krishneelkamalsingh / Custom-FrontEnd-Validation

Custom Front End Validation with jquery

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



i have used bootstrap to give the form an appealing look (dont really need bootstrap to make it work) in order to use include this files in your html file

<link rel="stylesheet" href="validation.css">

<script src=""></script>
<script src="validation.js"></script>

there are 5 parameters accepted by validationForm function:

  1. Parameter One The id of the field you need to validate but if it is a radio element or a select element (drop-down) you need to pass its name in the first parameter (String)

  2. Parameter Two The id of the place you want your Validation message to show (String)

  3. Parameter Three The type of validation you need to do (String)

  4. Parameter Four (optional) The type of input field you need to validate (String)

  5. Parameter Five (optional) This parameter enables users to choose weather they want the success messages to show under the radio element or select element (Boolean)

More on parameter two:: Types of Validation

    <input type="text" id="exampleID" name="exampleName" />
    <span id="exampleMessage"></span>
    //single upload
    <input class="upload-file" type="file" name="exampleUploadName" id="exampleUploadId"/>
    <span id="exampleUploadMessage"></span>
    <input class="upload-file" type="file" name="exampleMultiUploadName" id="exampleMultiUploadId" multiple/>
    <span id="exampleMultiUploadMessage"></span>
    <input autocomplete="off" type="radio" class="custom-control-input" id="num_1" value="num_1"   name="radioboxes">
 <input autocomplete="off" type="radio" class="custom-control-input" id="num_2" value="num_2"   name="radioboxes">
 <span id="radioboxesMsg"></span>
 <input type="checkbox" name="myCheckBoxes" value="checkbox One" >
 <input type="checkbox" name="myCheckBoxes" value="checkbox Two">
 <span id="myCheckBoxesMsg"></span>
 //select (drop down)
 <select id="select" name="mySelect">  
 <option selected value="">Open this select menu</option>  
 <option value="1">One</option>  
 <option value="2">Two</option>  
 <option value="3">Three</option>  
<div id="selectMsg"></div>
Description Snippet Explanation
field is required validationForm("exampleID","exampleMessage","required") Write the id as first parameter and the place where message will be displayed as the second parameter then writed required followed by a pipe symbol. this will mean that the field is required.
minimum characters and field is required `validationForm('exampleID', 'exampleMessage', "required min:2")`
Only Alphabets validationForm('exampleID', 'exampleMessage', "alpha") This means that the form will only be submitted if the charactersare alphabets
Only numbers validationForm('exampleID', 'exampleMessage', "numeric") This means that the form will only be submitted if the characters in the field are numbers
email validationForm('exampleID', 'exampleMessage', "email") This means that the form will only be submitted if its a valid email address
single file upload `validationForm('exampleUploadId', 'exampleUploadMessage', "required file:[png,jpg,jpeg]
Multi file upload `validationForm('exampleMultiUploadId', 'exampleMultiUploadMessage', "required multifile:[png,jpg,jpeg]
radio buttons validationForm('radioboxes', 'radioboxesMsg', "required", 'radio',true) the first parameter requires the name of the radio box, the second parameter requires where the message would be shown, the third parameter requires the type of validation which will be usually `required
Check Box validationForm('myCheckBoxes', 'myCheckBoxesMsg', "required",'checkbox',false) the first parameter requires the name of the checkbox, the second parameter requires where the message would be shown, the third parameter requires the type of validation which will be usually `required
Select (drop down) validationForm('select', 'selectMsg', "required",'select',false) the first parameter requires the ID of the select , the second parameter requires where the message would be shown, the third parameter requires the type of validation which will be usually `required
-- -- --

How to check if all validation has passed

since the validationForm() function returns a Boolean you can store it in a array like so:

let isvalid = []; // make an array
isvalid.push(validationForm('exampleID', 'exampleMessage', "alpha|"));
isvalid.push(validationForm('select', 'selectMsg', "required|",'select',false));
isvalid.push(validationForm('exampleMultiUploadId', 'exampleMultiUploadMessage', "required|multifile:[png,jpg,jpeg]|multiFileSize:2]"))

//and then you can check if the array contains any 'false'

if (jQuery.inArray("false", isvalid) != -1) {  
  // if false is found in the array  
} else {
//if all validation passes you can perform your form submission or Ajax call:

you can see the demo here Demo


Custom Front End Validation with jquery


Language:JavaScript 61.8%Language:HTML 28.5%Language:CSS 9.7%