types:

  • worktype:software_development
  • worktype:operational_support
  • worktype:project_management
  • ...

This can be useful to for example find out how much time was spent on planned vs unplanned work.

work type overview summary

Exports a CSV file with a single record with structure:


It shows the total workdays logged and the total workdays logged on jira issues which have a worktype label. If you expect that every issue has a 'work type' defined this shows you for which percentage of the logged time a work type is missing.

work type overview

Exports a CSV with the total workdays logged per work type. Structure:


work type overview per person

Exports a CSV file with the time spent per work type per person.

Structure of the CSV file:


issues without work type assigned

Exports a CSV file with the JIRA issues on which time is logged but which don't have a work type assigned. This allows you to add a work type to these issues so you can generate more accurate results.


Flow efficiency by epic

This exporter calculates the flow efficiency per epic and also exports a PlantUML Gantt chart which shows how time was spent on epics.

'Work in progress' overview Gantt chart

We create a PlantUML Gantt chart file (extension .pu) that visualizes how time was spent on an epic. When time was logged for a particular day, the day will be coloured on the Gantt chart. The days for which no time was logged remain blank. In this way it becomes visually clear if we continuously worked on a specific epic and probably have a high flow efficiency or if there were a lot of breaks and gaps in the chart.


Flow efficiency by epic

For each of the epics we calculate the flow efficiency.

To calculate the flow efficiency per epic we take the first and last worklog for the epic within our time range and we calculate the number of workdays between both dates (we only take monday - friday into account). This is considered total time.

Next we calculate the actual time logged in the same period. This is considered active time.

We calculate flow efficiency by: active time / total time = flow efficiency

The CSV export format looks like this:


Python - set up

You'll need Python 3.9 or higher.

Set-up you virtual env for the project:

python3 -m venv venv

Run source venv/bin/activate to set up the python environment

Install dependencies as specified in requirements.txt: pip install -r requirements.txt

Python - running tests

Run all unit tests: python -m unittest Run individual unit test: python -m work_exposure.tests.test_jira_api

Generating the exports

Before you generate the exports you have to generate a config file named worklog_based_export.ini in the main directory of this repository. The file looks like this:

# The dates in between to export metrics.
fromDate = 2022-04-15 00:00:00.000+02:00
toDate = 2022-10-07 00:00:00.000+02:00

# Jira api details. We don't support storing the password (api token) in the config file. You will be asked to provide it at runtime.
jiraBaseUrl =
jiraUser =
# The label prefix that will be used to get the work type classification or an issue. For example if the prefix = worktype: and you want a work type classification of 'operational_support'
# you should add following label to the issues that you want to classify as operational_support: worktype:operational_support
# Supports excluding epics. List comma separated list of epic keys.

The password (API token) for the user isn't in the config file and will be asked when you start to script:


Adding work classifications to JIRA issues in bulk

When you run the export there will be a file exported with the JIRA issues for which work was logged but which don't have a work classification label. The file is named worktype_overview_issues_without_worktype_from_<fromDate_until_<toDate>.csv and it has following content:

OD-7267|Description of JIRA ticket
OD-7268|Description of JIRA ticket

If you want to classify all your JIRA issues which had work logs to get a more accurate view on where the time was spent you probably want to add work classification labels to these JIRA issues.

You can do this in bulk by using This Python script expects a file that looks like the file described above but with one additional field added to it (label):

OD-7267|Description of JIRA ticket|worktype:operational_support
OD-7268|Description of JIRA ticket|worktype:defect_work

For each of the records in the file the script will add the label to the corresponding JIRA issue after which you can rerun worklog_based_export_py to get updated data taking into account the new work classifications.

For example if you add the labels to the originally exported file you can add the labels in bulk by executing:

python3 worktype_overview_issues_without_worktype_from_<fromDate_until_<toDate>.csv

This script will also use the worklog_based_export.ini file to get the JIRA URL and user name and just like with you will be asked for the user password / API token.


Exposes a team's work by exporting metrics from JIRA


Language:Python 100.0%